Wisconsin Conservative Group Finds ‘No Evidence Of Widespread Fraud’ In 2020 Election

There was plenty of fraud, according to their findings...

WILL Issues Review of 2020 Election, Recommendations for Reform - Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty

WILL’s Findings on the 2020 Election in Wisconsin

It is almost certain that in Wisconsin’s 2020 election the number of votes that did not comply with existing legal requirements exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory.
  • As recently confirmed by the Legislative Audit Bureau, the widespread adoption of absentee ballot drop boxes, encouraged by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), runs afoul of state law requirements for the collection of absentee ballots.
  • This widespread adoption of absentee ballot drop boxes, not provided for under Wisconsin law, was correlated with an increase of about 20,000 votes for Joe Biden, while having no significant effect on the vote for Trump.
  • More than 265,000 Wisconsin voters adopted the ‘indefinitely confined’ status, meaning they received an absentee ballot and were exempt from the statewide photo ID requirements.
  • Many of these votes were cast unlawfully. Only those voters who are indefinitely confined “because of age, physical illness, or infirmity, or is disabled for an indefinite period” qualify. Fear of contracting a disease (such as COVID) does not qualify.
  • The votes cast by ‘indefinitely confined’ voters raise a number of red flags. 54,259 ballots were cast by individuals who have never shown a voter ID in any election. 3,718 were cast from addresses that were on the 2019 Mover’s List. 7,747 failed their DMV check when they registered.

A targeted review of a sampling of ballots found few issues.
  • A close review, including a hand count of roughly 20,000 ballots from 20 wards, uncovered no evidence of fraudulent ballots or widespread voter fraud.
  • Our hand review found that the counts closely matched those reported by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC). The review found no evidence of fraudulent ballots.
  • In many of the wards examined, WILL found a significant number of voters who voted for Biden and a Republican for Congress, while far fewer voters split the other way.
  • A review of 5,800 pages of election inspector statements, a formal procedure for poll workers to document key election statistics and incidents, revealed few issues.
We found limited instances in which ineligible persons voted or attempted to cast ballots.
  • This review uncovered approximately 300 instances where ineligible voters cast ballots or attempted to cast ballots.
  • We identified 130 voters across the state of Wisconsin who were flagged by Registration List Alerts for being a felon, but nonetheless cast a ballot in the November election.
  • We identified 42 ballots cast, statewide, by deceased voters. Nearly all were properly rejected.
  • We found no evidence of more than one vote being cast in the name of the same voter.
  • This review identified 129 instances of individuals voting from commercial addresses. All of these addresses were post offices or mailing centers.
Voter rolls were not properly maintained.
  • State and federal law requires Wisconsin to maintain accurate voter rolls. But the Wisconsin Elections Commission and local clerks refused to take the required steps in 2020 to remove outdated and inaccurate voter registrations—resulting in tens of thousands of active voter registrations tied to old addresses.
  • Thousands of votes were cast by individuals remaining on the active Mover’s List.
  • We found that 23,361 Wisconsin voters in 2020 cast ballots despite failing their DMV check this year, meaning their name, address, and/or birthdate doesn’t match what is on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  • We found that 31,664 Wisconsin voters were in the National Change of Address Database.

It is still not possible to infer fraud solely from these unlawfully cast votes or failure to maintain voter rolls.
There isn’t much, if any, evidence that these voters did anything intentionally wrong. In many instances, they seem to have relied on the advice of election officials.
  • It is unclear whether, had these ballots been disqualified, the results of the election would have changed.
  • We do believe that a coordinated effort to exploit the weaknesses created by this failure to follow the law would likely have resulted in some discernible anomaly.

Local practices were not uniform and, in some cases, may not have followed the law.
  • This review identified several practices by local election officials that are not uniform, and raise concerns about fair and equal treatment.
  • Absentee ballot rejection rates were substantially lower in 2020 than in previous presidential elections.
  • Due to the partisan split in absentee voting, WILL estimates that if absentee ballot rejection rates were similar to the rates in 2016, the final election margin would have narrowed by 6,000 votes – making a very close election even closer.
  • State law provides no legal authority for local election officials to fix, or “cure,” defects, mistakes, or missing information on absentee ballots. But the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) said they could—resulting in some municipalities curing ballots while others did not.
  • While there is a pre-determined allowable number of days available for in-person absentee voting applied statewide, there is no uniform standard of hours available for in-person absentee voting.
  • The Wisconsin Elections Commission unlawfully suspended the use of Special Voting Deputies for nursing homes and assisted living facilities in 2020—shrugging off standards in state law for the distribution and collection of absentee ballots in those settings.

