Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

Still looking for evidence that Wisconsin's education system HAS ACTUALLY declined. You know, "how much more" it sucked under Walker.

Something, anything!

You can post all the dire PREDICTIONS of doom and gloom you like. None of that backs up your statement or changes the fact that, once again, you've been called out for the LYING SACK OF SHIT YOU ARE.

Good luck with that.

Guy, I've already mopped the floor with you, but here's some more.

Twelve Times Scott Walker Was Terrible - EMILY's List

Geez, this guy might not even get a second term.

And you STILL HAVE NOT BACK UP YOUR CLAIM that education has declined under Walker. Your link does NOTHING to support what you said.

Fucking lying piece of shit...how many times you have been called out as such. It's overwhelming how often you c

The ignorant default to profanity and vulgarity when the dogma they hold dear is questioned.

In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.

Of course, if things were going badly, no doubt you would say that Walker is to blame.
Guy, I've already mopped the floor with you, but here's some more.

Twelve Times Scott Walker Was Terrible - EMILY's List

Geez, this guy might not even get a second term.

And you STILL HAVE NOT BACK UP YOUR CLAIM that education has declined under Walker. Your link does NOTHING to support what you said.

Fucking lying piece of shit...how many times you have been called out as such. It's overwhelming how often you c

The ignorant default to profanity and vulgarity when the dogma they hold dear is questioned.

The stupid and mendacious default to deflection when called on their bullshit.
In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts
The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes
The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

How much is California in debt? has it increased or decreased under moonbeam brown?

what is the tax rate in california? how much are property taxes, sales taxes?

people are leaving in droves, why would they do that if it was a wonderful place to do business?
Guy, I've already mopped the floor with you, but here's some more.

Twelve Times Scott Walker Was Terrible - EMILY's List

Geez, this guy might not even get a second term.

And you STILL HAVE NOT BACK UP YOUR CLAIM that education has declined under Walker. Your link does NOTHING to support what you said.

Fucking lying piece of shit...how many times you have been called out as such. It's overwhelming how often you c

The ignorant default to profanity and vulgarity when the dogma they hold dear is questioned.

If that 'godma' is the truth over blatant lies, then yes, I hold it dear. He flat out lied. You know it, he knows it. Sorry if my salty language offended you, but after years of listening to Joe's lies upon lies, I've grown tired of the crap.

Anyway, at least you're not lying. Deflecting perhaps, but not lying. That's something I guess.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Kind of depends.

How much more will Wisconsin's schools suck because they are underfunded.

How much will the quality of state services drop?

I mean, I have property in Wisconsin, I'll happily take the tax cut even though I don't live there.

The same people who praise Walker for cutting services will in the same breath complain when the roads have holes or snow is not removed quickly enough; when 911 calls are slow in response and when juvenile crime increases and graduation rates fall. When strikes create chaos and when fees are increased that effect them.

Callous conservatism is bad for the economy and will lead no where good. History is a great teacher, those who ignore the history from the late 19th and early 20th Century will find that to be true.

Which none is happening, lies and more lies.
In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.
Then why are IL, NY, and CA basket cases?

NY had surplus money too which Cuomo proposed to put towards property tax relief and a Pre K program (among other things).

CA is even more sensitive to capital gains than the average state.

Revenues are going up.

In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.

Just like Obama claiming he has improved the economy? At least Walker is giving back money to the people.
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The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Not as much as the liberal hippy Governor of California turning around the 7th Largest Economy in the world and showing a surplus hurts the Pubs and Teabags.

It's harder to run Riverside County than it is to run Wisconsin.
In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.

Of course, if things were going badly, no doubt you would say that Walker is to blame.

I will blame all the governor's and all the legislatures and the voters in general for how the states will respond to this increase in revenue with politically motivated changes to the budget as opposed to sound fiscal decisions.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Not as much as the liberal hippy Governor of California turning around the 7th Largest Economy in the world and showing a surplus hurts the Pubs and Teabags.

