Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

suppose they considered the 5 percent interest payment

when they penned the budget along with the other payments

needed to be made

Over 7% of the US federal budget goes to interest on the debt but the Left has no interest in cutting spending to help pay it off.
Only in the twisted mind of hte left can 5% to pay interest be worse than 7%.

The left is interested in paying off the debt. Where do you get such crazy ideas?

Please post a single plan the Left has proposed for paying off the debt. I'll wait.
Held lots of jobs, unlike your gun-running trailer trash.

But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did.

Incidently, there are some things about Walker I like. Screwing over working folks and reducing services isn't one of them.

where did you dig out of...., your asshole ? i want to see proof of the "screwing" ! :up:

Telling them they can't collectively bargain is screwing them.


Every employee should be able to collectively bargain.

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.
No, you clearly don't know anything about conservative policy or economics. What a shock.
And they will be paid off. So what?
Of course tax cuts stimulate growth. You lower the price of something, you sell more of it, capiche?

Guy, i know exactly what happened.

We gave HUGE tax cuts to the rich under Fucknut W. Bush.

Deficits went up.

Prosperity didn't happen.

Everything you guys said was wrong.

So 5% unemployment, low inflation, and steady GDP growth is not prosperity, but high unemployment and stagnating wages and GDP is prosperity. Got it.

No, it didn't happen.

Conditions under Bush were FAR worse than they were under Clinton, and W. Fugnut gave us the worst economy in 80 years.
where did you dig out of...., your asshole ? i want to see proof of the "screwing" ! :up:

Telling them they can't collectively bargain is screwing them.


Every employee should be able to collectively bargain.

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.

It's because Joe is the classic Low Information Voter. He believes what his union buddies tell him. Walker's election was the end of America as we know it.

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.

Any curtailing of worker's rights is a bad thing. I'm sorry you are so disconnected from reality to see that.
Telling them they can't collectively bargain is screwing them.


Every employee should be able to collectively bargain.

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.

It's because Joe is the classic Low Information Voter. He believes what his union buddies tell him. Walker's election was the end of America as we know it.

Naw, W. Bush's STOLEN election was the end of America. It's just a matter of what replaces it.
Over 5% of the Wisconsin state budget goes to pay interest on Wisconsin's debt. That's why it's foolish to give people a tax cut when the alternative is to pay down that debt.

suppose they considered the 5 percent interest payment

when they penned the budget along with the other payments

needed to be made

Over 7% of the US federal budget goes to interest on the debt but the Left has no interest in cutting spending to help pay it off.
Only in the twisted mind of hte left can 5% to pay interest be worse than 7%.

that is so true
Guy, i know exactly what happened.

We gave HUGE tax cuts to the rich under Fucknut W. Bush.

Deficits went up.

Prosperity didn't happen.

Everything you guys said was wrong.

So 5% unemployment, low inflation, and steady GDP growth is not prosperity, but high unemployment and stagnating wages and GDP is prosperity. Got it.

No, it didn't happen.

Conditions under Bush were FAR worse than they were under Clinton, and W. Fugnut gave us the worst economy in 80 years.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.


Since I know you can't read a chart it says Bush's policies were much better than Obama's.
I am always amused how conservatives vilify unions.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"
Guy, you can show all the charts in the world

Bush was still a world class fuckup.

Walker is a guy who lives in fear there might be a working person still making a decent wage.

Translation: Don't confuse me with the facts.
The plea of the classic low information voter.
Guy, you can show all the charts in the world

Bush was still a world class fuckup.

Walker is a guy who lives in fear there might be a working person still making a decent wage.

Translation: Don't confuse me with the facts.
The plea of the classic low information voter.

Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".
Guy, you can show all the charts in the world

Bush was still a world class fuckup.

Walker is a guy who lives in fear there might be a working person still making a decent wage.

Translation: Don't confuse me with the facts.
The plea of the classic low information voter.

Guy, you aren't presenting facts.

You are trying to lie with charts.

