Wisconsin man, 50, wearing KKK robe and hood shocks neighbors walking dog

Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

It's awful that you live in such terror.

On a positive note, marc is definitely head over heels in love with you. You're probably going to break a record of most "love" buttons collected in one day.
The point is to remain terror free.

Real Brothers stick together. Dont hate white guy. Dont hate.

You are a sad parody.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

It's awful that you live in such terror.

On a positive note, marc is definitely head over heels in love with you. You're probably going to break a record of most "love" buttons collected in one day.
The point is to remain terror free.

Real Brothers stick together. Dont hate white guy. Dont hate.

You are a sad parody.
You are a sad example of a human.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
Its only hard if youre stupid like you. Dont project your limitations onto me. I'm better than you.
Really? How many murders have you gotten away with committing?
If I tell you then..........
Then what? You're not the super smart ninja offing people in the dead of night when they can't defend themselves? Give us a number, how many people have you murdered and not been charged for?
I would have to.......
Make it all up.
No. Make you a number.
AKA, make it all up. That's what I said, you'd have to make it all up, because you haven't killed anyone and you're not smart enough to do it without getting caught, so you won't do it because you don't want to live with Bubba in a very confined space for a very long time.
"you haven't killed anyone"

What made you think I had killed someone?
What part of me saying, "You haven't killed anyone" leads you to think I believe you did? That seems kind of dumb.
The part where you even suggest that I had killed someone. I want to know who you have been talking to. So I can talk to them.
This all started when you claimed to be able to get away with murdering someone because you are so smart. Did you forget that? I simply asked how many, because how else would you know that you could? Your evasiveness makes it clear you're just trying to talk tough.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

It's awful that you live in such terror.

On a positive note, marc is definitely head over heels in love with you. You're probably going to break a record of most "love" buttons collected in one day.
The point is to remain terror free.

Real Brothers stick together. Dont hate white guy. Dont hate.

You are a sad parody.
You are a sad example of a human.
So the kkk hated black republicans and would attack them, and would leave democrat blacks alone.. TODAY, antifa attack’s black republicans and leaves black democrats alone.. so I’m kinda confused on your position lol

Should you be going after today’s kkk antifia??
Wow, that's a genuine grand dragon robe. Very rare. This guy is a patriot. He can't be a racist because he has a black dog, yes it's on a chain but that's a minor detail.

He was probably just being extra precautious and trying to be safe from the Corona virus.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
Its only hard if youre stupid like you. Dont project your limitations onto me. I'm better than you.
Really? How many murders have you gotten away with committing?
If I tell you then..........
Then what? You're not the super smart ninja offing people in the dead of night when they can't defend themselves? Give us a number, how many people have you murdered and not been charged for?
I would have to.......
Make it all up.
No. Make you a number.
AKA, make it all up. That's what I said, you'd have to make it all up, because you haven't killed anyone and you're not smart enough to do it without getting caught, so you won't do it because you don't want to live with Bubba in a very confined space for a very long time.
"you haven't killed anyone"

What made you think I had killed someone?
What part of me saying, "You haven't killed anyone" leads you to think I believe you did? That seems kind of dumb.
The part where you even suggest that I had killed someone. I want to know who you have been talking to. So I can talk to them.
This all started when you claimed to be able to get away with murdering someone because you are so smart. Did you forget that? I simply asked how many, because how else would you know that you could? Your evasiveness makes it clear you're just trying to talk tough.

"when you claimed to be able to get away with murdering someone because you are so smart. "

Show me a link where I said that.

I remember saying that you were dumb and for you not to project your limitations onto me.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

It's awful that you live in such terror.

On a positive note, marc is definitely head over heels in love with you. You're probably going to break a record of most "love" buttons collected in one day.
The point is to remain terror free.

Real Brothers stick together. Dont hate white guy. Dont hate.

You are a sad parody.
You are a sad example of a human.
So the kkk hated black republicans and would attack them, and would leave democrat blacks alone.. TODAY, antifa attack’s black republicans and leaves black democrats alone.. so I’m kinda confused on your position lol

Should you be going after today’s kkk antifia??
the kkk hated all Blacks you retard. :lol:
It's an idiom. It means I don't believe you. That you are pulling my leg.

IOW...I think you're all hat, no cattle.

That you talk a big game...but the closest you've ever got to braining anyone was that day two weeks ago when you hit your head on top bunk while struggling into your onesie pajamas.

I for one would love to again hear the story or your adventures with the rioter at Best Buy. You tell it so well...and with such enthusiasm..
So its an idiom and a euphemism? Pretty good.

I didnt tell you in order to gain your belief. I dont care what you believe. I told you because I meant to inform you.

I had forgot about that Best Buy story. That was a really good story. I thought that one up while playing hoop. I had to stop because I was laughing so hard. :laughing0301:

Asclepias Dolezal folks.
It's an idiom. It means I don't believe you. That you are pulling my leg.

IOW...I think you're all hat, no cattle.

That you talk a big game...but the closest you've ever got to braining anyone was that day two weeks ago when you hit your head on top bunk while struggling into your onesie pajamas.

I for one would love to again hear the story or your adventures with the rioter at Best Buy. You tell it so well...and with such enthusiasm..
So its an idiom and a euphemism? Pretty good.

I didnt tell you in order to gain your belief. I dont care what you believe. I told you because I meant to inform you.

