Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

The Lefties and their Union Hench Thugs are totally buggin' over this.

They turned up the heat en masse to ensure Kloppy's election...and with all of that money and labor, still lost.


Yeah but hink about how much of the taxpayers money was wasted on the recount and the bitch and wine fest in Wisconsen. As if enough of it wasent allready wasted on the unions. But you are right. Look at that hate filled attack that was thrown at me on the first post I placed on this thread! They are buggin!
The Lefties and their Union Hench Thugs are totally buggin' over this.

They turned up the heat en masse to ensure Kloppy's election...and with all of that money and labor, still lost.


Yeah but hink about how much of the taxpayers money was wasted on the recount and the bitch and wine fest in Wisconsen. As if enough of it wasent allready wasted on the unions. But you are right. Look at that hate filled attack that was thrown at me on the first post I placed on this thread! They are buggin!

Note my sig.

Hopefully, rational people will see this recount for what it is: Sore Losermans having a temper tantrum.
The Lefties and their Union Hench Thugs are totally buggin' over this.

They turned up the heat en masse to ensure Kloppy's election...and with all of that money and labor, still lost.


Yeah but hink about how much of the taxpayers money was wasted on the recount and the bitch and wine fest in Wisconsen. As if enough of it wasent allready wasted on the unions. But you are right. Look at that hate filled attack that was thrown at me on the first post I placed on this thread! They are buggin!

Note my sig.

Hopefully, rational people will see this recount for what it is: Sore Losermans having a temper tantrum.

I'm curious. How exactly is it legal to force a man with unaleinable rights such as freedom of association to pay dues as a condition of his undesputable right to work? Exactly how is collective barganing an unaleinable right? Of course none of this matters now. When liberals cant get what they want through negotiation or legislation they play the legal system. looks like all three have failed. Woo Hoo!
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Yeah but hink about how much of the taxpayers money was wasted on the recount and the bitch and wine fest in Wisconsen. As if enough of it wasent allready wasted on the unions. But you are right. Look at that hate filled attack that was thrown at me on the first post I placed on this thread! They are buggin!

Note my sig.

Hopefully, rational people will see this recount for what it is: Sore Losermans having a temper tantrum.

I'm curious. How exactly is it legal to force a man with unaleinable rights such as freedom of association to pay dues as a condition of his undesputable right to work? Exactly how is collective barganing an unaleinable right?

It's not an inalienable right by any stretch of the imagination.

Unions have morphed into money laundering schemes for the Dems to recycle taxpayer money into their own campaign coffers. Hence the need for Card Check to ensure that the Cash Does Flow.
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Note my sig.

Hopefully, rational people will see this recount for what it is: Sore Losermans having a temper tantrum.

I'm curious. How exactly is it legal to force a man with unaleinable rights such as freedom of association to pay dues as a condition of his undesputable right to work? Exactly how is collective barganing an unaleinable right?

It's not an inalienable right by any stretch of the imagination.

Union have morphed into money laundering schemes for the Dems to recycle taxpayer money into their own campaign coffers. Hence the need for Card Check to ensure that the Cash Does Flow.

If you havent seen this video rent it or watch it on netflix!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzIfTmD8UUc]YouTube - ‪The Cartel - Trailer‬‏[/ame]
And the Quantum Windbag avoids the question like the little neocon coward that he is. And as always, the truth is a little more than what neocon windbags would have you believe.
JoAnne Kloppenburg To Seek Statewide Recount In Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

She lost, get over it.


As for your question, I learned a long time ago to accept the truth.

And our intellectual coward Quantum Windbag strikes again! For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law. My question to our resident neocon parrot is very poignant given the dubious circumstances that brought about all of this.....would parrots like the Quantum Windbag be so accepting of the turnout here if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

I already answered your question, want to go back and look?
She lost, get over it.


As for your question, I learned a long time ago to accept the truth.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECB22FYqCSg"]YouTube - ‪Counter Strike Pwning!‬‏[/ame]

And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

For the record, even the Wisconsin papers that supported her candidacy think she should not have exercised her rights because the results were clear before the recount was even started. It seems that, unlike you, some liberals are intelligent enough to accept facts.
It has been taking place, and is all but over. Kloppenburg lost.
silly liberals won't believe it because they haven't seen the armies of chad counting morons all over the TV. I mean, you don't seriously think there could be a recount with all the attendant circus freaks do you?

