Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

That was not the reason. The cases were dismissed because the evidence would have proven fraud.
If that were true, you yourself would have the capacity to pull it up on line and post it here. You can't. Why? Because you are a liar.
Yes, everyone had a vested interest in getting rid of Trump. The corrupt at every level and every branch of government were looking at their demise if Trump won another term. Those kind of things make friends out of enemies.
The way they got rid of him on Jan 6th was just icing on the cake.
Washington is corrupt.....and they were pissed that Trump was trying to stop them from getting away with their corruption.
The way they got rid of him on Jan 6th was just icing on the cake.
Washington is corrupt.....and they were pissed that Trump was trying to stop them from getting away with their corruption.
So you're saying Trump is the new moral authority of the right wing. Interesting. Let me know how that amoralistic vision works for you.
How many actually believe the lie advanced by Trump? I'd say off all the people that SAY they believe the vote was rigged, there are really probably only 20% of them that really believe it (the true nut jobs). The others just go along with it to fall in line. When voting time comes, most of them will vote. But I guess you're right to an extent. There will be a few that wont vote. But i think you're overestimating the numbers.
Trump got 71 million votes in 2020. Even going with your 20% estimate, that would be over 14 million idiots who believe that. If only 5% don't bother to vote, that's 700,000 fewer votes for Republican candidates. That could certainly help Democrats win some races.

Again, there's already a track record for this -- the 2021 Georgia runoffs for Senate where Republicans lost both seats and handed control of the Senate to Democrats.
So you constantly saying there was voter fraud yet not enough to sway the election, you dont think you're being disingenuous and giving the nut jobs fuel? I certainly do. And I'm sure others would say the same thing.

yet nobody but you does. Nobody but you thought I was on the side of the "election was stolen"

When you are the only one that is this confused, chances are the problem is you.
There is evidence. Multiple ballots were sent to individuals. That is a fact. If those all came back there is a shitload of illegal ballots.

Did they send them all back? IF is not evidence.

And how many households got multiple ballots? Give me a specific number
Show us the stats where he didn't.
Well....he only won 1 bellweather district out of 19....he won fewer counties than any presidential candidate in the last 30 years....most of the votes Biden needed to win states came from one or two counties in the whole state like in WI, GA, PA, AZ. Nevermind the fact that the down votes for Republicans didn't match the vote totals for president. Usually voters vote for a president, senators, and congressmembers of the same party.....but in 2020 that didn't happen. Trump was more popular than GOP members of congress yet for some weird reason they did much better than he did.....which means somebody fudged the vote totals to get Biden in the WH.

The way they got rid of him on Jan 6th was just icing on the cake.
Washington is corrupt.....and they were pissed that Trump was trying to stop them from getting away with their corruption.
What corruption? There is no proven corruption by the Left. So, the question is, why are you lying?
yet nobody but you does. Nobody but you thought I was on the side of the "election was stolen"

When you are the only one that is this confused, chances are the problem is you.
You'll never get it. Sorry I dont keep track of evidently all the times you've explained your position. Fact is you saying there was election fraud means different things to different people. To the nut jobs, it reinforces their belief the election was stolen. Are you actually denying that?
Not really accurate because on party pushed their people to use the mail in ballots and the other side scared their folks away from using them. Thus no matter where they came from they were always going to favor the Dems as it was the Dems that were most apt to use the mail in ballot system.

Republicans in my state and a few others had no choice but to vote mail in ballot.

My state along with some others are 100% mail in ballot. My state has been since 2005.

We have not had any wide spread fraud in my state.

If the republicans in my state are honest they will say that mail in voting doesn't cause wide spread fraud.

That is IF they are honest.

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LOL! That's just proof there was no corruption you idiot.
Is that what you think? A weaponized DOJ and FBI just will not investigate. The corruption is in plain sight. Biden and son are just on the long list of people above the law. You remain on the list of total morons.
Well....he only won 1 bellweather district out of 19....he won fewer counties than any presidential candidate in the last 30 years....most of the votes Biden needed to win states came from one or two counties in the whole state like in WI, GA, PA, AZ. Nevermind the fact that the down votes for Republicans didn't match the vote totals for president. Usually voters vote for a president, senators, and congressmembers of the same party.....but in 2020 that didn't happen. Trump was more popular than GOP members of congress yet for some weird reason they did much better than he did.....which means somebody fudged the vote totals to get Biden in the WH.

Okay, so Trump called it a landslide, which it wasn't. Biden had the same electoral votes. Was Trump wrong calling it a landslide? This is what we need to understand?

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