With Obama too busy, the GOP tackles the REALLY big problems...

RUT RO! It seems this poster is being intentionally misleading and disingenuous. Might be time to call BULL CHIT on this thread. This bill is currently being co-sponsored by (D) Bobby Rush of Illinois. Rush is also the Subcommittee Chairman. Since this poster conveniently left out this very important bit of information,i cannot give him or her any credibility. So i'm gonna have to call BULL CHIT on this one.
This you would have known had you read the thread first before posting.
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:
It was just six weeks ago that House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) decided he was fed up with empty, meaningless congressional resolutions. These largely symbolic measures are taken up all the time -- it's been routine fare for years -- but Boehner decided they're now evidence of Democratic negligence. "These are your hard-earned tax dollars at work," Boehner scoffed.

He apparently didn't persuade his own caucus. This week, 19 House Republicans unveiled a resolution (H. RES. 951) to make it clear that Congress likes Christmas.

Whereas Christmas is a national holiday celebrated on December 25; and

Whereas the Framers intended that the First Amendment of the Constitution, in prohibiting the establishment of religion, would not prohibit any mention of religion or reference to God in civic dialog: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

(1) recognizes the importance of the symbols and traditions of Christmas;

(2) strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas; and

(3) expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions by those who celebrate Christmas.
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:
Nonsensical deflection, trying to somehow save your hapless ass in this bogus thread.

Just admit your thread title is bogus, admit you didn't look into this topic before posting, wipe the egg off your face and man up. Then move along, wiser.
Sorry but you just made the list of Non-Credible Posters. You intentionally left out the info that this bill is currently being co-sponsored by (D) Bobby Rush of Illinois. Bobby Rush is also the Subcommittee Chairman. So can you really be trusted in the future? Hmm?
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:

You have to change that avatar VaYank.....its softening my wariness of palin very quickly :lol:

EDIT: Oh you were naughty and didn't mention that bill was co-sponsored by a democrat, bad VaYank :)
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Sorry but you just made the list of Non-Credible Posters. You intentionally left out the info that this bill is currently being co-sponsored by (D) Bobby Rush of Illinois.
I doubt it was intentional, since the article he linked never mentions this fact. None of them from the lame stream media do mention it. This is why we cannot trust the lame stream press, and have to research for ourselves what they report.

VaYank just regurgitates, he never researches any of his sources because he trusts the press and the media. Especially when their bias fits his worldview.

Oh but then denies there's any bias, except on Fox!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:
Nonsensical deflection, trying to somehow save your hapless ass in this bogus thread.

Just admit your thread title is bogus, admit you didn't look into this topic before posting, wipe the egg off your face and man up. Then move along, wiser.

MM is correct that I read this news story, and immediately started this thread. I did not do all of the homework I should have prior. Now that I see a Dem is co-sponsoring this idiotic bill, the thread title is inaccruate and I take full responsibility for this screw up. My apologies.
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:
Nonsensical deflection, trying to somehow save your hapless ass in this bogus thread.

Just admit your thread title is bogus, admit you didn't look into this topic before posting, wipe the egg off your face and man up. Then move along, wiser.

MM is correct that I read this news story, and immediately started this thread. I did not do all of the homework I should have prior. Now that I see a Dem is co-sponsoring this idiotic bill, the thread title is inaccruate and I take full responsibility for this screw up. My apologies.
Way to man-up.:clap2:

Do you now see why most of the lame-stream press cannot be trusted? We literally had to LOOK UP the bill to find out about Dem co-sponsorship. A small fact that most all of them seemed to see fit to leave out. (I found out via ESPN <---click.) ESPN for goodness sakes, of all journalistic places.

Journalism is supposed to be the 5 w's and the H. Who What Where When How and Why. This is all supposed to be covered near the TOP of any straight news story. And unbiased journalists wouldn't have left out any of the WHO and for sure not left out the WHY, which is an answer we still don't have. In the ESPN story, it says that the President called for playoffs. But we still don't know WHY the bill was introduced.

THIS is the exact kind of shit that gets people yelling "media bias" when really it's simply sloppy journalism. Or, it could be bias masked as sloppy journalism. There shouldn't be a fucking question about it but here we are, this shit happens all the time.

They mislead by omission daily, meaning we really have to do part of their fucking JOB for them just to get the straight story. It's sickening.
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But some lawmakers on the subcommittee said Congress has better things to do than legislating on college football.
Here's what the Democrat co-sponsor of this bill had to say to this criticism:
The subcommittee chairman, Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat who co-sponsored the bill, said, "We can walk and chew gum at the same time."
Let's not forget the 19 Republicans who had to tackle the very pressing issue of Christmas:
Nonsensical deflection, trying to somehow save your hapless ass in this bogus thread.

Just admit your thread title is bogus, admit you didn't look into this topic before posting, wipe the egg off your face and man up. Then move along, wiser.

MM is correct that I read this news story, and immediately started this thread. I did not do all of the homework I should have prior. Now that I see a Dem is co-sponsoring this idiotic bill, the thread title is inaccruate and I take full responsibility for this screw up. My apologies.

amazing...after i repeatedly called you on it you now finally fess up....

congrats :clap2:
I don't think anyone's going to lose sleep over teams having to make playoffs... but I guess the big wake up call for americans is that just because you know how to throw a ball doesn't mean you're smart enough to handle national championships. And more games mean more seats and more seats mean more TAXES! You don't think sports are governed, but trust me honey, they are!

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