Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

Of course, because to you, everyone is in on the conspiracy. :cuckoo:

the Department of Justice can't be trusted ...voters can’t be trusted ... the poll workers can’t be trusted ... the voting machines can’t be trusted ... the canvasing boards can't be trusted ... the recounts can't be trusted ... the audits can't be trusted ... Democrats can't be trusted ... Republicans can't be trusted ... the media can’t be trusted ... the news can't be trusted ... Sydney Powell can't be trusted ... Lin Wood can't be trusted ... William Barr can’t be trusted ... Christopher Wray can't be trusted ... the guy who was in charge of election security can’t be trusted ... Georgia's Republican Secretary of State can't be trusted ... Gabriel Sterling, his Republican COO and Trump voter, can't be trusted ... the Republican-led Maricopa board of elections can't be trusted ... Mike Pence can't be trusted ... the pillow guy can't be trusted ... Cyber Ninja's can't be trusted ... the lower courts can’t be trusted ... the appellate courts can’t be trusted ... the Supreme Court can’t be trusted ... the United States Congress can't be trusted ...
But Donald Trump can be trusted.
Yes, everyone had a vested interest in getting rid of Trump. The corrupt at every level and every branch of government were looking at their demise if Trump won another term. Those kind of things make friends out of enemies.
There is evidence. Multiple ballots were sent to individuals. That is a fact. If those all came back there is a shitload of illegal ballots.


Yeah, let's call the election stolen based on, "IF."

Yes everyone had a vested interest in getting rid of Trump. The corruption at every level and every branch of government were looking at their demise if Trump won another term. Those kind of things make friends out of enemies.
Yep some of the Swamp members were only on a 3rd term it takes a while to build up enough corruption to be a millionaire.
There is evidence. Multiple ballots were sent to individuals. That is a fact. If those all came back there is a shitload of illegal ballots.
How will you get justice when the whole world is against you ? Only you and trump can be trusted in this and he stole money from kids with cancer.
Aside from finding this all very entertaining, I also believe their election delusions will help Democrats get elected.
Why? Because people are getting sick of them? Eh I beg to differ. Disillusioned and desperate people that have low intelligence levels or education levels will grasp on to anything. Why do you think this segment of the population is growing?
Yes, everyone had a vested interest in getting rid of Trump. The corrupt at every level and every branch of government were looking at their demise if Trump won another term. Those kind of things make friends out of enemies.
Exactly! Authoritarianism is a vested interest every American should be concerned about. And that's a big reason why he lost.
Why? Because people are getting sick of them? Eh I beg to differ. Disillusioned and desperate people that have low intelligence levels or education levels will grasp on to anything. Why do you think this segment of the population is growing?
No, because many who believe the elections are rigged will abstain from voting because they'll feel like there's no point. It already happened. Republicans lost the Senate for that very reason. If they want to be so stupid they cancel themselves out, I have no problem helping them.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Dude, critical thinking just ain't your bag.
Another ding bat I have on ignore. But I looked at his post. And you're right. The guy thinks that someone like Santa Claus with a big bag comes into the vote counting building, dumps all the ballots on a table and are counted. End of story. He cant imagine that votes are checked to see that the person hasnt voted twice or that it's impossible to vote in person and by mail. Just living in some la la land.
Another ding bat I have on ignore. But I looked at his post. And you're right. The guy thinks that someone like Santa Claus with a big bag comes into the vote counting building, dumps all the ballots on a table and are counted. End of story. He cant imagine that votes are checked to see that the person hasnt voted twice or that it's impossible to vote in person and by mail. Just living in some la la land.
The whole forum only exists so you can put people on ignore. It is what intolerant idiots do.
Why? Because people are getting sick of them? Eh I beg to differ. Disillusioned and desperate people that have low intelligence levels or education levels will grasp on to anything. Why do you think this segment of the population is growing?
Because the Right cultivates ignorance, hate, and misinformation to fit their cause. And what is their cause? Money, power, and control. And they know Trump's cultists will take all that bad information, hook, line, and sinker.
No, because many who believe the elections are rigged will abstain from voting because they'll feel like there's no point. It already happened. Republicans lost the Senate for that very reason. If they want to be so stupid they cancel themselves out, I have no problem helping them.
How many actually believe the lie advanced by Trump? I'd say off all the people that SAY they believe the vote was rigged, there are really probably only 20% of them that really believe it (the true nut jobs). The others just go along with it to fall in line. When voting time comes, most of them will vote. But I guess you're right to an extent. There will be a few that wont vote. But i think you're overestimating the numbers.

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