Wisconsin voter ID law a lie and a sham...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Republicans lied in Wisconsin: Here’s how you know the state’s voter ID law is a complete sham

On April 5, when voters cast ballots in Wisconsin’s Republican and Democratic primaries, the state’s controversial voter ID bill will face its biggest test since Governor Scott Walker signed it into law in 2011. For the first time in a major election, citizens will be required to show approved forms of identification in order to vote. The law mandates that the state run a public-service campaign “in conjunction with the first regularly scheduled primary and election” to educate voters on what forms of ID are acceptable.

But Wisconsin has failed to appropriate funds for the public education campaign. The result is that thousands of citizens may be turned away from the polls simply because they did not understand what form of identification they needed to vote.

Doesn’t look too good for those who argue that, contrary to Democrats’ claims, voter ID laws are not intended to suppress the Democratic vote, does it? Well, it gets worse.

Because this isn’t a case of bureaucratic miscommunication; this isn’t about the state government’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing. According to Smith’s reporting, the decision to provide a statewide education campaign with all of zero dollars was about as intentional-looking as it gets:

Just another day and another Republican lie. I must admit, I have lost all confidence in the "party of morals."
Republicans preach sermons on religion and morals and then they turn around and play sleazy games with voters.
Republicans lied in Wisconsin: Here’s how you know the state’s voter ID law is a complete sham

On April 5, when voters cast ballots in Wisconsin’s Republican and Democratic primaries, the state’s controversial voter ID bill will face its biggest test since Governor Scott Walker signed it into law in 2011. For the first time in a major election, citizens will be required to show approved forms of identification in order to vote. The law mandates that the state run a public-service campaign “in conjunction with the first regularly scheduled primary and election” to educate voters on what forms of ID are acceptable.

But Wisconsin has failed to appropriate funds for the public education campaign. The result is that thousands of citizens may be turned away from the polls simply because they did not understand what form of identification they needed to vote.

Doesn’t look too good for those who argue that, contrary to Democrats’ claims, voter ID laws are not intended to suppress the Democratic vote, does it? Well, it gets worse.

Because this isn’t a case of bureaucratic miscommunication; this isn’t about the state government’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing. According to Smith’s reporting, the decision to provide a statewide education campaign with all of zero dollars was about as intentional-looking as it gets:

Just another day and another Republican lie. I must admit, I have lost all confidence in the "party of morals."
Republicans preach sermons on religion and morals and then they turn around and play sleazy games with voters.

When democracy doesn't work for you anymore, you cheat. This is what the Republican party has become. Keep people from voting.

They are the US version of the Politburo.
Voter suppression and gerrymandering are keeping the Republican Party from going the way of the Dinosaur. Listening to Ted Cruz is like watching a Leave it to Beaver rerun. His opinions and outlook on the world were greatly accepted.....in the 50's.
Republicans lied in Wisconsin: Here’s how you know the state’s voter ID law is a complete sham

On April 5, when voters cast ballots in Wisconsin’s Republican and Democratic primaries, the state’s controversial voter ID bill will face its biggest test since Governor Scott Walker signed it into law in 2011. For the first time in a major election, citizens will be required to show approved forms of identification in order to vote. The law mandates that the state run a public-service campaign “in conjunction with the first regularly scheduled primary and election” to educate voters on what forms of ID are acceptable.

But Wisconsin has failed to appropriate funds for the public education campaign. The result is that thousands of citizens may be turned away from the polls simply because they did not understand what form of identification they needed to vote.

Doesn’t look too good for those who argue that, contrary to Democrats’ claims, voter ID laws are not intended to suppress the Democratic vote, does it? Well, it gets worse.

Because this isn’t a case of bureaucratic miscommunication; this isn’t about the state government’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing. According to Smith’s reporting, the decision to provide a statewide education campaign with all of zero dollars was about as intentional-looking as it gets:

Just another day and another Republican lie. I must admit, I have lost all confidence in the "party of morals."
Republicans preach sermons on religion and morals and then they turn around and play sleazy games with voters.
The last time I cast my ballot during early voting I discovered my ballot was cast as a a provisional ballot which meant there was a good chance my vote wouldn't count. And that was after providing all necessary forms of ID prior to voting.
Repubs have gone to far. As usual. Give the fuckers an inch, and they'll take a mile everytime.
Going on vacation in North Carolina soon. While I enjoy the beach, I will keep in mind that the state is in the grasp of a dying and desperate GOP.
Republicans lied in Wisconsin: Here’s how you know the state’s voter ID law is a complete sham

On April 5, when voters cast ballots in Wisconsin’s Republican and Democratic primaries, the state’s controversial voter ID bill will face its biggest test since Governor Scott Walker signed it into law in 2011. For the first time in a major election, citizens will be required to show approved forms of identification in order to vote. The law mandates that the state run a public-service campaign “in conjunction with the first regularly scheduled primary and election” to educate voters on what forms of ID are acceptable.

But Wisconsin has failed to appropriate funds for the public education campaign. The result is that thousands of citizens may be turned away from the polls simply because they did not understand what form of identification they needed to vote.

Doesn’t look too good for those who argue that, contrary to Democrats’ claims, voter ID laws are not intended to suppress the Democratic vote, does it? Well, it gets worse.

