With Elon Musk to take over Twitter, this what is the platform will do for free speech.

Elon Musk wouldn't know free speech if it bit him the face. And some morons on the right somehow think that the pot head socialist is going to be some kind of conservative messiah.

Why do you seemingly take such pride in making yourself look so goofy? To me, it looks counter-productive.
Elon Musk is a left wing idiot who calls himself a pot head socialist. So....:dunno:
IF Elon Musk was left-wing, like yourself, why would he have bought Twitter in order to bring free speech to the platform?
Elon Musk wouldn't know free speech if it bit him the face. And some morons on the right somehow think that the pot head socialist is going to be some kind of conservative messiah.

Just shows how thoroughly blinded by partisanship Americans are.
You only mention Republican reaction, not the liberal reaction.
Liberals ADORED Musk. He was like a damn Messiah to them.
Until this. Musk doesn't like the OBVIOUS conservative censoring done by Twitter and other platforms. (Facebook is faaaar worse)
So he wants to end the censoring... and look at the liberals...

Elon Musk wouldn't know free speech if it bit him the face. And some morons on the right somehow think that the pot head socialist is going to be some kind of conservative messiah.

Musk doesn’t actually care about free speech. Elon Musk cares about Elon Musk.
Trump returns to Twitter, Dems heads explode. Bookmark this prediction!
Sure bring it on. He is so classically retarded that his Tweets are hilarious. At worst, they are adorable. Bless his heart for thinking he is at all insightful! I guess if morons are worshipped by other morons the result is never shutting up.
I'm not a liberal. But Elon Musk, like many liberals, cares about free speech FOR HIMSELF, and to hell with everyone else. Hence my OP.
I’m sure you probably don’t care about my opinion on the matter, but I can’t help but believe you actually are Stormy Daniels.
Elon Musk wouldn't know free speech if it bit him the face. And some morons on the right somehow think that the pot head socialist is going to be some kind of conservative messiah.

Don't most kind of recognize him as a middle of the road guy? I've heard he supports causes from both sides.

I'm fine with that. I'll take someone who is willing to look at all sides over someone who is strictly partisan, any day.

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