Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.

Oh poor ignorant KNB...

Kind of pathetic this has to be pointed out to you, but working for a corporation is VOLUNTARY. Paying taxes is not.

Further, the corporation is private property, which means the owners of that property (which often includes employees through profit sharing and stock bonus plans) are free to do with it as they wish. State government coffers? That's public property.

Starting to see the difference?

Sorry to further fuck with your little collectivist mind there. Carry on comrade!
Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!

Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

I chose Minnesota because that's where I live. I also own property in Wisconsin which of course prompts me to watch what's going on in that state. I also am very aware of how similair their demographics are, they mirror each other.
Walker and Dayton assumed their governorship at the same time. So they have had equal time to do their thing.
Dayton faced a $6.2 billion deficit in the upcoming biennium where as Walker faced a $3.3 billion deficit when he assumed office. It seems that Walker had it easy compared to Dayton. (As a side-note , I'm amazed you threw out such as positive view of Pawlenty, when he was running for prez, the far right was calling him a liberal! :razz:)
Below is a chart that compares Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and the US. As we can see, when both Dayton and Walker started their governorship (2011), they were on equal grown. At this point Dayton and Walker aren't on equal grown.


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Walker used a "credit card" approach to balance state budget, pushing borrowing costs into the future

"You know how that budget surplus came about, if it is in fact there?" Barrett asked. "Because he used the credit card. He used the credit card, and pushed over $500 million in debt onto our children and our grandchildren."

Barrett went on to say state taxpayers "are going to have to pay more than $150 million in interest" because of the move.


USMB Republicans say "Oh look, a surplus". They don't bother to look a little deeper. They want Americans to have lots of minimum wage jobs. They hate education. Their health care plan is "let him die". After consideration, Walker is doing a fine job.
Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

I chose Minnesota because that's where I live. I also own property in Wisconsin which of course prompts me to watch what's going on in that state. I also am very aware of how similair their demographics are, they mirror each other.
Walker and Dayton assumed their governorship at the same time. So they have had equal time to do their thing.
Dayton faced a $6.2 billion deficit in the upcoming biennium where as Walker faced a $3.3 billion deficit when he assumed office. It seems that Walker had it easy compared to Dayton. (As a side-note , I'm amazed you threw out such as positive view of Pawlenty, when he was running for prez, the far right was calling him a liberal! :razz:)
Below is a chart that compares Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and the US. As we can see, when both Dayton and Walker started their governorship (2011), they were on equal grown. At this point Dayton and Walker aren't on equal grown.

Not quite on equal ground one was facing a recall and vehement opposition by liberals bring in people from other states to protest.
Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.

"Giving" doesn't occur at gunpoint. That's armed robbery (ie., socialism).
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

I chose Minnesota because that's where I live. I also own property in Wisconsin which of course prompts me to watch what's going on in that state. I also am very aware of how similair their demographics are, they mirror each other.
Walker and Dayton assumed their governorship at the same time. So they have had equal time to do their thing.
Dayton faced a $6.2 billion deficit in the upcoming biennium where as Walker faced a $3.3 billion deficit when he assumed office. It seems that Walker had it easy compared to Dayton. (As a side-note , I'm amazed you threw out such as positive view of Pawlenty, when he was running for prez, the far right was calling him a liberal! :razz:)
Below is a chart that compares Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and the US. As we can see, when both Dayton and Walker started their governorship (2011), they were on equal grown. At this point Dayton and Walker aren't on equal grown.

Not quite on equal ground one was facing a recall and vehement opposition by liberals bring in people from other states to protest.

The politics are completely different. Comparisons like that appeal to the simple minded.
Libertarians don't have a problem with raising taxes as long as it isn't on rich people.

Oh please. Libertarians stand against the very idea taxing a person's labor, rich or poor. If you need to resort to lying, you should really reexamine your position.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

I chose Minnesota because that's where I live. I also own property in Wisconsin which of course prompts me to watch what's going on in that state. I also am very aware of how similair their demographics are, they mirror each other.
Walker and Dayton assumed their governorship at the same time. So they have had equal time to do their thing.
Dayton faced a $6.2 billion deficit in the upcoming biennium where as Walker faced a $3.3 billion deficit when he assumed office. It seems that Walker had it easy compared to Dayton. (As a side-note , I'm amazed you threw out such as positive view of Pawlenty, when he was running for prez, the far right was calling him a liberal! :razz:)
Below is a chart that compares Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and the US. As we can see, when both Dayton and Walker started their governorship (2011), they were on equal grown. At this point Dayton and Walker aren't on equal grown.

