Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

I stopped reading at the mention of "infowars".
I am used to your kind. No one has the time to point out why your own credibility is really what's on trial here. Hope you are doing well.

Not really accurate because on party pushed their people to use the mail in ballots and the other side scared their folks away from using them. Thus no matter where they came from they were always going to favor the Dems as it was the Dems that were most apt to use the mail in ballot system.

Not that I expected anyone here to read it, but the scientist who did the study is not even arguing that mail-in ballots favored the democrat. It is the change in ratios of mail-in ballots that came in late night. Allegedly, all mail-in ballots have to be in at a certain time (that was violated) and all mail-in ballots are to be mixed together so no matter which precinct they may have come from, when mixed together the ratio between Dem and Repub in the count should never deviate much from beginning to end. Well, they do deviate greatly later in the night in the swing states. He calls this statistically fraudulent. So do I. In Wisconsin's case, it was simply illegal what they did with late mail-ins after the deadline.

Infowars ? Please get help.
I suppose that this is the level that the steal nutters have sunk to now.

I hardly know ye, Tommy. But I think I know enough. You have no interest in listening to reason. You can do that as long as one isolates themselves in a bubble.
RINOs are not a stretch, they are a reality. That is why Incest Joe was installed.
I'm sure there are RINO's. Only they're not who you claim they are. To you, anyone on the right, no matter how staunch a Republican, who finds the election was not stolen, is a RINO.

And don't kid yourself for an instant into believing posters here don't see through your lame excuses.
You dont agree with what I said because you still insist there was some level of fraud (which hasnt been proven in court).

I dont consider the odd case of Jim Bob voting twice even worth mentioning. What trump is talking about is there was systemic fraud involving hundreds of thousands of votes and possibly a conspiracy to prevent him from remaining in office between dems and repubs. You and I both know what "fraud" means in this instance. And it's not about Jim Bob voting for his pet dog. Stop being insincere.

So why bring it up? Unless you are purposely trying to further muddy the waters.....
Things have not been proven it court because the courts will not hear any case that might prove fraud. That is a fact.
I dont consider the odd case of Jim Bob voting twice even worth mentioning. What trump is talking about is there was systemic fraud involving hundreds of thousands of votes and possibly a conspiracy to prevent him from remaining in office between dems and repubs. You and I both know what "fraud" means in this instance. And it's not about Jim Bob voting for his pet dog. Stop being insincere.

I am not the one being insincere, you are being a fucking moron. you are the only one here confused by my position on this.

But the reason you mention Jim Bob and the rest is because if you say "there was no fraud" then as soon as there is one case proven all those that think the election was stolen will come back to you and go "you said there was NO fraud, but here is a case of it".

Thus it is important to be precise in the language you use, do not give the big steal idiots any ammo to use.

You and I agree 100% on that what Trump and his followers are claiming is bullshit.
They'll NEVER get over it. They'll be on their deathbeds still screaming that trump won in 2020. Pathetic losers.
I hope so. I still laugh at Birthers and Truthers. Sadly though, through the passage of time, lack of proof, and ridicule, they rarely pop their ugly heads up anymore.
Fix is simple. All mail in ballots must be in and counted BEFORE the physical election. Problem solved in terms of optics. Worked well in VA.

I would love to see them all counted early. The states that forbid them from even starting to be counted till the election was over were just fucking stupid.
I'm sure there are RINO's. Only they're not who you claim they are. To you, anyone on the right, no matter how staunch a Republican, who finds the election was not stolen, is a RINO.

And don't kid yourself for an instant into believing posters here don't see through your lame excuses.
You do not speak for Republicans. You can barely speak for yourself. There was massive and obvious fraud. The cover up and the lie has failed.
It's not indoctrination if you aren't smart enough and honest enough to prove it's indoctrination. Dude, for your own sake, leave. You are making an idiot out of yourself with stupid talk.
You guys are weird. I agree with you and you don't even notice.
Why even address that loser? I have him on block for a reason.
It's a thought, but then, so many of the others are about like him, I'd eventually block them all. No, I'd rather watch them fall flat by making idiots of themselves. Which is exactly what they do. Some more outrageous than others. But in the end, when you see that the only person left on the board is your own, you realize they left because of their own grievances, failures, hate, lies, and misinformation. Which can go only so far. They won't admit it, but I see that as a success. Clearing the board of the losers, cheaters, and liars on here proves who controls the board and the narrative. And who controls the board? Those who tell the truth and provide accurate information. It's always a winning combination. Pay attention in future threads. They eventually clear out once they are cornered with their lies.
I am not the one being insincere, you are being a fucking moron. you are the only one here confused by my position on this.

But the reason you mention Jim Bob and the rest is because if you say "there was no fraud" then as soon as there is one case proven all those that think the election was stolen will come back to you and go "you said there was NO fraud, but here is a case of it".

Thus it is important to be precise in the language you use, do not give the big steal idiots any ammo to use.

You and I agree 100% on that what Trump and his followers are claiming is bullshit.
I agree it is important to be precise in your language. Because fuck ups like you give fuel to the right wing nut jobs when you say there was voter fraud. Why dont you say there was statistically insignificant voter fraud? For example, in Texas there were less than 30 cases of "voter fraud" out of 9 million votes. Not important enough to change voter laws. Or better yet, not even mention it because like I said, all you are doing is muddying the waters. Seemingly, that's what you want to accomplish.
Really? Then why wasn't everyone shot? You are a dumbass. It was a protest to have a fraudulent election investigated before it was certified. Congress was offered a chance with a process used in the late 1800's, they refused. I wonder why? If there was no fraud the ten day investigation would only delay the certification, not stop it.
You really are pathetically stupid not to know the answer to that....

Because she was the only one who tried to climb past the police barricade between the violent mob and lawmakers still holed up in the House chamber.

You're missing out on all the fun.
Because quite frankly there are a lot of these looney tunes right wing nut jobs that need serious mental help on here. Many of those I've blocked. I actually had one of them admit he's been in therapy for 30 years....and he was actually one of the more sane people on the right that I've spoken with on here. At least he had the balls to admit he's mentally ill. The rest of these nut jobs will never get any sort of help. Engaging with them to have some type of civil discourse is nearly impossible. And I really dont get enjoyment with making the lives of mentally ill people worse. They need help. Once I firmly realize they are mentally ill, I put them on ignore and move on to the next one.
Things have not been proven it court because the courts will not hear any case that might prove fraud. That is a fact.
^^^ more lies.

Every case that was thrown out was thrown out due to lack of evidence, lack of merit, or lack of standing.

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