Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.

Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.

Wow. Someone ^^^ needs a reality check. Bush made some mistakes? Nearly 5,000 American killed in Iraq, many, many more wounded and at an enormous cost to the taxpayer is hardly a "mistake". It was reckless, unnecessary and foolish.

Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.
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Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

The state of our state is strong and improving every day. The economy is dramatically better, and our finances are in great shape. Still, there is more work to be done.

Thankfully, the days of double-digit tax increases, billion-dollar deficits and major job loss are gone. We replaced them with massive tax cuts, growing budget surpluses and significant job growth. Wisconsin is going back to work.

We have some really great news about the economy and our fiscal situation. The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau recently verified that the state will have $911 million more than previously projected. These new revenues are not a one-time windfall, or budget gimmick, but come from a strong economic recovery, in which more people are working, more employers are hiring and personal income is going up. They also come from good stewardship of the taxpayers' money.

What do you do with a surplus? Give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money.

In my "state of the state" address on Wednesday, I outlined our "Blueprint for Prosperity," which puts more than $800 million back into the hands of the hardworking taxpayers all across the state through tax cuts and withholding changes.

First, the plan cuts property taxes by $406 million. This is four times larger than the property tax relief we passed last year, and it's vitally important in protecting working families, senior citizens, farmers and small businesses. The typical homeowner will see a reduction of $101 on his or her next property tax bill.

Second, our plan cuts income taxes by nearly $100 million. We're not going to leave anyone behind in this economic recovery, so this tax cut is targeted to the lowest income tax bracket. If you're a family making $40,000, your savings will be about $58 annually. No one will see bigger savings than that.

Third, I directed our secretary of the Department of Revenue, Rick Chandler, to reduce the amount of state income taxes withheld on paychecks by about $322 million starting April 1, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money. This will put more money back into the hands of consumers and continue to stimulate our state's economy. A typical family of four will see about $58 more in their paychecks every month. By the end of this year, that's more than $520.

In addition, the plan also places more than $100 million into the state's rainy day fund. With this addition, the fund will be seven times larger than it was at any other point before I took office.

As I mentioned before, this surplus is in large part due to a growing Wisconsin economy. According to quarterly and monthly job reports, more than 100,000 jobs have been created in Wisconsin since we took office. We want to build upon this significant growth, which is why our "Blueprint for Prosperity"

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers
Follow us: @JournalSentinel on Twitter
Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.

Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.

Wow. Someone ^^^ needs a reality check. Bush made some mistakes? Nearly 5,000 American killed in Iraq, many, many more wounded and at an enormous cost to the taxpayer is hardly a "mistake". It was reckless, unnecessary and foolish.

Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

Yes, Iraq was stupid waste of american lives and money--------both parties authorized and funded it, Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own. Everyone who voted in favor of that fiasco is responsible. We agree, it was reckless, unnecessary, and foolish.

Every one of the prominent democrats supported it, authorized it, and continued the funding of it. Now, we are pulling out and those american kids will have died for nothing, just like viet nam. Blaming it all on Bush is partisan nonsense, like blaming Viet Nam solely on Kennedy and Johnson.

Obama is a marxist collectivist------read his books, listen to his early speeches, look into his mentors. There is no question about his political philosophy.
Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

The state of our state is strong and improving every day. The economy is dramatically better, and our finances are in great shape. Still, there is more work to be done.

Thankfully, the days of double-digit tax increases, billion-dollar deficits and major job loss are gone. We replaced them with massive tax cuts, growing budget surpluses and significant job growth. Wisconsin is going back to work.

We have some really great news about the economy and our fiscal situation. The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau recently verified that the state will have $911 million more than previously projected. These new revenues are not a one-time windfall, or budget gimmick, but come from a strong economic recovery, in which more people are working, more employers are hiring and personal income is going up. They also come from good stewardship of the taxpayers' money.

What do you do with a surplus? Give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money.

In my "state of the state" address on Wednesday, I outlined our "Blueprint for Prosperity," which puts more than $800 million back into the hands of the hardworking taxpayers all across the state through tax cuts and withholding changes.

First, the plan cuts property taxes by $406 million. This is four times larger than the property tax relief we passed last year, and it's vitally important in protecting working families, senior citizens, farmers and small businesses. The typical homeowner will see a reduction of $101 on his or her next property tax bill.

