Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

Translation: Don't confuse me with the facts.
The plea of the classic low information voter.

Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".

LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

There are liars ^^^ damn liars ^^^ and statistics. Thanks once again Rabbi for another failed attempt to justify greed while promulgating hate and fear.
nothing gets the left fired up more

then the idea of giving back the peoples money

that much is certain
Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".

LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

There are liars ^^^ damn liars ^^^ and statistics. Thanks once again Rabbi for another failed attempt to justify greed while promulgating hate and fear.

Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.
LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

There are liars ^^^ damn liars ^^^ and statistics. Thanks once again Rabbi for another failed attempt to justify greed while promulgating hate and fear.

Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.

GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.
There are liars ^^^ damn liars ^^^ and statistics. Thanks once again Rabbi for another failed attempt to justify greed while promulgating hate and fear.

Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.

GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.
Please post a single plan the Left has proposed for paying off the debt. I'll wait.

So your point is that Walker is no more fiscally responsible than the left?


No, idiot. My point is that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever to walk the planet and they shouldn't be anywhere near government power.

Unlike you, I'm not the one who wants to run out and buy a new big screen tv while there's a $10,000 balance on the credit card.
So your point is that Walker is no more fiscally responsible than the left?


No, idiot. My point is that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever to walk the planet and they shouldn't be anywhere near government power.

Unlike you, I'm not the one who wants to run out and buy a new big screen tv while there's a $10,000 balance on the credit card.

Please post where I ever wrote that.
Oh yeah, leftists are also the biggest liars on the planet.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period."
So your point is that Walker is no more fiscally responsible than the left?


No, idiot. My point is that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever to walk the planet and they shouldn't be anywhere near government power.

Unlike you, I'm not the one who wants to run out and buy a new big screen tv while there's a $10,000 balance on the credit card.

then why do you condone it when the govt does the same thing on a much bigger scale?
Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.

GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.
No, idiot. My point is that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever to walk the planet and they shouldn't be anywhere near government power.

Unlike you, I'm not the one who wants to run out and buy a new big screen tv while there's a $10,000 balance on the credit card.

then why do you condone it when the govt does the same thing on a much bigger scale?

Why do you condone it?
GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.
Can you ever respond to a specific point or do you constantly deflect to something else?
Obama is not the governor of WI. He might think he is, but he isn't. I can point to specific policies of Walker's that have helped WI. I can point to specific policies of Obama's that have hurt the US.
The fact that you contradict yourself and deflect is evidence that you are both low information and low intelligence.
GDP is not at -6% and we're not losing 700,000 jobs a month as we were under Bush.

That's called cherry picking data.
For the other 23 quarters we experienced super low unemployment and rising GDP. It is the mirror image of Obama's presidency, where he has had quarter after quarter of tepid growth and high unemployment.

Funny how you want to credit Bush with any economic good news there was during his presidency,

but then economic good news comes out of Wisconsin,

and you don't credit Obama. That's what makes you an asshole. Oh, that and 999 other characteristics.

Grow the fuck up. This is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush has not been president for 5 years. The current mess belongs to Obama.

Yes, we agree, Bush made some mistakes.

Obama's destruction of the economy is intentional. Its part of his marxist plan to destroy capitalism and install marxist collectivism.

You on the left are so enthralled with the first black president that you have blinded yourselves to who and what the guy really is.
LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

There are liars ^^^ damn liars ^^^ and statistics. Thanks once again Rabbi for another failed attempt to justify greed while promulgating hate and fear.

Yes pointing out the economy was far far better under Bush than under Obama promulgates fear among hte Left.

Really, you actually wrote the economy was better under Bush (GW) then after Bush? Are you out of touch with reality and deny the Great Recession began in 2007 and our economy was in full retreat before Obama took office? Once again your partisan comments achieve the level of ridiculousness.
Unlike you, I'm not the one who wants to run out and buy a new big screen tv while there's a $10,000 balance on the credit card.

then why do you condone it when the govt does the same thing on a much bigger scale?

Why do you condone it?

I don't. I want a balanced budget. I want the country to live within its means. I want the deficits to stop.

Obama has added 7 trillion dollars to the debt, by the time he leaves he will have added 11 trillion----more than all the previous presidents combined.

So again, why do you condone the govt spending more than it takes in, but would not do that in your personal life?
then why do you condone it when the govt does the same thing on a much bigger scale?

Why do you condone it?

I don't. I want a balanced budget. I want the country to live within its means. I want the deficits to stop.

Obama has added 7 trillion dollars to the debt, by the time he leaves he will have added 11 trillion----more than all the previous presidents combined.

So again, why do you condone the govt spending more than it takes in, but would not do that in your personal life?

Since I have told you on more than one occasion that I support PAYGO, you really need to pay attention and quit being an ignorant douche.
Just so everyone with a brain here is aware of how much this Wisconsin story is not a story:

"The National Association of State Budget Officers projects that almost all states will see "fairly decent surpluses" in their 2014 budgets."

State surpluses spark debate on tax cuts, spending

Another non-event the right is pissing itself over.


since state budget surpluses are much more a national phenomenon, as opposed to being directly related to specific state policies,

maybe, if you 'nuts insist on crediting some chief executive for the progress,

instead crediting one governor who happens to be Republican, you should be crediting the national chief executive,

President Obama.

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