Wisconsin NG readies for Rittenhouse decision

I would not use the word "protest" to describe coordinated terrorist actions.

Groups that are being funded heavily by foreign interests indulging in burning and looting to pursue a political aim are not protestors. They are enemy combatants.

Look to Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois.

This Rittenhouse thing isn't worth it. Stay home, ignore the outcome. These folks don't know right from wrong to begin with.
Look to Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois.

This Rittenhouse thing isn't worth it. Stay home, ignore the outcome. These folks don't know right from wrong to begin with.
Kyle was called in via twitter by a right wing gang leader. Seemingly it's easy for these right wingers to look past the fact Boogaloo Bois are cop killers.
So you're just waiting for someone else to start a race war to give you an excuse to kill some dark skinned people?

Only the Dimm's constantly play the race card as their backstop when they've lost all other things.
I don't wanna kill nobody unless it's in self-defense and a last resort!
Just like Kyle, beetch!!
Only the Dimm's constantly play the race card as their backstop when they've lost all other things.
I don't wanna kill nobody unless it's in self-defense and a last resort!
Just like Kyle, beetch!!
Exactly as I suspected. The innocent verdict will embolden the crazies. Not you though. You're too much of a coward.
Only the Dimm's constantly play the race card as their backstop when they've lost all other things.
I don't wanna kill nobody unless it's in self-defense and a last resort!
Just like Kyle, beetch!!

Kyle is so damned stupid he was suckered in by these gun toting white boy militias.. Be careful.
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I absolutely agree with you, and that rioting will come from the left.

If Rittenhouse is acquitted, of course the left will flip out and start rioting because they're pissed. If Rittenhouse is convicted, the left will lash out in celebration, and that will be manifested by rioting.

When the riots start, I hope that law enforcement authorities are more, let's say "enthusiastic" in their handling of these situations...

Because the right can do no wrong, EVER. Right?

Wisconsin Governor has decided to "Be Prepared" for the aftermath of the Rittenhouse trial.

I expect people protesting in the streets no matter the outcome.

Rioters/looters/arsonists/those attacking other people should be shot on sight---to deter such bad behavior.
Why do you think the agitators will refuse to continue stirring the pot?
So much transparency during the trial. Every second was televised.

The media is an active partner to Antifa, and BLM.

They are needed to gaslight the public.

No way to finger fuck the narrative due to that transparency.

Secondly, no people of struggle and triumph were killed.

They were white, and a Jew....plus he was a Jew who fucked kids...

I've not followed the case but the more I hear about it, the more bullshit it sounds to be with all the facts once again re-engineered to fit the left's racist agenda, and with this Rittenhouse person left twisting in the wind while the nation reels that a case like this can even happen in America.

Did I miss anything?
I've not followed the case but the more I hear about it, the more bullshit it sounds to be with all the facts once again re-engineered to fit the left's racist agenda, and with this Rittenhouse person left twisting in the wind while the nation reels that a case like this can even happen in America.

Did I miss anything?

Just the facts and a solid and revered Wisconsin Judge.
Common sense is all that is needed when attempting to understand this "news story". Simply common sense. Watch the footage of the night, watch the trial,, and with a logical mindset,,, almost all thinking human beings can determine, and agree on what actually happened on that tragic night.... But nooooooo... we have the women on the "View" asking how Kyle could "murder" two BLM protesters and be set free. So much effort is put into the spin. (The judge was accused of racism for a remark about Chinese food ) We are past the stage of ridiculous. This trial (and frankly, this thread) clearly show that some Americans are so spun up in the spin ....that common sense has left the room.
An unlikely scenario is that Kyle is found innocent (that part isnt unlikely imo), people gather to protest, and then armed right wing gangs that call themselves militia's feel emboldened to just start shooting people because hey Kyle was found innocent that gives me free reign to do whatever. Unlikely scenario, but still possible. Unlikely mainly because these militia's are full of big talking pussies.
So, Kyle must be sacrificed for the greater good, right?

Behold, the mind of a fucking commie.
So, Kyle must be sacrificed for the greater good, right?

Behold, the mind of a fucking commie.
How did you come up with that. I never said that nor insinuated it. Your kind sure does come to some weird conclusions. No wonder why you get sucked into all these conspiracy theories. Your brains dont work.
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Sometimes people gather and protest...I personally did this In DC when Nixon got on my nerves. We marched right up to his house, and I believe that movement might have helped get us out of Nam. We did not loot. We did not burn. We did not try to blind police with lasers. We did not throw frozen bottles of urine at people. We did not sucker punch people with bike locks etc... Gathering and protesting is a far different thing than burning and looting. And....(Take this to the bank) it is far, far more powerful.
Look to Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois.

This Rittenhouse thing isn't worth it. Stay home, ignore the outcome. These folks don't know right from wrong to begin with.
You support terrorists burning down Kenosha and you claim OTHER people don't know right from wrong?

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