Not quite on equal ground one was facing a recall and vehement opposition by liberals bring in people from other states to protest.

I thought the recall was a bad idea, it was like Walker's opposition shot themselves in the foot. But I'm pretty sure the recall didn't stop Wisconsin in it's tracks economically.
I chose Minnesota because that's where I live. I also own property in Wisconsin which of course prompts me to watch what's going on in that state. I also am very aware of how similair their demographics are, they mirror each other.
Walker and Dayton assumed their governorship at the same time. So they have had equal time to do their thing.
Dayton faced a $6.2 billion deficit in the upcoming biennium where as Walker faced a $3.3 billion deficit when he assumed office. It seems that Walker had it easy compared to Dayton. (As a side-note , I'm amazed you threw out such as positive view of Pawlenty, when he was running for prez, the far right was calling him a liberal! :razz:)
Below is a chart that compares Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and the US. As we can see, when both Dayton and Walker started their governorship (2011), they were on equal grown. At this point Dayton and Walker aren't on equal grown.

Not quite on equal ground one was facing a recall and vehement opposition by liberals bring in people from other states to protest.

The politics are completely different. Comparisons like that appeal to the simple minded.

Ha! Three piss poor retorts in a row! :suck:
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.
I was listening to the turnaround of Wisconsin because of Walkers polices, but haven't had the opportunity to look into it. Seems he turned a 6 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in 3 years. Not bad at all.

Scott Walker brags that he balanced the budget, but this is like saying we kept our promise to call the Legislature into session. Wisconsin law requires a balanced budget – its up to the administration and Legislature to do so in a way that cares for our citizens and respects our traditions.
When Scott Walker was running for governor, he promised to balance budgets Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP); however, the budget he claims as balanced is anything but when using GAAP. By gutting public education to the tune of $2.6 billion and slashing more than $500 million from public healthcare, along with skillfully kicking the can down the road with accounting tricks that pass debt onto future budgets, Walker has given the appearance of a balanced budget.
But when using the GAAP that Walker promised to use, Wisconsin’s deficit will actually be more than $3 billion at the end of the biennium – a larger deficit than Walker inherited.

-Scott Walker Raised Taxes on Seniors, Working Families

-Scott Walker Made the Largest Cuts to Education in Wisconsin History; Says He "Added" to Education

-Scott Walker Supports the Segregated Fund Raids He Once Was Against

-Scott Walker Says Wisconsin Is Broke, Buys iPads for Privatized Agency

-Scott Walker Uses Taxpayer Money to Fund a Koch Brothers Banner

Scott Walker Tool Kit: Fighting Talking Points With Facts

6 billion? link please. Libertarians don't have a problem with raising taxes as long as it isn't on rich people.
Yeah, I heard wrong. It turns out the Doyle's budget deficit was 3.2 Billion......

Over the past six months, Wisconsin has been nothing short of a miracle. Newly elected Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans in the majority in Madison got just about everything they wanted during the past legislative session, and a state facing a projected $3 billion budget shortfall with no end in sight now has a projected $300 million budget surplus. The amazing successes in Wisconsin have emboldened the legislatures and political leaders of other states, who have seen the wonders resulting from a little political backbone and fiscal common sense.

After being held hostage by 14 AWOL Democrat senators, Walker succeeded in passing his budget repair bill, “Act 10,” which instantly fixed the $137 million deficit by requiring public employees to contribute just a little bit toward their pensions and health care, and by limiting their ability to collectively bargain. Wisconsin also ended the ludicrous automatic pay and benefit increases for public employee unions each budget year — closing a cash sinkhole which is eating states like California and Illinois alive. Last month the Wisconsin legislature passed its biennial budget, which Governor Walker promptly signed in a no-frills ceremony.

Wisconsin Goes From $3 Billion Deficit to $300 Million Surplus
The cost savings to Wisconsin school districts are already producing miraculous stories of fiscal recovery and educational improvement. In New Berlin, the school district went from a $3 million deficit to balancing its budget, and actually lowered school property tax by one percent. New Berlin’s director of financial services, Roger Dickson, says that the changes to collective bargaining gave schools the “tools” to plug most of the $3 million hole...

Interesting that education is improving....contrary to llbeanies claim.....

Wisconsin Goes From $3 Billion Deficit to $300 Million Surplus
Remember when the fat red faced Ed Schitz claimed a few years back that Walker was going to be indicted at amy time ?
How'd that prediction work for ya Ed ?
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

I mean, I have property in Wisconsin, I'll happily take the tax cut even though I don't live there.

so you have evidence the schools are underfunded?