I had forgot about that Best Buy story. That was a really good story. I thought that one up while playing hoop. I had to stop because I was laughing so hard. :laughing0301:

Asclepias Dolezal folks.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
Its only hard if youre stupid like you. Dont project your limitations onto me. I'm better than you.
Really? How many murders have you gotten away with committing?
If I tell you then..........
Then what? You're not the super smart ninja offing people in the dead of night when they can't defend themselves? Give us a number, how many people have you murdered and not been charged for?
I would have to.......
Make it all up.
No. Make you a number.
AKA, make it all up. That's what I said, you'd have to make it all up, because you haven't killed anyone and you're not smart enough to do it without getting caught, so you won't do it because you don't want to live with Bubba in a very confined space for a very long time.
"you haven't killed anyone"

What made you think I had killed someone?
What part of me saying, "You haven't killed anyone" leads you to think I believe you did? That seems kind of dumb.
The part where you even suggest that I had killed someone. I want to know who you have been talking to. So I can talk to them.
This all started when you claimed to be able to get away with murdering someone because you are so smart. Did you forget that? I simply asked how many, because how else would you know that you could? Your evasiveness makes it clear you're just trying to talk tough.

"when you claimed to be able to get away with murdering someone because you are so smart. "

Show me a link where I said that.

I remember saying that you were dumb and for you not to project your limitations onto me.
How you're just playing word games, and rather poorly I might add. At any rate, watch behind you for a while. Never know when a KKK gleeble might slip up on you and give you a wet willy.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
No way I would have called the cops. Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why would you assault him? You are clearly mentally deranged and should be locked up. You just can’t stand freedom of speech.
KKK is my enemy thats why. My grandpa killed a couple of these peckerwoods.
Go ahead, then enjoy a few decades as Bubba's bitch. That's how it works.
My grandpa never got caught. His blood runs deep in my veins.
It's harder to get away with murder today. Heck, you might even get to enjoy being strapped to the table after a few decades with Bubba.
Its only hard if youre stupid like you. Dont project your limitations onto me. I'm better than you.
Really? How many murders have you gotten away with committing?
If I tell you then..........
Then what? You're not the super smart ninja offing people in the dead of night when they can't defend themselves? Give us a number, how many people have you murdered and not been charged for?
I would have to.......
Make it all up.
No. Make you a number.

Now we are getting somewhere -
What would that number be?
the kkk hated all Blacks you retard
Other than a handful of diehards the KKK is just a fond memory for libs to scare each other with

Might also be a peaceful fond memory for those who are living in fear in these Ghetto Hell Holes.
Might need a well regulated militia to step in for the po-lice.
In the end this may bring a welcome resurgence in The White Knights.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
They burn crosses, but the lynchings stopped decades ago. And no, they are not a terrorist organization. Quit talking about things you dont understand.
How does your conscience allow you to write in defense of the Ku Klux Klan?
Do you have any interactions with the klan in your family history? I do. They were bastards, but if some bubba wants to wear what he wants to, that's his prerogative.
Thats a direct threat that needs to be eliminated.
The only “direct threat” is the one you just made
Nope;.Someone walking around in my neighborhood with KKK robe on is a direct threat. I didnt ask you to agree. I'm telling you.
The robe is a threat? Now sir I think you lay off the crack
Anyone that wears that robe is threat. Mother fucker could be 90 and riding in a wheelchair.

It's awful that you live in such terror.

On a positive note, marc is definitely head over heels in love with you. You're probably going to break a record of most "love" buttons collected in one day.
The point is to remain terror free.

Real Brothers stick together. Dont hate white guy. Dont hate.

You are a sad parody.
You are a sad example of a human.
At least I haven't murdered anyone for what they wear, and don't plan to, so there's that. :)
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
They burn crosses, but the lynchings stopped decades ago. And no, they are not a terrorist organization. Quit talking about things you dont understand.
How does your conscience allow you to write in defense of the Ku Klux Klan?
Do you have any interactions with the klan in your family history? I do. They were bastards, but if some bubba wants to wear what he wants to, that's his prerogative.
You're right. Everyone has a right to be an asshole, a provocateur.

It does, however, border on the notion of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
LOL, funny how people called the police, as if he was doing anything illegal.
Someone should have hunted this fucker down and brained him. Then claimed self defense.
Why? He seems like a nice fella. Plus he's an animal lover which is something you should appreciate.
KKK attire cancels all that shit. That like erecting a confederate statue on my lawn.

You’re a little triggered. What’s it like to be so paranoid?
In defense and service of provocateurs?

One wonders how triggered you would be if a Black Lives Matter March went passed your block?
BLM doesn’t do peaceful protests. They deface and vandalize property, intimidate and attack people. I’d certainly have my sights on them for that second they step out of line.
Do they burn crosses and lynch people? Are they listed by the DOJ as a terrorist organization?
They burn crosses, but the lynchings stopped decades ago. And no, they are not a terrorist organization. Quit talking about things you dont understand.
How does your conscience allow you to write in defense of the Ku Klux Klan?
Do you have any interactions with the klan in your family history? I do. They were bastards, but if some bubba wants to wear what he wants to, that's his prerogative.
You're right. Everyone has a right to be an asshole, a provocateur.

It does, however, border on the notion of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
Fire! You leftist cocksucker! Go fuck yourself, you smarmy piece of shit.

Hey here's a newsflash: All of America has armed itself up because people feel they may need to defend themselves against fucktards like you. I'll call it now: You leftist bastards are going to lose, and big.
In the end this may bring a welcome resurgence in The White Knights.
It wont be welcome by conservatives

but libs will be delighted if the KKK has a national resurgence

because the left thrives on hate

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