Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

Believing we elected The Frail One and Cackles so we have to live with them is indoctrination? Where do I sign up to see that ugly truth vanish?
It's not indoctrination if you aren't smart enough and honest enough to prove it's indoctrination. Dude, for your own sake, leave. You are making an idiot out of yourself with stupid talk.
Of course we can, there are all sorts of claims that are made that we can research.

Here are a few examples of how this can be done.

I was open to the idea of fraud at the end of the election.

As such I watched some of the early hearings on the election and possible theft, I was open to the idea it could have happened.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies, a fancy word for outliers. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he used a lot of words but did not really say anything except a few lies about population growth and voter numbers. I did the math and he was wrong. Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.
Until it's proven in a court of law anything you say about your "research" is meaningless.

If you are a data analyst I feel sorry for whoever hired you. A "sure sign of fraud". No, dipshit. It's called an anomaly. As a data analyst you should know that an anomaly does not presuppose fraud. So that tells me right there you are either lying about being a data analyst or you are completely inept in your profession.
A lot can happen in a year. Even now the economy is much improved and if the supply chain problems that are left get worked out the biggest thing people will have to harp on will be inflation. But next fall when you compare prices to the 2021 prices inflation will be much smaller more than likely.

You're far more faithful in the Democrats than I am. I said from day one that they would fail miserably and I haven't been disappointed yet.

In fact, I take sadistic pleasure in watching them fail every day.
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Until it's proven in a court of law anything you say about your "research" is meaningless.

Odd coming from the side that has not had a single thing proven a court of law yet still believe it all to be true.

If you are a data analyst I feel sorry for whoever hired you. A "sure sign of fraud". No, dipshit. It's called an anomaly. As a data analyst you should know that an anomaly does not presuppose fraud. So that tells me right there you are either lying about being a data analyst or you are completely inept in your profession.

I am not the one that said it was a sure sign of fraud your flipping moron, can you not read? The guy at the hearing in Ga said that.
You're far more faithful in the Democrats than I am. I said from day one that they would fail miserably and I haven't been disappointed yet.
Based on what Biden inherited, low unemployment, stimulus, infrastructure, vaccines, that's not failing miserably. Your ability to use critical thinking is little to none.
In your shortsightedness, you're missing one important detail. Trump's low approval rate was measured during the worst part of a global pandemic.

Biden is supposed to be overseeing the end of the pandemic and the recovery. For Joe Biden to have this low of an approval rating during his so-called "recovery" spell nothing but disaster for his presidency, as well as any hopes of you Democrats winning in 2022 and 2024.

Joe Biden isn't going to pull any amazing magical tricks out of his ass, and suddenly turn this country around. He and you Democrats are pretty much toast. Get ready for it, because you're being set up for a massacre.
Who cares WHY trumps August 2020 approval rating was 38%. You're the one questioning why trump lost. And you said yourself nobody with a 30something approval rating could get elected. So you just admitted trump could not have won the election with a 38% approval rating. Man, you're stupid.
You're far more faithful in the Democrats than I am. I said from day one that they would fail miserably and I haven't been disappointed yet.

It has nothing to do with the Democrats, it will happen despite them, not because of them. It is the way of a capitalistic society.
Odd coming from the side that has not had a single thing proven a court of law yet still believe it all to be true.
Not this again for the umteenth time. It's not on us to prove a negative, which, by the way, cant be proven. If people make the accusation of fraud it's on THEM to prove it. Nobody can prove a negative. That's basic logic.

