Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

I live in Wisconsin. My property taxes have gone up unlike promised. This may cover some of the increase but I don't imagine it will amount to much. As like the last 20 years in the state, I shall be abstaining from the governor election again. They are either tied to the unions or tied to big filthy corporate interests. Its a lose lose proposition. They should take my $22 and fix the roads in this state which are in rough shape.

You're lying.
So you concede that the Obama economy is doing quite well. Now shut up.

Again with the wit?

Ouch, stop...it hurts....

Here lets ask you a question about economics....

How does what Scott Walker is doing in Wisconsin FIT the Keynesian model?

You don't cut taxes when your economy is doing well. You use the increased revenue to pay down debt, or set aside revenue in a rainy day fund or the like, IOW,

prepare for the inevitable end of the good times.

Good , you agree that Wisconsin is doing well...and by extension that Walker's initiatives are working.....and it is quite obvious that Walker is pursuing the OPPOSITE course of your Boi King......

Now, how does what Walker is doing fit the Keynesian Model?
I live in Wisconsin. My property taxes have gone up unlike promised. This may cover some of the increase but I don't imagine it will amount to much. As like the last 20 years in the state, I shall be abstaining from the governor election again. They are either tied to the unions or tied to big filthy corporate interests. Its a lose lose proposition. They should take my $22 and fix the roads in this state which are in rough shape.

If you don't participate, don't bitch!
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.
And while the Lame Street Media's doing everything it can to slam GOP governors, they are strangely quite about the huge strides Walker has made in improving the state's economy and budget.

Word has it that certain people would like to see him run in 2016. Will the media wait until then to launch attacks against him? :eusa_whistle:
Again with the wit?

Ouch, stop...it hurts....

Here lets ask you a question about economics....

How does what Scott Walker is doing in Wisconsin FIT the Keynesian model?

You don't cut taxes when your economy is doing well. You use the increased revenue to pay down debt, or set aside revenue in a rainy day fund or the like, IOW,

prepare for the inevitable end of the good times.

Good , you agree that Wisconsin is doing well...and by extension that Walker's initiatives are working.....and it is quite obvious that Walker is pursuing the OPPOSITE course of your Boi King......

Now, how does what Walker is doing fit the Keynesian Model?

Since Walker took office, Wisconsin is not doing any better than has the nation as a whole.

Unemployment in WI was 7.4% in Jan. 2011, it's 6.3% now.

US UE in Jan. 2011 was 9%, it's now down to 6.7%.

Walker's Wisconsin has not even managed to match the national trend.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Let's compare the GOP's Wisconsin to it's neighbor to the west, the Democrat's Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota mirror each other in several ways so a side by side comparison is pretty fair.

Projected surplus; Wisconsin $911 million Minnesota $1.1 billion
Unemployment rate Wisconsin 6.2 Minnesota 4.6
Private Sector Job Growth Rate Wisconsin 37th Minnesota 15th

This all goes to show, conservative policies can work and liberal policies can work. Maybe the 2016 presidential candidates should be Walker and Minnesota Governor Dayton?
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Let's compare the GOP's Wisconsin to it's neighbor to the west, the Democrat's Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota mirror each other in several ways so a side by side comparison is pretty fair.

Projected surplus; Wisconsin $911 million Minnesota $1.1 billion
Unemployment rate Wisconsin 6.2 Minnesota 4.6
Private Sector Job Growth Rate Wisconsin 37th Minnesota 15th

This all goes to show, conservative policies can work and liberal policies can work. Maybe the 2016 presidential candidates should be Walker and Minnesota Governor Dayton?

Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Let's compare the GOP's Wisconsin to it's neighbor to the west, the Democrat's Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota mirror each other in several ways so a side by side comparison is pretty fair.

Projected surplus; Wisconsin $911 million Minnesota $1.1 billion
Unemployment rate Wisconsin 6.2 Minnesota 4.6
Private Sector Job Growth Rate Wisconsin 37th Minnesota 15th

This all goes to show, conservative policies can work and liberal policies can work. Maybe the 2016 presidential candidates should be Walker and Minnesota Governor Dayton?

Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!

Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Since Wisconsin is over 300 billion in debt, this means the governor is increasing the debt to Wisconsin grandchildren in order to hand out candy to voters. For the Left, it means something different. It reflects a belief in the power of deficit spending to stimulate the economy.

Keynes advocated lower taxes during a recession because it increases consumer spending, which the economy needs. His Rightwing opponents said that you can't simply hand out money to people without a dollar for dollar spending reduction in other areas. Keynes and Walker think differently. They believe that you can most certainly add to the debt and run large deficits during a recession because the economy benefits when people have more money in their wallets. Keynes and Gov. Walker believe we can deal with the debt after the patient gets better. This is why the government ran massive deficits during WWII. The result was spectacular economic growth, the sort which allowed us to pay down the deficit very quickly.

