Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

^^^ more lies.

Every case that was thrown out was thrown out due to lack of evidence, lack of merit, or lack of standing.
More bullshit and GOP plaintiff prevailed on 14 of the 21 cases decided on the merits.
You do not speak for Republicans. You can barely speak for yourself. There was massive and obvious fraud. The cover up and the lie has failed.

You can cry fraud all you want but every canvass, every count, every recount, every audit has proved there was no widespread fraud. Now we get to add Wisconsin to the list to laugh at you.
It's a thought, but then, so many of the others are about like him, I'd eventually block them all. No, I'd rather watch them fall flat by making idiots of themselves. Which is exactly what they do. Some more outrageous than others. But in the end, when you see that the only person left on the board is your own, you realize they left because of their own grievances, failures, hate, lies, and misinformation. Which can go only so far. They won't admit it, but I see that as a success. Clearing the board of the losers, cheaters, and liars on here proves who controls the board and the narrative. And who controls the board? Those who tell the truth and provide accurate information. It's always a winning combination. Pay attention in future threads. They eventually clear out once they are cornered with their lies.
The crazy right wingers will never leave. Their mental illness prevents them from doing so. They need reassurance from the other nut jobs that they arent mentally ill ie someone else thinks like them, so they MUST be sane. You'll never run out of nut jobs on here. Trust me I've got at least 30 blocked and it's just an endless supply.

Yeah sure they eventually leave the thread. But they just move on to the next lie or conspiracy. So you thinking you're going to cure the world of these psychos is pretty much a fantasy in and of itself.
I agree it is important to be precise in your language. Because fuck ups like you give fuel to the right wing nut jobs when you say there was voter fraud. Why dont you say there was statistically insignificant voter fraud? For example, in Texas there were less than 30 cases of "voter fraud" out of 9 million votes. Not important enough to change voter laws. Or better yet, not even mention it because like I said, all you are doing is muddying the waters. Seemingly, that's what you want to accomplish.

The better solution would be for you to head back to school and get your GED and take a couple reading comprehension classes. There is not a soul on this forum but you that is confused by my position on the election. I have been refuting the false Info put out by the Trumpers for a year now, and you somehow how cannot figure how my position.

You can cry fraud all you want but every canvass, every count, every recount, every audit has proved there was no widespread fraud. Now we get to add Wisconsin to the list to laugh at you.
Those were done by corrupt politicians and Dominion was present at the audits. The audits and recounts have no credibility.
The better solution would be for you to head back to school and get your GED and take a couple reading comprehension classes. There is not a soul on this forum but you that is confused by my position on the election. I have been refuting the false Info put out by the Trumpers for a year now, and you somehow how cannot figure how my position.
So you constantly saying there was voter fraud yet not enough to sway the election, you dont think you're being disingenuous and giving the nut jobs fuel? I certainly do. And I'm sure others would say the same thing.
More bullshit and GOP plaintiff prevailed on 14 of the 21 cases decided on the merits.

FruitLoops... none of those were about election fraud. In fact, only one of those was even filed after the election. All the rest were to sort out procedural issues. And even the one filed after the election was to get poll watchers to be allowed to stand closer to the ballot cutters and counters.

You truly reside in a make-believe world where up is down.
I would love to see them all counted early. The states that forbid them from even starting to be counted till the election was over were just fucking stupid.
We agree. Count but just don’t release the data. Seems simple. But none should be counted post the physical election deadline.
How can you claim there were not?
Because again, if there were fraudulent ballots, there would have been more votes than voters.

And despite being challenged to prove there were more votes than voters, you have not produced even one single such case.

Not one.

If you weren't full of shit, you'd be able to show at least one.
So you constantly saying there was voter fraud yet not enough to sway the election, you dont think you're being disingenuous and giving the nut jobs fuel? I certainly do. And I'm sure others would say the same thing.
I disagree he gives others fuel. GG has been an asshole but a consistent one.
Because again, if there were fraudulent ballots, there would have been more votes than voters.

And despite being challenged to prove there were more votes than voters, you have not produced even one single such case.

Not one.

If you weren't full of shit, you'd be able to show at least one.
Why do you insist on giving these nut jobs any sense of power? It's not up to them to prove there was fraud. Stop enabling these animals.
Those were done by corrupt politicians and Dominion was present at the audits. The audits and recounts have no credibility.
Of course, because to you, everyone is in on the conspiracy. :cuckoo:

the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted ... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... Lin Wood can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the pillow guy can't be trusted ... Cyber Ninja's can't be trusted ... the Arizona audit can't be trusted ... the Wisconsin audit can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...

But Donald Trump can be trusted.
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Why do you insist on giving these nut jobs any sense of power? It's not up to them to prove there was fraud. Stop enabling these animals.
Aside from finding this all very entertaining, I also believe their election delusions will help Democrats get elected.

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