Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

From what I've read, this wasn't even supposed to be close. Hopefully it's closer than we think and Mr. Prosser takes a walk.

Abele crushed Stone in Milwaukee for Walker's old job, and Democrats already have enough signatures for one recall vote. Whether Conservatives will admit it or not, the state clearly opposes Scott Walker and his Union busting agenda, as is reflected in the polls, and the fact that this race for Supreme Court was even close.

a 50.0068% to 49.9931% victory equals "clearly"....uh yeah okay. walker and the reps who got elected won by more than that, all of them, but, that naturally doesn't count. :lol:

slice that bologna a little thinner and all you'll have left is grease on your fingers....enjoy.
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This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!
:lol::lol::lol: What's your problem? How do you not understand this? Three counties that previously voted for Republicans flipped and voted Democrat. And you think that's irrelevant?

so this election and its rep to dem flip counts, yet last Novembers doesn't, got it. :rolleyes:

I wonder if the court needs a quorum:eusa_whistle:

I missed the part where I said anything about last year's election. Could you please show me where I brought it up? Thanks.

Ah so the semantic hypocritical jujitsu you just employed, turned back on you is beyond your ability to understand? apparently. dude....:eusa_shhh:
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:
And while you dance a some sort of victory polka, this race is a solid reminder of blowback.
False, you just don't understand the argument. You didn't "prove" anything except that you don't have a clue what losing in these recalls this year is going to mean for you next year.

Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just ignorant as to what we were talking about?

I'll give you one more shot. Here's the original argument between the two of us:

BenNatuf said:
So laughable, you can't even get a SC judgeship comfortably and you think you're going to recall the governor....

Face it, with the atmosphere your thug buddies and henchmen have created in WI with their rediculous antics and electoral hissy fit, if you can't win this race comfortably in a union stroghold like WI, you've got NOTHING.

sgtmeowenstein said:
What's laughable is your state of denial. Prosser (the conservative judge) should have won easily. The fact that it's this close is a big indicator that Repubs in WI are in big trouble with voters. Read it and weep:

19 counties that went for Walker in the 2010 elections this time flipped and went for Kloppenburg, including LaCrosse (59 percent), Sauk (56 percent) and Dunn (56 percent).

See that? You claimed that Dems should have easily won the election; and since it's so close, you believe they're in trouble. As I showed you, Dems actually flipped three Republican counties to their side. That fact, and the fact that Prosser, a known, incumbent justice, just lost the election to an unknown candidate, proves my original point - that WI Repubs are in trouble with voters. Otherwise, they would have won a relatively safe Repub seat. Get it yet, or do I need to break out the sock puppets in order to explain it to you?
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This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:
And while you dance a some sort of victory polka, this race is a solid reminder of blowback.
Possibly losing by 204 votes in a atate like WI when the dem base is as energized as they are ever going to be is "blowback":cuckoo:
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:

Ohio Dems are collecting signatures to force the Ohio union law to a referendum vote - meaning, if Dems get enough signatures, the law will be voted on by Ohio citizens.
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:

Ohio is another RW smuthole pocket...they get what they deserve.
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:
And while you dance a some sort of victory polka, this race is a solid reminder of blowback.

have you ever heard the term Pyrrhic victory? you do know that kloppenberg whatever won't abe able to take her seat until august ..right?
A democratic senator from Wisconsin Mark Miller said he didn't think she would be there in time to rule on collective bargaining, the dems still need a MAJORITY in the legislature to reverse it, and 3 won't do it.

Now that was not really what my point was so I will elucidate- while trumka and thugacracy spent their time in Wisconsin, ohio fla et al have gone forward crafting their own collective bargaining changes and enacting them, in addition, as far as national consequences go, the economic issues won't go away just because she won, or Wisconsin has a reversal, the damage has been done, and IF by some magic walkers total reform is sent off the field, the budget the balanced this year doesn't mean it will balance next year, the problems remain.
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:

Ohio is another RW smuthole pocket...they get what they deserve.

uh huh without obama may be toast, try and think a bit.
This win will only invigorate Liberals the nation over.

Go Kloppenberg GO!!

while you were asleep several states have already gutted collective bargaining or are on their way, but you go ahead and get your groove on:lol:feeling invigorated? go check Ohio...:clap2:

Ohio Dems are collecting signatures to force the Ohio union law to a referendum vote - meaning, if Dems get enough signatures, the law will be voted on by Ohio citizens.

oh, so the votes of the electorate DO count? :lol:
False, you just don't understand the argument. You didn't "prove" anything except that you don't have a clue what losing in these recalls this year is going to mean for you next year.

Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just ignorant as to what we were talking about?

I'll give you one more shot. Here's the original argument between the two of us:

BenNatuf said:
So laughable, you can't even get a SC judgeship comfortably and you think you're going to recall the governor....

Face it, with the atmosphere your thug buddies and henchmen have created in WI with their rediculous antics and electoral hissy fit, if you can't win this race comfortably in a union stroghold like WI, you've got NOTHING.

sgtmeowenstein said:
What's laughable is your state of denial. Prosser (the conservative judge) should have won easily. The fact that it's this close is a big indicator that Repubs in WI are in big trouble with voters. Read it and weep:

19 counties that went for Walker in the 2010 elections this time flipped and went for Kloppenburg, including LaCrosse (59 percent), Sauk (56 percent) and Dunn (56 percent).

See that? You claimed that Dems should have easily won the election; and since it's so close, you believe they're in trouble. As I showed you, Dems actually flipped three Republican counties to their side. That fact, and the fact that Prosser, a known, incumbent justice, just lost the election to an unknown candidate, proves my original point - that WI Repubs are in trouble with voters. Otherwise, they would have won a relatively safe Repub seat. Get it yet, or do I need to break out the sock puppets in order to explain it to you?
Proves your point? Thats some funny shit there. Did you miss the point? In the senate races most likely to have serious recall efforts Prosser won 4 out of 6 districts. I wouldn't call that "being in trouble" which is what you siad the GOP was. I would call that really, reaaly bad for democratics when they actually LOSE seats in thier recall bids.

Your assertion that Prosser should have won easily is a fantasy you cooked up in your mind to make it seem like 204 voites is some huge win. It doesn't matter that 19 counties flipped, it's still only 204 votes, and that when democratics have ALL of the intensity. I expected Prosser to lose by more than that given the attention this normally quiet race would usually get, and the intensity level for democratics. Close, but not this close.

BTW, how is any statewide seat in WI "relatively safe" for the GOP? It's a pretty fucking blue state and I can't think of too many people who thought the GOP would take the legislature in NOV to begin with.

Now, I also showed you that the GOP "flipped" 2 democratic state senates districts to its side, so I'm not seeing any disaster here. Or much trouble for the GOP. You've proven nothing except that you know how to follow the spin your masters put out. "204 votes is a fucking landslaide.... arrghhhhh the GOP is dead"..... LOL, what a rube. Sorry dude, ain't seeing it.

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