"But it's their money in the first place."

Nope, not until they pay for the trillions of dollars in services and infrastructure which they use. If you're going to use water, energy, roads, sewers, dams, plowing and informational services during a storm, schools, and the billions of dollars in subsidies given to local Wisconsin businesses, than that stuff needs to be paid for before you talk about "your money", which was partly enabled by stuff that needs to be paid for. (Republicans love using government services and infrastructure, but they hate paying for it. One of the reasons they hate paying for it is because none of them can give you a list of what services/infrastructure they use. This is because they get all their information from people like Rush Limbaugh. Republicans are and always have been naïve about, say, where our satellite system came from, and how much they use it.)

"But Cleetus, I reckon the money fer police, schools, roads, fireman and such just fell out of the sky"
Last edited:

Still looking for evidence that Wisconsin's education system HAS ACTUALLY declined. You know, "how much more" it sucked under Walker.

Something, anything!

You can post all the dire PREDICTIONS of doom and gloom you like. None of that backs up your statement or changes the fact that, once again, you've been called out for the LYING SACK OF SHIT YOU ARE.

Good luck with that.

Guy, I've already mopped the floor with you, but here's some more.

Twelve Times Scott Walker Was Terrible - EMILY's List

Geez, this guy might not even get a second term.

And you STILL HAVE NOT BACK UP YOUR CLAIM that education has declined under Walker. Your link does NOTHING to support what you said.

Fucking lying piece of shit...how many times you have been called out as such. It's overwhelming how often you c
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Let's compare the GOP's Wisconsin to it's neighbor to the west, the Democrat's Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota mirror each other in several ways so a side by side comparison is pretty fair.

Projected surplus; Wisconsin $911 million Minnesota $1.1 billion
Unemployment rate Wisconsin 6.2 Minnesota 4.6
Private Sector Job Growth Rate Wisconsin 37th Minnesota 15th

This all goes to show, conservative policies can work and liberal policies can work. Maybe the 2016 presidential candidates should be Walker and Minnesota Governor Dayton?
ST. PAUL, Minn.: Minnesota GOP cuts debt as it repairs finances - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com
Let's compare the GOP's Wisconsin to it's neighbor to the west, the Democrat's Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota mirror each other in several ways so a side by side comparison is pretty fair.

Projected surplus; Wisconsin $911 million Minnesota $1.1 billion
Unemployment rate Wisconsin 6.2 Minnesota 4.6
Private Sector Job Growth Rate Wisconsin 37th Minnesota 15th

This all goes to show, conservative policies can work and liberal policies can work. Maybe the 2016 presidential candidates should be Walker and Minnesota Governor Dayton?

Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!

Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.
States that rely on the income tax saw their revenue drop fast during the recession while also seeing Medicaid expenses go up. When your budget has a revenue stream that runs counter to your major expenses it is best to plan for this eventuality as opposed to looking at the budget one year (or even two years) at a time. Unfortunately pretty much all states have a balanced budget policy that makes politicians think they are being responsible as long as they meet that requirement.

Heaven forbid that doing one's job correctly should ever be called being responsible.

Reducing a massive state budget to one or two years of expenses and revenue isn't either of those things. Many State budgets will just become more volatile as they depend more and more on an increasing volatile income tax and increasing volatile Medicaid expenses. Both of which are relatively predictable.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

I mean, I have property in Wisconsin, I'll happily take the tax cut even though I don't live there.

The same people who praise Walker for cutting services will in the same breath complain when the roads have holes or snow is not removed quickly enough; when 911 calls are slow in response and when juvenile crime increases and graduation rates fall. When strikes create chaos and when fees are increased that effect them.

Callous conservatism is bad for the economy and will lead no where good. History is a great teacher, those who ignore the history from the late 19th and early 20th Century will find that to be true.
Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!

Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

Wisconsin has lagged the nation as a whole in unemployment improvement, as I posted.

Why don't you make up a stupid excuse for that?
Well, holy shit, joey boy, conservative policies work. always have, always will.

liberalism always fails, always has, always will.


In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

I mean, I have property in Wisconsin, I'll happily take the tax cut even though I don't live there.

The same people who praise Walker for cutting services will in the same breath complain when the roads have holes or snow is not removed quickly enough; when 911 calls are slow in response and when juvenile crime increases and graduation rates fall. When strikes create chaos and when fees are increased that effect them.

Callous conservatism is bad for the economy and will lead no where good. History is a great teacher, those who ignore the history from the late 19th and early 20th Century will find that to be true.

Please post someone doing those things.
Yeah, crickets.
Quit making crap up. There is no evidence essential services are worse in WI today than 4 years ago. I realize you need to make something up but the truth is the only ones worse off are union thugs. And fuck them.

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