We found that private funding of election operations had a partisan bias and impact.
  • Private grants for election administration from the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), a non-profit largely funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, resulted in an increase in turnout in five Wisconsin cities—all voting heavily for Democrat Joe Biden.
  • A statistical analysis finds significant increases in turnout for Democrats, approximately 8,000 votes statewide, as a result of the distribution of CTCL grants.
Ballot Harvesting
  • The legislature must clarify that ballot harvesting is illegal
  • Senate Bill 203, one of the election reform bills passed by the legislature and vetoed by Governor Evers, clarifies the individuals who can drop off a ballot for another person, including grandchildren, children, and spouses
You posted a Right-wing web site. Color me surprised. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden only won by 20,000 votes in Wisconsin. If the number of suspicious and fraudulent votes found in the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty report had been removed, it would have been an easy win for Trump.
Yet they arent bringing a court case. They can say whatever they want to the public. Presenting it in a court system is different.
Its not nonsense...there were too many new rules made...many were illegal....too many problems at blue district ballot centers...blocking access to GOP poll watchers....ballots counted numerous times and then the data which would be the evidence you whine about not seeing was destroyed...illegally destroyed by the way....

Too many rules and laws ignored...we asked for a new election and was laughed at....if there was nothing fraudulent that would have been a good way to shut us up....
Nothing will shut you animals up. You're living proof of that.
Nothing has been removed. You're still calling it cheating right?
I'm not calling it anything. I do believe there was cheating because democrats cheat, but the election wasn't close enough that it likely mattered a whole lot. We elected The Frail One and Cackles, now we have to live with them.
I'm not trying to change your mind...you are a left wing hack for lack of a better word...no offense meant...but I won't waste my time here...but I will voice my opinion on the 2020 election every chance I get...and FYI I have changed a few minds on this topic....
You already wasted your time and ours on here with insane lies that got you no where. Good Riddance!
Biden only won by 20,000 votes in Wisconsin. If the number of suspicious and fraudulent votes found in the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty report had been removed, it would have been an easy win for Trump.
Where these things have been checked the votes tend to go to Biden because it is the right who cheat. Biden was robbed of votes in Arizona.
Four years ago, conservative lawyer Rick Esenberg was having none of Donald Trump.

It was months before the Iowa caucuses would kick off the 2016 primaries, but Trump was already sucking up all the oxygen in the battle over which Republican would represent the party in the presidential race.

“The man is an embarrassment,” Esenberg wrote on his personal blog in August 2015. He dismissed the real estate mogul-turned-reality-TV-star’s campaign style as “playground bullying” and predicted a rapid fall in popularity.

“Trump does worse in two-way match-ups than almost anyone in the GOP field, and he will never get more support than what he has now. Sixty-two percent of the public say that they wouldn’t vote for him under any circumstance. And the support he has will erode.”
- Rick Esenberg, Founder of the group that produced this report, from 2015.

But he goes on to say he wasn't a never-Trumper. LOL.

I'm not calling it anything. I do believe there was cheating because democrats cheat, but the election wasn't close enough that it likely mattered a whole lot. We elected The Frail One and Cackles, now we have to live with them.
You believe something because you've been told a million times it is so. You have been indoctrinated. At this point, nobody can help you. Your mind is gone.
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Conservatives are cowards.

When presented with facts that prove them wrong, conservatives try to derail the topic with lies and deflections.
Hahahahahaha from the Duke of Deflections that is downright hilarious. You and your Poopeypants doofus are the laughing stock of the country, its okay to be embarrassed by your stupid mistake.
You believe something because you've been told a million times it is so. You have been indoctrinated. At this point, nobody can help you. Your mind is gone.
Believing we elected The Frail One and Cackles so we have to live with them is indoctrination? Where do I sign up to see that ugly truth vanish?
He doesn't have a clue. He'll be gone soon. He's been caught with too many lies. He'll need to reboot on another thread. He's been a serial liar from day one.
Trump had a 38% approval rating in August, so it's no surprise he lost the election. Just like right now if there were an election, Biden would probably lose with a 39% approval rating or whatever it is now.
Believing we elected The Frail One and Cackles so we have to live with them is indoctrination? Where do I sign up to see that ugly truth vanish?
Your mind is gone. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

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