Because this isn’t a case of bureaucratic miscommunication; this isn’t about the state government’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing. According to Smith’s reporting, the decision to provide a statewide education campaign with all of zero dollars was about as intentional-looking as it gets:

Just another day and another Republican lie. I must admit, I have lost all confidence in the "party of morals."
Republicans preach sermons on religion and morals and then they turn around and play sleazy games with voters.
It is an article of religious faith among most republicans that they lose elections because of ‘fraud’; when in fact they lose elections because the voters rejected the republican agenda.
It must be a strange mental condition to see only bad in one political party and only good in the other.

Both lie, cheat, and steal equally...even a fool can see that. I guess those less than fools can't.
It must be a strange mental condition to see only bad in one political party and only good in the other.

Both lie, cheat, and steal equally...even a fool can see that. I guess those less than fools can't.

Really? Can you show me an example of Democratic voter suppression, to begin with? The Republican Party no longer even cares to hide their unabashed cheating and discrimination. Maybe it is good think Phrump has come along to drive the final nail into the coffin of the G.O.P.
It must be a strange mental condition to see only bad in one political party and only good in the other.

Both lie, cheat, and steal equally...even a fool can see that. I guess those less than fools can't.

Really? Can you show me an example of Democratic voter suppression, to begin with? The Republican Party no longer even cares to hide their unabashed cheating and discrimination. Maybe it is good think Phrump has come along to drive the final nail into the coffin of the G.O.P.
See...here is a good example of an utterly and completely uninformed dupe.

Can you tell me how many decades did the D party prevent Blacks from voting?
It must be a strange mental condition to see only bad in one political party and only good in the other.

Both lie, cheat, and steal equally...even a fool can see that. I guess those less than fools can't.

Oh I see plenty of bad in both party's, that' for sure. Such as Obama wasting the lives of thousands of our soldiers on endless bullshit wars.. And I've made mention of that here from time to time.
Voter suppression and gerrymandering are keeping the Republican Party from going the way of the Dinosaur. Listening to Ted Cruz is like watching a Leave it to Beaver rerun. His opinions and outlook on the world were greatly accepted.....in the 50's.
No, generally being a fag was frowned upon in the 50s.
Republicans lied in Wisconsin: Here’s how you know the state’s voter ID law is a complete sham

On April 5, when voters cast ballots in Wisconsin’s Republican and Democratic primaries, the state’s controversial voter ID bill will face its biggest test since Governor Scott Walker signed it into law in 2011. For the first time in a major election, citizens will be required to show approved forms of identification in order to vote. The law mandates that the state run a public-service campaign “in conjunction with the first regularly scheduled primary and election” to educate voters on what forms of ID are acceptable.

But Wisconsin has failed to appropriate funds for the public education campaign. The result is that thousands of citizens may be turned away from the polls simply because they did not understand what form of identification they needed to vote.

Doesn’t look too good for those who argue that, contrary to Democrats’ claims, voter ID laws are not intended to suppress the Democratic vote, does it? Well, it gets worse.

Because this isn’t a case of bureaucratic miscommunication; this isn’t about the state government’s left hand not knowing what its right hand is doing. According to Smith’s reporting, the decision to provide a statewide education campaign with all of zero dollars was about as intentional-looking as it gets:

Just another day and another Republican lie. I must admit, I have lost all confidence in the "party of morals."
Republicans preach sermons on religion and morals and then they turn around and play sleazy games with voters.
Oh, no!

Some illegal aliens and other non-citizens may not get to vote???

They are not supposed to be able to vote, you fucking ignorant double digit IQ dumbass!
I enter a building in lower Manhattan no check that
I enter a building in Manhattan as a visitor and I need to show ID....
Why would this be considered a problem when we are voting for someone?

Democrats need to play the victim and race card whenever possible.
So why didn't Wisconsin fund their educational-informational program to explain how someone can get a voter ID? The Repubs never intended to fund the "fantasy" program. They just want to keep the poor and minorities away from the polls on election day. If the GOP had its way, rich people would get two votes to every poor person's one. They have said as much.
So why didn't Wisconsin fund their educational-informational program to explain how someone can get a voter ID? The Repubs never intended to fund the "fantasy" program. They just want to keep the poor and minorities away from the polls on election day. If the GOP had its way, rich people would get two votes to every poor person's one. They have said as much.
Lying dumbass.
So why didn't Wisconsin fund their educational-informational program to explain how someone can get a voter ID? The Repubs never intended to fund the "fantasy" program. They just want to keep the poor and minorities away from the polls on election day. If the GOP had its way, rich people would get two votes to every poor person's one. They have said as much.
Lying dumbass.

Sorry, you need to be able to read to grasp the total loss of morals that the GOP is illustrating in Wisconsin. Come back when you learn.
Oooh, an article from salad.com. There's a unbiased source. If you can't muster the brain power to get a valid ID in Wisconsin, maybe you don't have the capacity to vote. Holy crap, it was signed into law in 2011! Five years and you can't get an ID?

Good grief.
It's a freaking photo I.D. How complicated can it be? If Salon knows about it doesn't it indicate that a "public education campaign is underway"?

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