Wisconsin Giving Tax Surplus to the People!

You're such a stupid pile of shit.

Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.
Yeah, I heard wrong. It turns out the Doyle's budget deficit was 3.2 Billion......

Wisconsin Goes From $3 Billion Deficit to $300 Million Surplus

And Minnesota turned a 6.2 billion dollar deficit into a $1.1 billion surplus under a Limousine Liberal governor during the same exact time period! :cheers2:

As I stated earlier in this thread, sometimes a conservative approach works and sometimes a liberal approach works. The most important thing is that at least something worked and that's good for the people of Wisconsin and Minnesota!

Tim Pawlenty is a limousine liberal? Who knew??

:laugh: I was going to post "don't quit your day job," but then I realized that you probably don't have a job and that would have been cruel for me to post something so mean. So I have decided just to stay quiet and not make fun of your nonsense or your employment status. :eusa_shhh:
Sometimes I'm so nice that I just want to give myself a hug! :smiliehug:
I can't speak to IL or NY but California is clearly on the mend, under the leadership of Gov. Brown. Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible liberal and has made hard choices using the line-item veto.

Calling California a "basket case" is one more (of many) lies posted by Rabbi, who is a despicable liar, ignoramus and callous conservative. But maybe he knows something (lol) so I'll give him some data and let him prove CA is a "basket case" whatever that means.

California Department of Finance - Economic Forecasts

I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.

Will you quit picking on Rabbi, he's special. :eusa_hand:
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Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.
You're such a stupid pile of shit.
Thank you for your kind words. You're a good Christian. Could you please explain why it is okay for a private company that profits billions to not feel the need to share that with its employees who generated those profits?
Stupid fucks like you invent your own reality to fit your agenda.

A company is supposed to pay a fair wage to its employees while making a profit for its owners. The CEO can't pay you $20/hr to flip burgers so you can move out of your trailer park. He will pay you the minimum wage or higher based on how difficult it is to find someone to flip burgers for the company.

The CEO also has to pay the cost of running the company to keep everyone's job intact and he needs to send some money back to investors to reward them for actually starting the company. Without the investors, you will be sitting in your trailer park without a job.

Red State logic: "When a state has a financial surplus and gives that money back to the people, it is a very good thing. But when a mutlibillion-dollar corporation gives its massive cash surplus back to its workers (also "The People") by raising the minimum wage, that's Socialism that will kill jobs and destroy America!"

Excellent arguments, GOP. Keep up the really great work.
You're such a stupid pile of shit.
Thank you for your kind words. You're a good Christian. Could you please explain why it is okay for a private company that profits billions to not feel the need to share that with its employees who generated those profits?
You don't cut taxes when your economy is doing well. You use the increased revenue to pay down debt, or set aside revenue in a rainy day fund or the like, IOW,

prepare for the inevitable end of the good times.

Good , you agree that Wisconsin is doing well...and by extension that Walker's initiatives are working.....and it is quite obvious that Walker is pursuing the OPPOSITE course of your Boi King......

Now, how does what Walker is doing fit the Keynesian Model?

Since Walker took office, Wisconsin is not doing any better than has the nation as a whole.

Unemployment in WI was 7.4% in Jan. 2011, it's 6.3% now.

US UE in Jan. 2011 was 9%, it's now down to 6.7%.

Walker's Wisconsin has not even managed to match the national trend.

Yawn, you run with that kid.

I understand your chagrin....a Republican took a Blue State and brought it back from the brink, took it from a disgraceful deficit to a sparkling surplus...and it's just too much for you to bare......Obama has completely failed on every front, you are about to lose the Senate....it must be a very tough time for you.
I'd call you a liar but that would imply you actually know the truth.
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.

I am not certain if sucking cock is a cause or effect of stupidity. In your case it might be both. I posted an article that takes apart the official numbers and points out that Moonbeams hasnt solved anything or made any hard choices at all.
You of course rather than grappling with the argument fall back on some ad hom argument. If the post is so wrong you will have no trouble refuting it I'm sure.

Now, now, don't get angry and default to vulgar and hateful ad hominems (of course you already have, which is all you have since you're not very bright and can't refute or defend your lies).

Gov. Brown isn't perfect, and he did gloss over some serious problems facing California. That said, you posted a blog by the former leader of the very conservative Republican State Committee who offered no facts, no numbers and all opinion. Kinda like you, all bullshit, all the time.

BTW, the serious problems facing Gov. Brown and our state are the result of past Governors. Of course Davis suffered the consequences of his sins but Gov's. Wilson, Deukmejian and Reagan all created the Tsunami Gov. Brown faced.