Walker used a "credit card" approach to balance state budget, pushing borrowing costs into the future

"You know how that budget surplus came about, if it is in fact there?" Barrett asked. "Because he used the credit card. He used the credit card, and pushed over $500 million in debt onto our children and our grandchildren."

Barrett went on to say state taxpayers "are going to have to pay more than $150 million in interest" because of the move.


USMB Republicans say "Oh look, a surplus". They don't bother to look a little deeper. They want Americans to have lots of minimum wage jobs. They hate education. Their health care plan is "let him die". After consideration, Walker is doing a fine job.

But his calling it a "credit card" approach implies that this was an irresponsible action. No one’s claiming that -- it’s something the state did under Gov. Jim Doyle, and not unlike what many homeowners do when they refinance mortgages to better meet their budgets.
I was listening to the turnaround of Wisconsin because of Walkers polices, but haven't had the opportunity to look into it. Seems he turned a 6 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in 3 years. Not bad at all.

6 billion? link please. Libertarians don't have a problem with raising taxes as long as it isn't on rich people.
Yeah, I heard wrong. It turns out the Doyle's budget deficit was 3.2 Billion......

Over the past six months, Wisconsin has been nothing short of a miracle. Newly elected Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans in the majority in Madison got just about everything they wanted during the past legislative session, and a state facing a projected $3 billion budget shortfall with no end in sight now has a projected $300 million budget surplus. The amazing successes in Wisconsin have emboldened the legislatures and political leaders of other states, who have seen the wonders resulting from a little political backbone and fiscal common sense.

After being held hostage by 14 AWOL Democrat senators, Walker succeeded in passing his budget repair bill, “Act 10,” which instantly fixed the $137 million deficit by requiring public employees to contribute just a little bit toward their pensions and health care, and by limiting their ability to collectively bargain. Wisconsin also ended the ludicrous automatic pay and benefit increases for public employee unions each budget year — closing a cash sinkhole which is eating states like California and Illinois alive. Last month the Wisconsin legislature passed its biennial budget, which Governor Walker promptly signed in a no-frills ceremony.

Wisconsin Goes From $3 Billion Deficit to $300 Million Surplus

And Minnesota turned a 6.2 billion dollar deficit into a $1.1 billion surplus under a Limousine Liberal governor during the same exact time period! :cheers2:

As I stated earlier in this thread, sometimes a conservative approach works and sometimes a liberal approach works. The most important thing is that at least something worked and that's good for the people of Wisconsin and Minnesota!
6 billion? link please. Libertarians don't have a problem with raising taxes as long as it isn't on rich people.
Yeah, I heard wrong. It turns out the Doyle's budget deficit was 3.2 Billion......

Over the past six months, Wisconsin has been nothing short of a miracle. Newly elected Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans in the majority in Madison got just about everything they wanted during the past legislative session, and a state facing a projected $3 billion budget shortfall with no end in sight now has a projected $300 million budget surplus. The amazing successes in Wisconsin have emboldened the legislatures and political leaders of other states, who have seen the wonders resulting from a little political backbone and fiscal common sense.

After being held hostage by 14 AWOL Democrat senators, Walker succeeded in passing his budget repair bill, “Act 10,” which instantly fixed the $137 million deficit by requiring public employees to contribute just a little bit toward their pensions and health care, and by limiting their ability to collectively bargain. Wisconsin also ended the ludicrous automatic pay and benefit increases for public employee unions each budget year — closing a cash sinkhole which is eating states like California and Illinois alive. Last month the Wisconsin legislature passed its biennial budget, which Governor Walker promptly signed in a no-frills ceremony.

Wisconsin Goes From $3 Billion Deficit to $300 Million Surplus

And Minnesota turned a 6.2 billion dollar deficit into a $1.1 billion surplus under a Limousine Liberal governor during the same exact time period! :cheers2:

As I stated earlier in this thread, sometimes a conservative approach works and sometimes a liberal approach works. The most important thing is that at least something worked and that's good for the people of Wisconsin and Minnesota!

Tim Pawlenty is a limousine liberal? Who knew??
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.
I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.

I am not certain if sucking cock is a cause or effect of stupidity. In your case it might be both. I posted an article that takes apart the official numbers and points out that Moonbeams hasnt solved anything or made any hard choices at all.
You of course rather than grappling with the argument fall back on some ad hom argument. If the post is so wrong you will have no trouble refuting it I'm sure.

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