I am not the one that said it was a sure sign of fraud your flipping moron, can you not read? The guy at the hearing in Ga said that.
Yet you didnt disagree with the statement. In fact, you were using it to prove your point there could be fraud. Again, an anomaly in data does not presuppose fraud.
YOu mean all your crazy talk? You said you believe there was cheating because you believe democrats cheat. Ok prove it in a court. Nobody gives two fucks what your opinion of democrats is. If you cant prove it in a court of law, sit down and shut up already.
And therein lies your insanity. You're on an internet debate board where people are perfectly free to express their opinions. Tell me, how has it worked out for you to tell people to, and I quote, "sit down and shut up already"? I don't have to prove my opinion to anyone, much less in court, because it's my opinion. You seem to have lost sight of that. Tell us, when did you notice that trait in yourself, was it before or after the TRUMP! doll hurt you?
Not this again for the umteenth time. It's not on us to prove a negative, which, by the way, cant be proven. If people make the accusation of fraud it's on THEM to prove it. Nobody can prove a negative. That's basic logic.

Dude, I am on the side of there was not enough fraud to to sway the election. We are on the same fucking side of this it seems. I say the election was not stolen.

Yet you didnt disagree with the statement. In fact, you were using it to prove your point there could be fraud. Again, an anomaly in data does not presuppose fraud.

I used it to prove that looking deeper into the data showed that it was not fraud, and that it is even not that rare. If it were truly as rare as the guy claimed then it would have been a good reason to look even deeper. But it was not. This is what you do with an outlier, you look in to it and see if it seems valid or not.

You truly suck at this reading thing
Its not nonsense...there were too many new rules made...many were illegal....too many problems at blue district ballot centers...blocking access to GOP poll watchers....ballots counted numerous times and then the data which would be the evidence you whine about not seeing was destroyed...illegally destroyed by the way....

Too many rules and laws ignored...we asked for a new election and was laughed at....if there was nothing fraudulent that would have been a good way to shut us up....

Why on Earth would we hold a second election? It's over. Git over it.

I did not know that such research was still going on. This conservative group must have more time than sense to persevere with such nonsense. What now for the Kraken ?

Does any adult actually still believe in this shit ?

They are using it as an excuse to pass laws to prevent democrats from voting.

That's all this is about.
Infowars ran a story this week where a scientist (who chooses to remain anonymous) did his own research based on mail-in ballots in swing states. I do not doubt what he is coming up with strongly indicates fraud. Basically, he said that mail-in ballots are supposed to be mixed all together no matter where they came from or when. Consequently, when they count the mail-in ballots the ratio between Dem and Repub should remain the same throughout the count because of the large sample size. He notes in a number of states where that ratio changed to greatly favor the Dem in the vote counts well past midnight. Statistically speaking, he said that suggests fraud. In Wisconsin’s case, they took mail-in ballots long after they were supposed to. That in itself is illegal, is it not? Even if this convinces no one, you and your own band of thieves on the left will never convince me this election was not stolen. The evidence is out there, so is the opposition to stop it. They do it all the time.

A most ineresting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden. Using time series data ‘scraped’ from the New York Times website, the data – comparing several states (swing and non-swing) – clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left ‘fingerprints of fraud’ as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

…This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.

Around 3am Wisconsin time, a fresh batch of 169k new absentee ballots arrived. They were supposed to stop accepting new ballots, but eh, whatever I guess.
— CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae) November 9, 2020 By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.

Infowars Article
Infowars ? Please get help.
I suppose that this is the level that the steal nutters have sunk to now.
Dude, I am on the side of there was not enough fraud to to sway the election. We are on the same fucking side of this it seems. I say the election was not stolen.

I used it to prove that looking deeper into the data showed that it was not fraud, and that it is even not that rare. If it were truly as rare as the guy claimed then it would have been a good reason to look even deeper. But it was not. This is what you do with an outlier, you look in to it and see if it seems valid or not.

You truly suck at this reading thing
Until it's proven in a court of law, there was no fraud. If it's proven in a court of law, I'll be the FIRST person to say trump didnt get a fair shake. I'm not on your side, You think there was fraud.

How do you know the anomaly wasnt looked into further? Were anomalies looked into with past elections? Why do you think there was fraud this election but not in every other election your participated in?
I'm not calling it anything. I do believe there was cheating because democrats cheat, but the election wasn't close enough that it likely mattered a whole lot. We elected The Frail One and Cackles, now we have to live with them.
Republicans cheat too so they cancel each other out.

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