And like all neocon intellectual cowards, Benny joins the silly Windbag in avoiding the question.

And the beat goes on

JoAnne Kloppenburg To Seek Statewide Recount In Wisconsin Supreme Court Election
Nobody asked me a question you lying sack of shit. Have you admitted your lies yet? have you admitted lying about your lies? have you admitted lying about the lies you told about your lies? As soon as you cop to your lies I'll entertain you with an answer to your deflection.
What a most appropriate time to bring this thread back up! Great Job! Go Prosser! I cant wait to see the unions crying in protest!

And here's another intellectually coward that can't answer a simple question.

Also, is old Publius really ignorant enough to think that his current lifestyle would have been possible without the New Deal and union's in America?

I was never asked a question. But I see here that I have been challenged with one. Let me answer it for you. YES!

YOU just ignored the question I put to Dr. House in order to spew your ignorance as to how the New Deal and unions affected your life. So if you want to play games, fine...I'll officially put the question to YOU, Publius: given the dubious circumstances that brought about all of this.....would you be so accepting of the turnout here if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

And as to your obvious ignorance regarding the New Deal and unions, here are a few points for your education:

1. Unions Gave Us The Weekend: Even the ultra-conservative Mises Institute notes that the relatively labor-free 1870, the average workweek for most Americans was 61 hours — almost double what most Americans work now. Yet in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, labor unions engaged in massive strikes in order to demand shorter workweeks so that Americans could be home with their loved ones instead of constantly toiling for their employers with no leisure time. By 1937, these labor actions created enough political momentum to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helped create a federal framework for a shorter workweek that included room for leisure time.

2. Unions Gave Us Fair Wages And Relative Income Equality: As ThinkProgress reported earlier in the week, the relative decline of unions over the past 35 years has mirrored a decline in the middle class’s share of national income. It is also true that at the time when most Americans belonged to a union — a period of time between the 1940′s and 1950′s — income inequality in the U.S. was at its lowest point in the history of the country.

3. Unions Helped End Child Labor: “Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined” in U.S. history, with organization’s like the “National Consumers’ League” and the National Child Labor Committee” working together in the early 20th century to ban child labor. The very first American Federation of Labor (AFL) national convention passed “a resolution calling on states to ban children under 14 from all gainful employment” in 1881, and soon after states across the country adopted similar recommendations, leading up to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act which regulated child labor on the federal level for the first time.

4. Unions Won Widespread Employer-Based Health Coverage: “The rise of unions in the 1930′s and 1940′s led to the first great expansion of health care” for all Americans, as labor unions banded workers together to negotiate for health coverage plans from employers. In 1942, “the US set up a National War Labor Board. It had the power to set a cap on all wage increases. But it let employers circumvent the cap by offering “fringe benefits” – notably, health insurance.” By 1950, “half of all companies with fewer than 250 workers and two-thirds of all companies with more than 250 workers offered health insurance of one kind or another.”

5. Unions Spearheaded The Fight For The Family And Medical Leave Act: Labor unions like the AFL-CIO federation led the fight for this 1993 law, which “requires state agencies and private employers with more than 50 employees to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave annually for workers to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, seriously ill family member or for the worker’s own illness.”

ThinkProgress » REPORT: Five Things Unions Have Done For All Americans

Top 10 New Deal Programs
Top 10 New Deal Programs

1. CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
The Civilian Conservation Corps was created in 1933 by Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat unemployment. This work relief program had the desired effect and provided jobs for many Americans during the Great Depression. The CCC was responsible for building many public works and created structures and trails in parks across the nation.

2. CWA - Civil Works Administration
The Civil Works Administration was created in 1933 to create jobs for the unemployed. Its focus on high paying jobs in the construction arena resulted in a much greater expense to the federal government than originally anticipated. The CWA ended in 1934 in large part due to opposition to its cost.

3. FHA - Federal Housing Administration
The Federal Housing Administration was a government agency created to combat the housing crisis of the Great Depression. The large number of unemployed workers combined with the banking crisis created a situation in which banks recalled loans. The FHA was designed to regulate mortgages and housing conditions.

4. FSA - Federal Security Agency
The Federal Security Agency established in 1939 had the responsibility for several important government entities. Until it was abolished in 1953, it administered social security, federal education funding, and food and drug safety.

