Wisconsin NG readies for Rittenhouse decision

If he's found guilty, there will be no riots.
If he is found innocent, then who knows. The left has a long bloody history of taking to the streets when they don't get their way, so be prepared for looting, burning, and violence.
If he is found guilty there will be protests and those protests could turn violent. Stop pretending that people who keep talking about a civil war are not violent.
Sometimes people gather and protest...I personally did this In DC when Nixon got on my nerves. We marched right up to his house, and I believe that movement might have helped get us out of Nam. We did not loot. We did not burn. We did not try to blind police with lasers. We did not throw frozen bottles of urine at people. We did not sucker punch people with bike locks etc... Gathering and protesting is a far different thing than burning and looting. And....(Take this to the bank) it is far, far more powerful.
There was a lot of burning, bombing, and looting dring the Vietnam protests.
Kyle is so damned stupid he was suckered in by these gun toting white boy militias.. Be careful.
So you are saying that "How dare someone interfere with our anarchy"! Or perhaps its anarchy within anarchy. But we do know, it is okay for Progs. But if the Deplorables do it is the worst thing in human history. Truthfully, Progs have had carte blanche on the rioting business.
IM2 I agree with your post #122. However the true power came from the efforts that did not include burning, bombing and looting. The true power came with crowds in the streets holding signs and peacefully saying "Screw this shit" and the American public discovering the truth. This may be happening again..I hope so.
I never said that. If you want to be so stupid as to believe that, well, that's your business.

In the case of Rittenhouse, and riots will be coming from the left...
Did I say you said that? No.

What you did say was that no matter what happens, the left will go crazy. As if the right would never go crazy.

You didn't say something, but you implied something. If you didn't mean to imply this, perhaps you should write more carefully.
Did I say you said that? No.

What you did say was that no matter what happens, the left will go crazy. As if the right would never go crazy.

You didn't say something, but you implied something. If you didn't mean to imply this, perhaps you should write more carefully.

Perhaps you should not be a dipshit.

The reason I pointed out the fact that I didn't say it was simply to point out that the stupidity of that statement came from you.

Yes, I believe all protests will be generated from the left and, no, the right would never protest in this situation...
Perhaps you should not be a dipshit.

The reason I pointed out the fact that I didn't say it was simply to point out that the stupidity of that statement came from you.

Yes, I believe all protests will be generated from the left and, no, the right would never protest in this situation...


Bye, forever.
So you are saying that "How dare someone interfere with our anarchy"! Or perhaps its anarchy within anarchy. But we do know, it is okay for Progs. But if the Deplorables do it is the worst thing in human history. Truthfully, Progs have had carte blanche on the rioting business.

Looting,vandalism and arson are never OKAY for anyone... nor is taking guns to protests.
Perhaps you should not be a dipshit.

The reason I pointed out the fact that I didn't say it was simply to point out that the stupidity of that statement came from you.

Yes, I believe all protests will be generated from the left and, no, the right would never protest in this situation...

32 armed Boogaloo Bois were in Kenosha that night.
Name the leader of "Antifa". How do I join? Because I'm against facism. I guess you arent.

I'll deal with your last point first. FUck you.

Secondly, it seems that they are a revolutionary group and thus do not know openly publish their leadership or recruit openly.

And further more, fuck you again.

Also, are you a communist yourself?
I'll deal with your last point first. FUck you.

Secondly, it seems that they are a revolutionary group and thus do not know openly publish their leadership or recruit openly.

And further more, fuck you again.

Also, are you a communist yourself?

Are you against Fascism?

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