The No Tax and Spend Governors Reagan, Deuklmejian and Wilson created the mess we face today.
It would be a tough time for Republicans if you had any shame. You write off Bush's war crimes because "that was almost 6 years ago." The GOP argued in favor of torture. You argued the legalities of beating someone to death in a basement. And you spent trillions of OUR dollars on trying to find WMD in Iraq that were NOT there. You support the death penalty and war and torture and call yourselves "pro-life Christians".

You people are sick. Normal people need to tell you that more often. Rush Limbaugh is a fat, stupid asshole, Sarah Palin is not even smart enough to be a ring girl at a boxing match, and rational society is going to ram George W. Bush down your throats for as long as it takes our country to pay off his illegal torture war.
One would figure liberals go into hiding with the good news about Walker running Wisconsin, but being typical stupid and insane people....liberals still attack him for being a success and proving they are full of shit.

It's like a Cleveland Cavaliers fan claiming LeBron James sucks and he will never do anything at Miami....
Walker is being groomed to be Wall Street/Establishment's candidate now that Christie has imploded.

Well, holy shit, joey boy, conservative policies work. always have, always will.

liberalism always fails, always has, always will.

You obviously don't spend a lot of time in Wisconsin, do you?

Or you'd know how silly you sound.

Wisconsin's economy is entirely supported by IL residents going there on vacation.

And Milwaukee and Green Bay are really pretty dismal places.

Wow you're clueless.

Manufacturing is the top industry in Wisconsin you idiot.

Wisconsin Economy at a Glance
My district has repeatedly proposed referendums that allow for an increase in property taxes so that schools can make necessary repairs, keep class size low, maintain quality extracurriculars and the arts, etc. Under Walker, districts would not be allowed to do that. Again, so much for local control.

I know it seems like it doesn't make much sense. But Walker is probably doing the better thing by steering away from that path. The more local tax dollars are used for school funding, the more people start clamoring "Well your district should do the same thing / the state should spend less and the district spend more" etc. Next thing you know, spending becomes incredibly uneven. Rich neighborhoods give Ipads to every student. Poor neighborhoods employ convicted child molesters because they can't manage to pay market wages.

But that kind of happens now.

I do agree, district inequality is a problem for the whole country. If the rich parents had to send their little bundles of joy to the same as the poor, you'd see a lot of reform in education.

That was the premise behind forced busing. How did that work out?
I've posted before, you're a liar and really rather dumb. Thanks for more evidence.

You posted a link to a blog written by the former chairman of the California Republican Committee. I posted a comprehensive forecast with actual numbers. A link you didn't read or decided not to bother looking at as is typical of a willfully ignorant partisan hack.

I am not certain if sucking cock is a cause or effect of stupidity. In your case it might be both. I posted an article that takes apart the official numbers and points out that Moonbeams hasnt solved anything or made any hard choices at all.
You of course rather than grappling with the argument fall back on some ad hom argument. If the post is so wrong you will have no trouble refuting it I'm sure.

Now, now, don't get angry and default to vulgar and hateful ad hominems (of course you already have, which is all you have since you're not very bright and can't refute or defend your lies).

Gov. Brown isn't perfect, and he did gloss over some serious problems facing California. That said, you posted a blog by the former leader of the very conservative Republican State Committee who offered no facts, no numbers and all opinion. Kinda like you, all bullshit, all the time.

BTW, the serious problems facing Gov. Brown and our state are the result of past Governors. Of course Davis suffered the consequences of his sins but Gov's. Wilson, Deukmejian and Reagan all created the Tsunami Gov. Brown faced.

The No Tax and Spend Governors Reagan, Deuklmejian and Wilson created the mess we face today.

I suppose the state legislature had nothing to do with it either. It was all Reagan's fault.
You're a hopeless case.
The soon to be indicted (liberals tell us this) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced a plan for returning almost a billion dollars to the taxpayers.

Give the surplus back to Wisconsin taxpayers

How much this must hurt the liberals and the collective bargaining unions.

Wow, giving people back their own money instead of having government spend it is going to make liberal heads explode.
I know it seems like it doesn't make much sense. But Walker is probably doing the better thing by steering away from that path. The more local tax dollars are used for school funding, the more people start clamoring "Well your district should do the same thing / the state should spend less and the district spend more" etc. Next thing you know, spending becomes incredibly uneven. Rich neighborhoods give Ipads to every student. Poor neighborhoods employ convicted child molesters because they can't manage to pay market wages.

But that kind of happens now.

I do agree, district inequality is a problem for the whole country. If the rich parents had to send their little bundles of joy to the same as the poor, you'd see a lot of reform in education.

That was the premise behind forced busing. How did that work out?