5. HOLC - Home Owner's Loan Corporation
The Home Owner's Loan Corporation was created in 1933 to assist in the refinancing of homes. The housing crisis created a great many foreclosures, and Franklin Roosevelt hoped this new agency would stem the tide. In fact, between 1933 and 1935 one million people received long term loans through the agency that saved their homes from foreclosure.

6. NRA - National Recovery Act
The National Recovery Act was designed to bring the interests of working class Americans and business together. Through hearings and government intervention the hope was to balance the needs of all involved in the economy. However, the NRA was declared unconstitutional in the landmark Supreme Court case Schechter Poultry Corp. v. US. The Supreme Court ruled that the NRA violated the separation of powers.

7. PWA - Public Works Administration
The Public Works Administration was a program created to provide economic stimulus and jobs during the Great Depression. The PWA was designed to create public works and continued until the US ramped up wartime production for World War II. It ended in 1941.

8. SSA - Social Security Act
The Social Security Act was designed to combat the widespread poverty among senior citizens. The government program provided income to retired wage earners. The program has become one of the most popular government programs and is funded by current wage earners and their employers. However, in recent years concerns have arisen about the viability of continuing to fund the program as the Baby Boom generation reaches retirement age.

9. TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Valley Authority was established in 1933 to develop the economy in the Tennessee Valley region which had been hit extremely hard by the Great Depression. The TVA was and is a federally owned corporation that works in this region to this day. It is the largest public provider of electricity in the United States.

10. WPA - Works Progress Administration
The Works Progress Administration was created in 1935. As the largest New Deal Agency, the WPA impacted millions of Americans. It provided jobs across the nation. Because of it, numerous roads, buildings, and other projects were completed. It was renamed the Works Projects Administration in 1939. It officially ended in 1943.
The Lefties and their Union Hench Thugs are totally buggin' over this.

They turned up the heat en masse to ensure Kloppy's election...and with all of that money and labor, still lost.


Since when is questioning the dubious actions of a GOP political wonk with a history of dabbling in political fraud wrong? Since when does good old fashioned campaigning and LEGITIMATE campaign funding "ensure" an election? You talk as if Kloppenburg's campaign out spent the local GOP in some devious way....PROVE IT!

Meanwhile, I'll ask YOU the same question that none of the other right wing parrots have the guts to honestly answer....if the situation were reversed and Kloppenburg came out on top, would YOU be so accepting?
She lost, get over it.


As for your question, I learned a long time ago to accept the truth.

And our intellectual coward Quantum Windbag strikes again! For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law. My question to our resident neocon parrot is very poignant given the dubious circumstances that brought about all of this.....would parrots like the Quantum Windbag be so accepting of the turnout here if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

I already answered your question, want to go back and look?

Want to stop being a Quantum P***Y and give a straight and honest answer? Or give the link to your alleged response? Or the Post number? Quit stalling, you Windbag!
silly liberals won't believe it because they haven't seen the armies of chad counting morons all over the TV. I mean, you don't seriously think there could be a recount with all the attendant circus freaks do you?

And like all neocon intellectual cowards, Benny joins the silly Windbag in avoiding the question.

And the beat goes on

JoAnne Kloppenburg To Seek Statewide Recount In Wisconsin Supreme Court Election
Nobody asked me a question you lying sack of shit. Have you admitted your lies yet? have you admitted lying about your lies? have you admitted lying about the lies you told about your lies? As soon as you cop to your lies I'll entertain you with an answer to your deflection.

Oh spare us all your BS, Benny. You read the question I asked your moronic compadres, but you ignored it to just spew your BS. But if you want to play games, fine....I'll officially ask you the question....if the situation in Wisconsin was reversed and Kloppenburg came out on top, would you be so accepting and compliant?

So stop acting like a P***Y, Benny....you can scream "liar" until doomsday...PROVING it in no uncertain terms, using facts and logic, is a whole other smoke.
And our intellectual coward Quantum Windbag strikes again! For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law. My question to our resident neocon parrot is very poignant given the dubious circumstances that brought about all of this.....would parrots like the Quantum Windbag be so accepting of the turnout here if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

I already answered your question, want to go back and look?

Want to stop being a Quantum P***Y and give a straight and honest answer? Or give the link to your alleged response? Or the Post number? Quit stalling, you Windbag!

