With 'Chappaquiddick,' Ted Kennedy scandal gets its Hollywood close-up

Do you think anyone but partisan idiots would give a shit?
Lol what a funny thread to say that in



Was Laura a Congresswoman when it happened?

Was she nationally known?

Did she deny she was involved in the accident?
Did Kennedy deny he was in an auto accident? No he didn`t and neither he nor Laura Welch were tested for drugs or alcohol and when it happened she was a nobody. What difference should it make whether she was a Congresswoman? They were both accidents unless you think Kennedy intentionally drove his car off a bridge.

No he didn`t and neither he nor Laura Welch were tested for drugs or alcohol

Laura stayed at the scene, and admitted to having a few drinks.

Kennedy left the scene and hid til his blood alcohol level dropped.
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Teddy was out with Mary Jo, proceeding with great vigor and exploring new frontiers.
"Teddy, Teddy, what if I get pregnant?" moaned Mary Jo.
"Uh, don't a, don't worry about that now, uh, Mary Jo," huffed Teddy. "We shall cross that bridge when we come to it."
Teddy The Drunk gets soused, drives off a bridge, Mary Jo drowns and The Drunk's presidential aspirations end.

The End
Actually, I think he was still in the race for the nomination until he went on a drunken rampage on the press plane.
"The film closes with the taunting reminder that Kennedy went on to a long career in public service, and was even dubbed 'the lion of the Senate.'"

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