Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

I mean, I have property in Wisconsin, I'll happily take the tax cut even though I don't live there.
They are not underfunded. Another canard.
But if the best the left can do against Walker is the bleating of Joe-Never-Held-A-Real-Job then Walker is a shoo-in for president.

Held lots of jobs, unlike your gun-running trailer trash.

But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did.

Incidently, there are some things about Walker I like. Screwing over working folks and reducing services isn't one of them.

where did you dig out of...., your asshole ? i want to see proof of the "screwing" ! :up:
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

Joe's lying once again. Will the lies ever end???

Wisconsin ranks 13th best state for education, well ABOVE the national average.

Quality Counts 2013 Education Rankings Come In: Maryland First, South Dakota Last

Education Week: States Show Spotty Progress on Education Gauges

And in another survey for 2014, Wisconsin ranks above the national average:

Quality Counts 2013 Education Rankings Come In: Maryland First, South Dakota Last

StudentsFirst State Policy Report Card 2014

My but you are full of shit Joe.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

Care to cite a objective source to back this one up Joe? Or shall we just take your ever-so-reliable word for it???

Well, holy shit, joey boy, conservative policies work. always have, always will.

liberalism always fails, always has, always will.

You obviously don't spend a lot of time in Wisconsin, do you?

Or you'd know how silly you sound.

Wisconsin's economy is entirely supported by IL residents going there on vacation.

And Milwaukee and Green Bay are really pretty dismal places.

Wow Joe. That's ignorant even for you.
Actually WI's economy is supported by busineeses from IL fleeing that state's high taxes and regulatory schemes.

no my friend, that goes way beyond ignorant, how about stupid foolish imbecile ? :lmao: ... :clap2: ... :up:
Maybe you should check out some statistics before spouting off at the mouth. Collecting the data of students scores are from the previous year. You know, the teachers that were responsible for educating the students. The ones that were there when the scores were ranked.The ones that walker wants to get rid of. So , lets give it another year and see how the scabs do with their teaching skills.
Oh, by the way they are changing the criteria of the tests too, you know the national test that your boy gwb put in with his NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.
Check out the test site and see if you can even pass the new one. Call your local school board or administrators and ask them for some info. Check it out will you and then get back to us.

They are not underfunded. Another canard.
But if the best the left can do against Walker is the bleating of Joe-Never-Held-A-Real-Job then Walker is a shoo-in for president.
Which is kind of funny, since the report I was listening to said that Wisconsin, for the first time in a while, is hiring more teachers.

Go figure.
Ah, see! I'll bet their non union teachers, scabs. That Walker is destroying America for sure!!
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I am not certain if sucking cock is a cause or effect of stupidity. In your case it might be both. I posted an article that takes apart the official numbers and points out that Moonbeams hasnt solved anything or made any hard choices at all.
You of course rather than grappling with the argument fall back on some ad hom argument. If the post is so wrong you will have no trouble refuting it I'm sure.

Now, now, don't get angry and default to vulgar and hateful ad hominems (of course you already have, which is all you have since you're not very bright and can't refute or defend your lies).

Gov. Brown isn't perfect, and he did gloss over some serious problems facing California. That said, you posted a blog by the former leader of the very conservative Republican State Committee who offered no facts, no numbers and all opinion. Kinda like you, all bullshit, all the time.

BTW, the serious problems facing Gov. Brown and our state are the result of past Governors. Of course Davis suffered the consequences of his sins but Gov's. Wilson, Deukmejian and Reagan all created the Tsunami Gov. Brown faced.

The No Tax and Spend Governors Reagan, Deuklmejian and Wilson created the mess we face today.

I suppose the state legislature had nothing to do with it either. It was all Reagan's fault.
You're a hopeless case.

Your ignorance is amazing. California gives the Governor the line-item veto. Gov. Reagan and the other Republican Governors had the power to reign in spending, instead they concentrated on cutting taxes and building prisons. Now the prisons are full, and the CO's earn more than most American's; the costs to maintain the prison population is one reason why we ended up in the fiscal pickle Gov. Brown is now addressing, and the reason Davis was recalled.

See: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

See: http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Career_Opportunities/POR/Pay.html
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They are not underfunded. Another canard.
But if the best the left can do against Walker is the bleating of Joe-Never-Held-A-Real-Job then Walker is a shoo-in for president.

Held lots of jobs, unlike your gun-running trailer trash.

But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did.

Incidently, there are some things about Walker I like. Screwing over working folks and reducing services isn't one of them.

where did you dig out of...., your asshole ? i want to see proof of the "screwing" ! :up:

He didn't screw anyone, it is some misinformed liberal. You realize that Walker saved the school teachers thousands by not letting the union insurance companies have exclusive rights to school teachers. He isn't tying the state to a union that held the state captive to their demands resulting in higher income and property taxes on the working class. It is all liberal BS.
I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.


1st-worst in total debt ($777,918,403,000)
9th-worst in debt per person ($20,449)
1st-worst in unfunded pensions ($583,627,395,000)

EXography: Unfunded public employee pensions drive state debts skyward | WashingtonExaminer.com

Go to the link, click on all the states.

