Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

I see the Republicans are already getting their excuses (THEY CHEATED!) set up.

I see the Republicans are already getting their excuses (THEY CHEATED!) set up.

The Democrats love to count and count and count. You keep counting until you win and then the counting stops. We all know how this works.

bodecea....you sure called this one!!!! Jack Fate didn't waste anytime proving your point...LMAO!!!
The NY Slimes is a local paper in Wisconsin?...Who knew?


i think he's referring to the nyt as the nation's *paper of record*


looks like milwaukee county's fucked- they've got a *scion of a wealthy boston family* as county exec.

good luck, you'll need it. even we aren't stupid enough to elect one of those.

Abele defeats Stone for Milwaukee County executive - JSOnline
Wait a minute....I thought lefties totally distrusted rich white dudes, who bought their way into elected offices that wouldn't even pay back the money they "invested" in the election. :eusa_eh:

Well, as usual, you thought wrong.

Right...As long as the rich white guy buying political office has that (D) next to his name, all bets are off. :rolleyes:

Yup. Because we've already seen what the ones with a (R) next to their names do. And the people are pissed at them.

Prosser is up by 2000 or less. This is headed for a recount. I hope that con judge gets the boot. The last thing WI needs is a Walker ally in the Supreme Court.

Last thing WI needs is to declare bankruptcy because they have to pay the unions come hell or high water.
A state cannot go bankrupt. Pick up a book sometime.
I'm the one who is *correctly* asserting that people in New Yawk punditry have little enough of a handle on their own political problems, let alone be they able to make credible calls on how the political situations in states 1,000 miles away will play out.
Kloopenberg (sp, whatever) I think has it sown up, she has a 500 vote lead with less than 10% of the precincts to count and they are in areas that are sympathetic to her.

Hey, this is the game we have allowed to fester, tons of outside state money, buying ads like this;

Mother Of All Negative Ads Dropped On WI Judicial Race (VIDEO)
Evan McMorris-Santoro | March 25, 2011

Mother Of All Negative Ads Dropped On WI Judicial Race (VIDEO) | TPMDC

and for reading content-

and there it is. no sour grapes, I am a big boy,this is the way the game is played and reps have never played the game this well or down in the dirt, they are hamstrung, because the media won't let them get away with it and any reasonable person even if they won't say so, becasue they are sympathetic of the democratic side of the number line, knows it.

And in the end all its a tactical set back, strategery wise ;) the Unions have bought a reprieve only, this will be back and with a vengeance, the budget issues etc. and union costs of doing bus. are not going to disappear.
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From what I've read, this wasn't even supposed to be close. Hopefully it's closer than we think and Mr. Prosser takes a walk.

Abele crushed Stone in Milwaukee for Walker's old job, and Democrats already have enough signatures for one recall vote. Whether Conservatives will admit it or not, the state clearly opposes Scott Walker and his Union busting agenda, as is reflected in the polls, and the fact that this race for Supreme Court was even close.
Going to have at least one recall in the Wisconsin State Senate, bet it will be a lot more than that in another two weeks. Very negative vibes for the whole of the GOP Teabagger Party.
Last thing WI needs is to declare bankruptcy because they have to pay the unions come hell or high water.

It's called collective bargaining. It's been an important part of American history. Get used to it. WI Rethug senators are getting recalled, and in less than a year, Walker will follow. The law is on hold and hopefully not coming back. Walker has been exposed as the corrupt asshole that he is.

I know what it's called but the difference between the private sector and public sector make CB unfair for the employer, which is the taxpayer, because they weren't properly represented unless they had a legal rep at the table when the deal was made.

Unless WI taxpayers had a paid rep present they got shafted. This must be fulfilled before CB can be legally binding. Governors, Representatives, and State Senators are not legal representatives in any business oriented negotiations. They can only vote on legislation and the Governor signs them.


My god you deserve the idiot of the day. You don't think workers deserve benefits?
It's called collective bargaining. It's been an important part of American history. Get used to it. WI Rethug senators are getting recalled, and in less than a year, Walker will follow. The law is on hold and hopefully not coming back. Walker has been exposed as the corrupt asshole that he is.

I know what it's called but the difference between the private sector and public sector make CB unfair for the employer, which is the taxpayer, because they weren't properly represented unless they had a legal rep at the table when the deal was made.

Unless WI taxpayers had a paid rep present they got shafted. This must be fulfilled before CB can be legally binding. Governors, Representatives, and State Senators are not legal representatives in any business oriented negotiations. They can only vote on legislation and the Governor signs them.


My god you deserve the idiot of the day. You don't think workers deserve benefits?

perhaps if you posted in your native tongue you'd make more sense.
Libs are funny. In this election when they had everything they are ever going to get on thier side; voter intensity, motivation, leftist anger, thugish intimidation, loud and constant whining, the press, the lies and everything else they could possibly want to win an election... they won in a fairly blue state by 204 votes.

Truly, it's not looking good for you guys when the intensity wanes.
Whats really going to be funny though is when the WI SC picks up the case the appelate court threw it's way and dismisses it before kloppenbagger ever gets seated.

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