Second, our plan cuts income taxes by nearly $100 million. We're not going to leave anyone behind in this economic recovery, so this tax cut is targeted to the lowest income tax bracket. If you're a family making $40,000, your savings will be about $58 annually. No one will see bigger savings than that.

Third, I directed our secretary of the Department of Revenue, Rick Chandler, to reduce the amount of state income taxes withheld on paychecks by about $322 million starting April 1, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money. This will put more money back into the hands of consumers and continue to stimulate our state's economy. A typical family of four will see about $58 more in their paychecks every month. By the end of this year, that's more than $520.

In addition, the plan also places more than $100 million into the state's rainy day fund. With this addition, the fund will be seven times larger than it was at any other point before I took office.

As I mentioned before, this surplus is in large part due to a growing Wisconsin economy. According to quarterly and monthly job reports, more than 100,000 jobs have been created in Wisconsin since we took office. We want to build upon this significant growth, which is why our "Blueprint for Prosperity"

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers
Follow us: @JournalSentinel on Twitter

the libs must continue to denigrate Walker and what he is done for Wis. For them to accept those facts would require them to admit that liberalism is a failure.
Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.

Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.

Wow. Someone ^^^ needs a reality check. Bush made some mistakes? Nearly 5,000 American killed in Iraq, many, many more wounded and at an enormous cost to the taxpayer is hardly a "mistake". It was reckless, unnecessary and foolish.

Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

Afghanistan-over 2000 Americans killed. Defeat.

Obama is a totalitarian simp. Sort of like you.
Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.

Wow. Someone ^^^ needs a reality check. Bush made some mistakes? Nearly 5,000 American killed in Iraq, many, many more wounded and at an enormous cost to the taxpayer is hardly a "mistake". It was reckless, unnecessary and foolish.

Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

Afghanistan-over 2000 Americans killed. Defeat.

Obama is a totalitarian simp. Sort of like you.

I have to disagree that Iraq was a victory. when we leave it will revert to what it was before we got there, a new Saddam will come to power and the radical muslims will have total control of the mideast.
Wow. Someone ^^^ needs a reality check. Bush made some mistakes? Nearly 5,000 American killed in Iraq, many, many more wounded and at an enormous cost to the taxpayer is hardly a "mistake". It was reckless, unnecessary and foolish.

Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

Afghanistan-over 2000 Americans killed. Defeat.

Obama is a totalitarian simp. Sort of like you.

I have to disagree that Iraq was a victory. when we leave it will revert to what it was before we got there, a new Saddam will come to power and the radical muslims will have total control of the mideast.

Because Obama fucked up the status of forces agreement. Had he done the right thing, instead of the easy and popular thing, we would have some troops stationed there to stabilize the place. We have a very long history of doing just that. But of course if Obama had done that he wouldnt be Obama.
Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.

GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Though to be fair, it's probably somewhat cherry picking to also evaluate the economy under Obama independently as well. I see the economic times and policies of the Bush administration very much connected to the recession that ended his Presidency, and our plight since then.

I always felt very uneasy with Bush's economic approach. I said back then that Bush's approach would artificially inflate the economy and that it would eventually collaps and lead to a painful and prolonged recovery. What I didn't understand back then was that the circumstances of those times were just as much fated as now. The recession was bound to happen, and the effect it would have on business would be to force the business world to adapt and learn how to accomplish more with less resources, less labor.

And that is the real problem that people on neither side really like to talk about. Our economy has been fundamentally changed. Companies aren't going to hire more people, because the new economy supplies without the extra labor. Now, the irony is that once upon a time, the number of jobs available relative to our population would have probably been considered a labor shortage. Back when our economy was structured on single income families. Nowadays, the economy is structured on two income households. Liberals complain that wages for the middle class have been going down for decades, well no wonder! The more women that entered the workforce, the lower wages have gotten. Businesses offer lower wages because people have settled for lower and lower wages for decades. Because for most of that time, the second income was alway extra. It wasn't money that was needed in order to pay bills and necessities.