It's harder to run Riverside County than it is to run Wisconsin.

More liberal butt hurt, when is Walker being indicted anyway?
Trying to prove you can't do statistics as well as graphs? You're succeeding!

Why don't you prove where I was wrong? Thank you.
I'm off to snowshoe, so you have some time to work with Rabbit, I mean Rabbi.
Why do you pick MN? I mean, maybe it's because Tim Pawlenty was governor during the meltdown and left the state in better shape than Walker's predecessor. Or maybe because using Illinois would destroy your argument.
In any case the differences between the two states are enormous. Plus you failed to chart their course from meltdown to present to give a fair comparison. Or to describe what policy differences accounted for different outcomes.
So in all your post was a hack job without any firm footing i.e. just what we've come to expect from someone who can't read a graph to save his life.

Pawlenty killed 11 Americans.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C31IlOHNzbM](LONG VERSION) Minneapolis Bridge Collapse Minnesota Video - YouTube[/ame]
In liberal world things dont work that way. Government can stimulate the economy by taking money from productivbe people and giving it to unproductive ones. Government is best suited to pick winners in emerging technologies. Government policies keep people safe. Government restrictions foster more business because it makes for a stable environment. Yeah, they really do believe these things. And whenever it doesnt work out that way they blame Bush.

The economy is recovering. Or more specifically the income tax has recovered as a source of revenue for the state. It had little to nothing to do with Walker.

Just like Obama claiming he has improved the economy? At least Walker is giving back money to the people.

Well when politics involves ridiculously placed blame and praise that will happen.
Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.
Except they really aren't doing that....

You really need to correct a lot of your ignorance. Chicago is thriving while Milwaukee is dying.

Which is what happens when you don't diversify your industry.

Wisconsin attracting Illinois businesses

moving to New York who is on a national campaign begging for business

is a obvious no go

Wisconsin is ifie

not because of Walker but the

chance of another communist takeover

in the future

Another? Guess I missed the first one.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.
I was listening to the turnaround of Wisconsin because of Walkers polices, but haven't had the opportunity to look into it. Seems he turned a 6 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in 3 years. Not bad at all.

Scott Walker brags that he balanced the budget, but this is like saying we kept our promise to call the Legislature into session. Wisconsin law requires a balanced budget – its up to the administration and Legislature to do so in a way that cares for our citizens and respects our traditions.
When Scott Walker was running for governor, he promised to balance budgets Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP); however, the budget he claims as balanced is anything but when using GAAP. By gutting public education to the tune of $2.6 billion and slashing more than $500 million from public healthcare, along with skillfully kicking the can down the road with accounting tricks that pass debt onto future budgets, Walker has given the appearance of a balanced budget.
But when using the GAAP that Walker promised to use, Wisconsin’s deficit will actually be more than $3 billion at the end of the biennium – a larger deficit than Walker inherited.

-Scott Walker Raised Taxes on Seniors, Working Families

-Scott Walker Made the Largest Cuts to Education in Wisconsin History; Says He "Added" to Education

-Scott Walker Supports the Segregated Fund Raids He Once Was Against

-Scott Walker Says Wisconsin Is Broke, Buys iPads for Privatized Agency

-Scott Walker Uses Taxpayer Money to Fund a Koch Brothers Banner

Scott Walker Tool Kit: Fighting Talking Points With Facts

6 billion? link please. Libertarians don't have a problem with raising taxes as long as it isn't on rich people.
Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.

Great work? Do you understand how easy it is to create a surplus by cutting education? Hmmm, let's see. Cut 1 billion from education.

Surplus 1 billion.

Next budget shortfall, 500 million.

Most States Funding Schools Less Than Before the Recession : Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


Look at Wisconsin, right there next to Alabama. Republican governors love to turn Northern states into Southern states.

The same tired policies. Cut taxes on the rich. Relax environmental and safety standards. Cut education. Invest nothing in infrastructure. You end up with the same sad results. No future, short term surplus and long term massive debt. We saw it with Bush. We see it with Walker.

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