This still waits for you too:
http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...attemps-to-reform-pensions-2.html#post8491256 post #62
And Minnesota turned a 6.2 billion dollar deficit into a $1.1 billion surplus under a Limousine Liberal governor during the same exact time period! :cheers2:

As I stated earlier in this thread, sometimes a conservative approach works and sometimes a liberal approach works. The most important thing is that at least something worked and that's good for the people of Wisconsin and Minnesota!

Tim Pawlenty is a limousine liberal? Who knew??

:laugh: I was going to post "don't quit your day job," but then I realized that you probably don't have a job and that would have been cruel for me to post something so mean. So I have decided just to stay quiet and not make fun of your nonsense or your employment status. :eusa_shhh:
Sometimes I'm so nice that I just want to give myself a hug! :smiliehug:

That's cuz you're "Minnesota nice!" :thup:
Do try to post something other than a liberal rag, okay?

If you never read the opposing POV, how will you ever challenge yourself?

Walker's economic record in WI is not great. Is it?

More people working. Huge surplus. People getting their money back. Exactly what is so bad?


Its kinda hard for lefties to admitt when a conservative does a super job and his constituants get some of THEIR money back.

Perhaps some of those Dem Gov's should catch a clue and copy Walker.

Oh wait. I forgot. Walkers a Rep and no way, no how would a Dem governor ever do something that works. Never mind.
If you never read the opposing POV, how will you ever challenge yourself?

Walker's economic record in WI is not great. Is it?

More people working. Huge surplus. People getting their money back. Exactly what is so bad?


Its kinda hard for lefties to admitt when a conservative does a super job and his constituants get some of THEIR money back.

Perhaps some of those Dem Gov's should catch a clue and copy Walker.

Oh wait. I forgot. Walkers a Rep and no way, no how would a Dem governor ever do something that works. Never mind.

I love the disconnect.

See if you can read my mind. I am thinking of a very well known policy that a Republican governor instituted in his state.....that is heralded by Democrats as a great achievement.

What am I thinking of?

When you come up with it.....will you amend your comments?
Why? It is bad policy normally. Cutting taxes will stimulate growth. Paying down the debt won't.

Now wait a minute, aren't you guys normally for austerity and think debt is the worst thing ever.

The problem with debt is- those debts were incurred. They have to be paid off.

And, no, tax cuts don't stimulate growth. That's a fallacy.

No, you clearly don't know anything about conservative policy or economics. What a shock.
And they will be paid off. So what?
Of course tax cuts stimulate growth. You lower the price of something, you sell more of it, capiche?

Guy, i know exactly what happened.

We gave HUGE tax cuts to the rich under Fucknut W. Bush.

Deficits went up.

Prosperity didn't happen.

Everything you guys said was wrong.
Over 5% of the Wisconsin state budget goes to pay interest on Wisconsin's debt. That's why it's foolish to give people a tax cut when the alternative is to pay down that debt.
Over 5% of the Wisconsin state budget goes to pay interest on Wisconsin's debt. That's why it's foolish to give people a tax cut when the alternative is to pay down that debt.

suppose they considered the 5 percent interest payment

when they penned the budget along with the other payments

needed to be made
They are not underfunded. Another canard.
But if the best the left can do against Walker is the bleating of Joe-Never-Held-A-Real-Job then Walker is a shoo-in for president.

Held lots of jobs, unlike your gun-running trailer trash.

But frankly, Walker is probably going to implode just like Christie did.

Incidently, there are some things about Walker I like. Screwing over working folks and reducing services isn't one of them.

where did you dig out of...., your asshole ? i want to see proof of the "screwing" ! :up:

Telling them they can't collectively bargain is screwing them.


Every employee should be able to collectively bargain.
Now wait a minute, aren't you guys normally for austerity and think debt is the worst thing ever.

The problem with debt is- those debts were incurred. They have to be paid off.

And, no, tax cuts don't stimulate growth. That's a fallacy.

No, you clearly don't know anything about conservative policy or economics. What a shock.
And they will be paid off. So what?
Of course tax cuts stimulate growth. You lower the price of something, you sell more of it, capiche?

Guy, i know exactly what happened.

We gave HUGE tax cuts to the rich under Fucknut W. Bush.

Deficits went up.

Prosperity didn't happen.

Everything you guys said was wrong.

So 5% unemployment, low inflation, and steady GDP growth is not prosperity, but high unemployment and stagnating wages and GDP is prosperity. Got it.
Over 5% of the Wisconsin state budget goes to pay interest on Wisconsin's debt. That's why it's foolish to give people a tax cut when the alternative is to pay down that debt.

suppose they considered the 5 percent interest payment

when they penned the budget along with the other payments

needed to be made

Over 7% of the US federal budget goes to interest on the debt but the Left has no interest in cutting spending to help pay it off.
Only in the twisted mind of hte left can 5% to pay interest be worse than 7%.
Over 5% of the Wisconsin state budget goes to pay interest on Wisconsin's debt. That's why it's foolish to give people a tax cut when the alternative is to pay down that debt.

suppose they considered the 5 percent interest payment

when they penned the budget along with the other payments

needed to be made

Over 7% of the US federal budget goes to interest on the debt but the Left has no interest in cutting spending to help pay it off.
Only in the twisted mind of hte left can 5% to pay interest be worse than 7%.

The left is interested in paying off the debt. Where do you get such crazy ideas?

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