Now, we're in the situation where business has managed to maximize output with fewer labor hours, but the majority of Americans are dependent on a two income household in order to simply make ends meet. We are going to have hard times ahead for many years still.
Afghanistan-over 2000 Americans killed. Defeat.

Obama is a totalitarian simp. Sort of like you.

I have to disagree that Iraq was a victory. when we leave it will revert to what it was before we got there, a new Saddam will come to power and the radical muslims will have total control of the mideast.

Because Obama fucked up the status of forces agreement. Had he done the right thing, instead of the easy and popular thing, we would have some troops stationed there to stabilize the place. We have a very long history of doing just that. But of course if Obama had done that he wouldnt be Obama.

True. But its not our job as a nation to be peacekeepers for the entire world. Why are we still in Germany and Japan?
Well, holy shit, joey boy, conservative policies work. always have, always will.

liberalism always fails, always has, always will.

You obviously don't spend a lot of time in Wisconsin, do you?

Or you'd know how silly you sound.

Wisconsin's economy is entirely supported by IL residents going there on vacation.

And Milwaukee and Green Bay are really pretty dismal places.

Wow you're clueless.

Manufacturing is the top industry in Wisconsin you idiot.

Wisconsin Economy at a Glance

Actually Trade Transportation and utilities was the largest industry(according to your link) which I assume would include people traveling to Wisconsin.
GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Though to be fair, it's probably somewhat cherry picking to also evaluate the economy under Obama independently as well. I see the economic times and policies of the Bush administration very much connected to the recession that ended his Presidency, and our plight since then.

I always felt very uneasy with Bush's economic approach. I said back then that Bush's approach would artificially inflate the economy and that it would eventually collaps and lead to a painful and prolonged recovery. What I didn't understand back then was that the circumstances of those times were just as much fated as now. The recession was bound to happen, and the effect it would have on business would be to force the business world to adapt and learn how to accomplish more with less resources, less labor.

And that is the real problem that people on neither side really like to talk about. Our economy has been fundamentally changed. Companies aren't going to hire more people, because the new economy supplies without the extra labor. Now, the irony is that once upon a time, the number of jobs available relative to our population would have probably been considered a labor shortage. Back when our economy was structured on single income families. Nowadays, the economy is structured on two income households. Liberals complain that wages for the middle class have been going down for decades, well no wonder! The more women that entered the workforce, the lower wages have gotten. Businesses offer lower wages because people have settled for lower and lower wages for decades. Because for most of that time, the second income was alway extra. It wasn't money that was needed in order to pay bills and necessities.

Now, we're in the situation where business has managed to maximize output with fewer labor hours, but the majority of Americans are dependent on a two income household in order to simply make ends meet. We are going to have hard times ahead for many years still.

I agree, Obama is not to blame, however neither is Bush, policies and choices made over the 80 years have put us where we are at today.
That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Though to be fair, it's probably somewhat cherry picking to also evaluate the economy under Obama independently as well. I see the economic times and policies of the Bush administration very much connected to the recession that ended his Presidency, and our plight since then.

I always felt very uneasy with Bush's economic approach. I said back then that Bush's approach would artificially inflate the economy and that it would eventually collaps and lead to a painful and prolonged recovery. What I didn't understand back then was that the circumstances of those times were just as much fated as now. The recession was bound to happen, and the effect it would have on business would be to force the business world to adapt and learn how to accomplish more with less resources, less labor.

And that is the real problem that people on neither side really like to talk about. Our economy has been fundamentally changed. Companies aren't going to hire more people, because the new economy supplies without the extra labor. Now, the irony is that once upon a time, the number of jobs available relative to our population would have probably been considered a labor shortage. Back when our economy was structured on single income families. Nowadays, the economy is structured on two income households. Liberals complain that wages for the middle class have been going down for decades, well no wonder! The more women that entered the workforce, the lower wages have gotten. Businesses offer lower wages because people have settled for lower and lower wages for decades. Because for most of that time, the second income was alway extra. It wasn't money that was needed in order to pay bills and necessities.

Now, we're in the situation where business has managed to maximize output with fewer labor hours, but the majority of Americans are dependent on a two income household in order to simply make ends meet. We are going to have hard times ahead for many years still.

I agree, Obama is not to blame, however neither is Bush, policies and choices made over the 80 years have put us where we are at today.