Exactly. Studies in the performance of American high school age students competing against kids around the world show that on average, American students are not doing very well in math, science and reading. Not even the top 10. Or 20.

Except, if you take the students from the higher income school districts, those kids are in the top 10 for all three categories, math, science and reading.

I don't think it is the money spent per student as the reason for the higher performance. I think the parents deliver to the schools a student who is ready, willing and able to learn.

That motivation to learn makes all the difference. A motivated kid in a poor district will learn as well. But they will work harder and longer for similar levels of success because they will not have had access to the best in everything for students.

Spending money to learn on a motivated student will give high reward.
Spending lots of money on un motivated students has a big element of waste to it.

And it is really on the parent to give the school a good student. As hard as that is to do.
But it isn't fair to blame schools and teachers for poor, un motivated students.
It would be a tough time for Republicans if you had any shame. You write off Bush's war crimes because "that was almost 6 years ago." The GOP argued in favor of torture. You argued the legalities of beating someone to death in a basement. And you spent trillions of OUR dollars on trying to find WMD in Iraq that were NOT there. You support the death penalty and war and torture and call yourselves "pro-life Christians".

You people are sick. Normal people need to tell you that more often. Rush Limbaugh is a fat, stupid asshole, Sarah Palin is not even smart enough to be a ring girl at a boxing match, and rational society is going to ram George W. Bush down your throats for as long as it takes our country to pay off his illegal torture war.

I can tell the desperattion is getting strong here.

There were no war crimes. Please post where he has been charged. Nowhere.
The GOP argued in favor of enhanced interrogation. The Democrats subbed that out to the Saudis and proclaimed how innocent they were. And idiots like you fell for it.
It was not your dollars. You dont pay taxes. And Democrats appropriated the money and continued to do so, even after they had control of Congress and could have cut it off.
You support abortion, euthanasia, and gay marriage and consider yourself morally superior while you tool around in your Prius and preach giving up to people who are barely making it. You make fun of people who sacrifice to homeschool their kids and ridicule people who put G-d into their lives, all the while indulging yourself in the most unspeakable and banal pleasures.
Your heroes are communists and terrorists who never did a stick of honest work but always lived off other people's money: Castro, Obama, Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy. You excuse glaring moral faults in your own leaders while shaking your finger at the most minor and trivial traits of conservatives.
In all you are a self satisfied smug hypocrite who believes in nothing but your own rightness and your own right to take other people's stuff so you can feel better about yourself.
Go fuck yourself.
Number of homeless teens grows in Milwaukee
Number of homeless teens grows in Milwaukee | Milwaukee County - WISN Home

Homelessness a growing, hidden problem in rural Wisconsin
Read more: Homelessness a growing, hidden problem in rural Wisconsin : Wsj

School lunch program reflects rise in poverty in Wisconsin

Wisconsin children were poor in 2011, due to parents' declined earned incomes and reductions in the safety net. The Wisconsin child poverty rate rose from 10.8 percent in 2010 to 12.2 percent in 2011, a significant increase.

Wisconsin Poverty | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of Wisconsin–Madison

Walker Won't Create Jobs, But Will Force You to Look for Them or Starve

Wisconsin's terrible jobs performance is so anomalous that this weekend Walker announced $100 million in new spending to "ante up on jobs" says the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. A great big bold number, but a closer look shows that the money is slated to build a faster system to track job data -- read, create a state-based alternative to the federal numbers which keep dishing up bad news -- and to invest in technical schools and the university system, which Walker had previously gutted with some $300 million in cuts.

In an unbelievably cruel move, he wants some folks to prove they are looking for work in order to qualify for Wisconsin's Foodshare program. Each month, people who have lost their jobs, who are living on a fixed income, who are retired, disabled or not able to work, get a little help from this lifesaving program. Now Walker is saying to many, look for the jobs I have failed to create or drop dead.

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Number of homeless teens grows in Milwaukee
Number of homeless teens grows in Milwaukee | Milwaukee County - WISN Home

Homelessness a growing, hidden problem in rural Wisconsin
Read more: Homelessness a growing, hidden problem in rural Wisconsin : Wsj

School lunch program reflects rise in poverty in Wisconsin
Wisconsin school lunch program statistics reflect rise in poverty - Milwaukee - Milwaukee Business Journal

Wisconsin children were poor in 2011, due to parents' declined earned incomes and reductions in the safety net. The Wisconsin child poverty rate rose from 10.8 percent in 2010 to 12.2 percent in 2011, a significant increase.

Wisconsin Poverty | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of Wisconsin–Madison

That's definitely Walker's fault.
Oh, hasn't Milwaukee had a mayor who was a socialist or Democrat since 1942? Yes, I believe so. Thanks for proving the "Detroit theory" all over again.

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