The thing is, the economy went south in 2008, when that idiot Bush, after 8 years of letting Wall Street run amok and bleeding money on wars we had no business fighting, finally had enough.

I mean, I don't know where you were in the OUghts, but no one I know of remembers it as "Good times".

LOL! So now charts are not facts but lies? I love it. Anything that contradicts your world view cannot by definition be a fact. The classic low information pose.

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.

Any curtailing of worker's rights is a bad thing. I'm sorry you are so disconnected from reality to see that.

Then you must also acknowledge that FDR was also "disconnected from reality" as he opposed ALL collective bargaining for ANY public sector employees.

And for damn good reason. When public sector employees "bargain", they're doing so on the same side of the table. The pubic sector unions put their own guy into office and then "bargain" with that very person for unsustainable pensions and health care coverage! There's NO ONE bargaining in the interest of the guy who is actually paying those costs, the taxpayer. It's not the traditional adversarial relationship that defines what it means to bargain, which is exactly why FDR opposed it.

But I'm sure you know better...:doubt:

For the record, Walker and the state legislature curtailed the ability to collectively bargain only for some public sector employees...something darling-or-the-left FDR supported. Further, those curtailments were only over pensions and health care...they remain free to collectively bargain over other things.

Private sector employees and some public sector employees like the unions of public safety officers, including police, firefighters, and state troopers are free to collectively bargain.

Hardly the end-of-world scenario you paint.

Any curtailing of worker's rights is a bad thing. I'm sorry you are so disconnected from reality to see that.

Then you must also acknowledge that FDR was also "disconnected from reality" as he opposed ALL collective bargaining for ANY public sector employees.

And for damn good reason. When public sector employees "bargain", they're doing so on the same side of the table. The pubic sector unions put their own guy into office and then "bargain" with that very person for unsustainable pensions and health care coverage! There's NO ONE bargaining in the interest of the guy who is actually paying those costs, the taxpayer. It's not the traditional adversarial relationship that defines what it means to bargain, which is exactly why FDR opposed it.

But I'm sure you know better...:doubt:

Plus a company and the union that is negotiating with said company both know there is a limit to how far they can go before the company goes out of buinsess.

With the public sector, they either punt the costs down 20 years or think they can raise taxes ad nauseum.
No, you clearly don't know anything about conservative policy or economics. What a shock.
And they will be paid off. So what?
Of course tax cuts stimulate growth. You lower the price of something, you sell more of it, capiche?

Guy, i know exactly what happened.

We gave HUGE tax cuts to the rich under Fucknut W. Bush.

Deficits went up.

Prosperity didn't happen.

Everything you guys said was wrong.

So 5% unemployment, low inflation, and steady GDP growth is not prosperity, but high unemployment and stagnating wages and GDP is prosperity. Got it.

Don't forget that he thinks the debt should be paid down. Not increasing spending. It's okay for the fed to over spend and increase spending, and not pay down debt but the states are different.
Over 7% of the US federal budget goes to interest on the debt but the Left has no interest in cutting spending to help pay it off.
Only in the twisted mind of hte left can 5% to pay interest be worse than 7%.

The left is interested in paying off the debt. Where do you get such crazy ideas?

Please post a single plan the Left has proposed for paying off the debt. I'll wait.

So your point is that Walker is no more fiscally responsible than the left?

The left is interested in paying off the debt. Where do you get such crazy ideas?

Please post a single plan the Left has proposed for paying off the debt. I'll wait.

So your point is that Walker is no more fiscally responsible than the left?


No, idiot. My point is that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever to walk the planet and they shouldn't be anywhere near government power.
The public unions were squeezing its members and the public, Walker ended the fiscal tyranny. Now Wisconsin has controlled costs. Teachers insurance is no longer exclusively through the union, school districts can shop around and it has forced competition and dropped the prices, this saves the state, taxpayers and teachers millions a year.

Public unions collectively bargaining is a bad deal.

The rest of the unions, they are fine, I just don't want to belong to one.

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