I blame Bush but he had help. And I blame Obama for letting the crooks get away.
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Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

for somebody who is ignorant of what Marxism is and who is brainwashed by the leftard media as you are - sure. But for those who actually know Marxism - he is a perfect marxist, deep to the core.
Calling Obama a Marxist is beyond ridiculous, it is insane.

for somebody who is ignorant of what Marxism is and who is brainwashed by the leftard media as you are - sure. But for those who actually know Marxism - he is a perfect marxist, deep to the core.

Truth time:

The vast majority of people haven't the first clue what Marxism is, and routinely misuse the term, most often as a synonym for socialism and/or Stalinism.
More people working. Huge surplus. People getting their money back. Exactly what is so bad?


Its kinda hard for lefties to admitt when a conservative does a super job and his constituants get some of THEIR money back.

Perhaps some of those Dem Gov's should catch a clue and copy Walker.

Oh wait. I forgot. Walkers a Rep and no way, no how would a Dem governor ever do something that works. Never mind.

I love the disconnect.

See if you can read my mind. I am thinking of a very well known policy that a Republican governor instituted in his state.....that is heralded by Democrats as a great achievement.

What am I thinking of?

When you come up with it.....will you amend your comments?

I'm sure the taxpayers won't give a rats ass about your "disconnect." I'm sure they will be glad to get some their money back. I know I would.
That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.

Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.

You have no idea how ridiculous you sound do you?
Things are looking up for WI while the Obama administration was in office.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

The state of our state is strong and improving every day. The economy is dramatically better, and our finances are in great shape. Still, there is more work to be done.

Thankfully, the days of double-digit tax increases, billion-dollar deficits and major job loss are gone. We replaced them with massive tax cuts, growing budget surpluses and significant job growth. Wisconsin is going back to work.

We have some really great news about the economy and our fiscal situation. The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau recently verified that the state will have $911 million more than previously projected. These new revenues are not a one-time windfall, or budget gimmick, but come from a strong economic recovery, in which more people are working, more employers are hiring and personal income is going up. They also come from good stewardship of the taxpayers' money.

What do you do with a surplus? Give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money.

In my "state of the state" address on Wednesday, I outlined our "Blueprint for Prosperity," which puts more than $800 million back into the hands of the hardworking taxpayers all across the state through tax cuts and withholding changes.

First, the plan cuts property taxes by $406 million. This is four times larger than the property tax relief we passed last year, and it's vitally important in protecting working families, senior citizens, farmers and small businesses. The typical homeowner will see a reduction of $101 on his or her next property tax bill.

Second, our plan cuts income taxes by nearly $100 million. We're not going to leave anyone behind in this economic recovery, so this tax cut is targeted to the lowest income tax bracket. If you're a family making $40,000, your savings will be about $58 annually. No one will see bigger savings than that.

Third, I directed our secretary of the Department of Revenue, Rick Chandler, to reduce the amount of state income taxes withheld on paychecks by about $322 million starting April 1, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money. This will put more money back into the hands of consumers and continue to stimulate our state's economy. A typical family of four will see about $58 more in their paychecks every month. By the end of this year, that's more than $520.

In addition, the plan also places more than $100 million into the state's rainy day fund. With this addition, the fund will be seven times larger than it was at any other point before I took office.

As I mentioned before, this surplus is in large part due to a growing Wisconsin economy. According to quarterly and monthly job reports, more than 100,000 jobs have been created in Wisconsin since we took office. We want to build upon this significant growth, which is why our "Blueprint for Prosperity"

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers
Follow us: @JournalSentinel on Twitter
This thread starts out as some cockeyed rightwing fantasy that Scott Walker did something miraculous in Wisconsin,

then once that idiocy gets comprehensively demolished,

the thread ends up with all the usual rightwing inmates running around like chickens squawking Obama is a Marxist! Obama is a Marxist!

You people are way too easy.
you do understand they are parrots for faux news.

This thread starts out as some cockeyed rightwing fantasy that Scott Walker did something miraculous in Wisconsin,

then once that idiocy gets comprehensively demolished,

the thread ends up with all the usual rightwing inmates running around like chickens squawking Obama is a Marxist! Obama is a Marxist!

You people are way too easy.

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