Why? You just told Publius that he ignored the question tight after he answered it. You obviously are only happy if we say we wold scream and cry and whine like little girls or progressives. You seem to have trouble grasping the reality that elections have consequences and that ithers accept that.

And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

For the record, even the Wisconsin papers that supported her candidacy think she should not have exercised her rights because the results were clear before the recount was even started. It seems that, unlike you, some liberals are intelligent enough to accept facts.

Oh, so that was the consensus of ALL the people in Wisconsin...a few op eds? :doubt:

Grow the hell up, you silly Windbag and ANSWER THE QUESTION!
She lost, get over it.


As for your question, I learned a long time ago to accept the truth.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECB22FYqCSg]YouTube - ‪Counter Strike Pwning!‬‏[/ame]

And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

when the initial results came out and it appeared that klopper had won I said then that thats the way the cookie crumbles, *shrugs* not everyone is hyperventilating uber partisan, stop projecting.
I already answered your question, want to go back and look?

Want to stop being a Quantum P***Y and give a straight and honest answer? Or give the link to your alleged response? Or the Post number? Quit stalling, you Windbag!

Why? You just told Publius that he ignored the question tight after he answered it. You obviously are only happy if we say we wold scream and cry and whine like little girls or progressives. You seem to have trouble grasping the reality that elections have consequences and that ithers accept that.

And there you have it, folks. Asked to prove his claim the Quantum Windbag COULD NOT....then QW blows more smoke by making a false accusation that the chronology of the posts clearly does not support.

Yep, the Quantum Windbag lives up to his name!

And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

when the initial results came out and it appeared that klopper had won I said then that thats the way the cookie crumbles, *shrugs* not everyone is hyperventilating uber partisan, stop projecting.

If you stated such on this thread, please quote the post number or give a link to it....because our exchanges indicated no such attitude by you.
And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

when the initial results came out and it appeared that klopper had won I said then that thats the way the cookie crumbles, *shrugs* not everyone is hyperventilating uber partisan, stop projecting.

If you stated such on this thread, please quote the post number or give a link to it....because our exchanges indicated no such attitude by you.

oh yea, I am going to go back thru that cesspool of 20 threads and K's of posts? ....uhmmm, survey says no.

and yes you'll now tell me I am full of shit, maaaan U R good!:rolleyes:.

our exchanges? what all 12 of them....:lol:
And like all neocon intellectual cowards, Benny joins the silly Windbag in avoiding the question.

And the beat goes on

JoAnne Kloppenburg To Seek Statewide Recount In Wisconsin Supreme Court Election
Nobody asked me a question you lying sack of shit. Have you admitted your lies yet? have you admitted lying about your lies? have you admitted lying about the lies you told about your lies? As soon as you cop to your lies I'll entertain you with an answer to your deflection.

Oh spare us all your BS, Benny. You read the question I asked your moronic compadres, but you ignored it to just spew your BS. But if you want to play games, fine....I'll officially ask you the question....if the situation in Wisconsin was reversed and Kloppenburg came out on top, would you be so accepting and compliant?

So stop acting like a P***Y, Benny....you can scream "liar" until doomsday...PROVING it in no uncertain terms, using facts and logic, is a whole other smoke.
Reading comprehension not your strong suit? I said i'ld answer your deflection when you copped to your lie... you haven't done so yet. Proving it is easy since you did it for me with your dumbassed "cronologies". So, dumbass, once again, go back in the thread and show us a post AFTER post 607 where you admitted that what you claimed in post 607 was a lie, then admit that you lied about lying about it, and that you lied about claiming to have admitted it was a lie after you lied about lying about it. Until you do, I won't be answering any deflections.

And while you moronic right wingnuts are celebrating some serious collusion between the executive and judicial in Wisconsin, maybe you could muster up the cojones and answer a simple question: would you be so accepting of the turnout if the roles were reversed and it was Kloppenburg coming out on top?

For the record, Kloppenburg exercised her rights and these are the results. Whether she'll pursue it further is up to the local law.

when the initial results came out and it appeared that klopper had won I said then that thats the way the cookie crumbles, *shrugs* not everyone is hyperventilating uber partisan, stop projecting.

And that was less than 500 votes, yet taichi is still whining with a 7000 votes against him.

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