With Omar Refusing To Apologize For Anti-Semitic Remarks, House Dems Could Be Voting On Resolution..

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Elect a deathRAT president and bring in millions more just like her!... American suicide assisted by the ABNORMALS!

Townhall.com ^

Full title: With Omar Refusing To Apologize For Anti-Semitic Remarks, House Dems Could Be Voting On Resolution Rebuking Her


She’s not budging. No sir, she’s not going to apologize for her remarks that some have rightfully taken to be viciously anti-Semitic. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) once again got slapped with this accusation, which isn’t her first time, over her remarks where she accused pro-Israel lawmakers of having an allegiance to a foreign country. Yeah, we’re rehashing the dual loyalty smear, which for now, doesn’t look like she’s going to retract. It’s caused heartburn for House Democratic leaders, whose Jewish members are reportedly unnerved by Omar and her colleague Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) viciously anti-Israel stances. Tlaib and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are just two names that have come to her defense. That’s all you need to know, folks. Both Omar and Tlaib support the anti-Israel and accused anti-Semitic Boycotts, Disinvestment, and Sanctions movement. AOC is just nuts. Now, Democrats are saying they will be forced to drop a resolution condemning Omar for her bigoted views on Wednesday (viaPolitico ):

Mike DeBonis



NEW: House set to vote this week on resolution condemning anti-Semitism after latest @Ilhan comments. TBD whether it rebukes Omar directly.https://wapo.st/2IU2b7Z

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats are confronting a new controversy involving freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has defied her colleagues’ calls to apologize for recent comments viewed as anti-Semitic.

Public scrutiny over the Minnesota Democrat intensified over the weekend as two of the House’s most senior Democrats condemned Omar’s remarks accusing pro-Israel advocates of “allegiance to a foreign country.” And the problem threatens to get worse for Democratic leaders, with Omar refusing other lawmakers' pleas to retract her statements.

House Appropriations Chairwoman Nita Lowey on Sunday called out Omar’s use of “offensive, painful stereotypes” — leading to an awkward Twitter clash as Omar dug in on her comments and was cheered by some on the left.


Members of the Democratic caucus spent the weekend privately debating how to handle the freshman’s latest controversy involving accusations of anti-Semitism. Just three weeks earlier, Pelosi and her top lieutenants issued a rare public rebuke of Omar’s previous remarks that suggested pro-Israel groups were using their financial heft to shape U.S.-Middle East policy.


Nearly a dozen pro-Israel groups also urged Pelosi to oust Omar from her coveted spot on the House Foreign Relations Committee.

The chairman of that committee, Rep. Eliot Engel, who is Jewish, called out Omar for a “vile anti-Semitic slur” over the weekend, but did not call for her to be removed from the committee.

But Omar has received support from prominent progressive figures, including fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Minn.) — the first Palestinian-American congresswoman, who has also strongly argued that U.S. policy toward Israel should be overhauled. Another popular progressive, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), has also come to Omar's defense.

In response to Lowey’s criticism, Tlaib defended Omar and said she had been “targeted just like many civil rights icons before us who spoke out about oppressive policies.”

Oh please, her remarks, and the one about AIPAC, and the one about how Israel has hypnotized the world, were all anti-Semitic trash. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for a fierier America for peoples of all skin colors and equality. These anti-Israel clowns want death and destruction for those following the Jewish faith. These two struggles are not the same, especially since the latter is interwoven with the issue of international terrorism. MLK and Hamas. Yeah, there’s no equivalence. Condemn Omar. Remove her from her committee post because she’s already turned that into a clown show with her unhinged line of questioningagainst Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams. Dare I say, House Democrats are actually doing a decent job policing their own…for now. This could all change in a few days. But for now, rebuke Omar and her bigoted views.
Not a chance in Hell of this happening.

dimocrap FILTH stick together. Even dimocrap Jews will hide under their desks rather than cast a vote.

Seig Heil! dimocrap scum
Not a chance in Hell of this happening.

dimocrap FILTH stick together. Even dimocrap Jews will hide under their desks rather than cast a vote.

Seig Heil! dimocrap scum
You sure are aggresive today
Her only allegiance is to Jihad, and the people who voted for her all support Jihad.

The Left stands for Women's Rights?

Yet changes it's rules in The House to allow a Muslim Woman who is FORCED by ISLAMIC LAW to wear a Hijab to wear that Hijab despite the fact that the rules of The House for 130 years forbade head coverings regardless of your religion.

Islam is the most abusive religion in the world towards women, yet The Left allies itself with islam. They also refuse to do anything about Human Trafficking, and even presidential candidates like Harris advocate legalizing prostitution and in her state, you can be a prostitute at 13 years old because its decriminalized.


I have to ask, what kind of rights does a female baby have after it is born when THE LEFT now ADVOCATES Infanticide?

Do they care about human life at all?

They certainly don't care about women or babies, that is for certain.

Not only do they not care about women or babies, they hate Jews and Christians, and they want to give their little Hitlers the Podium.

Guarantee you that these very people will be front and center at The DNC Convention pronouncing their Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christian Message and Promoting The New Green Socialist Jihad and Globalism.
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She apologized once, saying she was sincere. Two weeks later she's back at it again.
The apology, obviously, wasn't sincere and neither was she.

Voting on some resolution won't accomplish anything.

She must be removed from the House Foreign Relations Committee and any other committee, that the
Somalian whore serves on.

Just let her sit in her fucking chair.
I knew this all along the new Dem party is a bunch of Jew hating, Holocaust denying twits. Any Jew that still votes Democrat is a traitor.
She's wrong but Trump just said the same, and no outrage

Waving off Democratic lawmakers as a whole, Trump said "the future does not belong to those who believe in socialism" before claiming "we have people in Congress, right now, that hate our country."
I knew this all along the new Dem party is a bunch of Jew hating, Holocaust denying twits. Any Jew that still votes Democrat is a traitor.

But do you KNOW why they HATE President Trump and loved Obama?

They are incensed Trump is President.

He recognized Jerusalem as Capital of Israel and moved the US Embassy there.

He supports strong borders so that Islamic Radical infiltrators cannot just walk across the border anymore, or poison us with their Afghani Heroin.

He opposes Iranian and Russian Military adventures in The Middle East and is pushing back on The Joint Russian-Iranian Effort to give Iran Nuclear Weapons.

He defeated ISIS, while Obama looked the other way, and actually helped ISIS to expand rape and pillage their way through The Middle East and even financed terrorists and COUPs in other countries by paying terrorist organizations to overthrow legitimate governments in The Middle East, and install regimes more hostile to Israel.

Obama at the end of his term sponsored a rebuke of Israel in the UN as well as supported a whole host of Anti-Israel declarations in The UN, while President Trump has supported Israel in The UN.

President Trump has Stated that TransJordan is the home of the fictitious Palestinian People as mandated by The UN ITSELF when they first divided up so called Palestine. No one talks about that any more. Isn't that convenient?

He promotes religious liberty, and Christian Freedoms and supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself.

He supports Israel's right to build defensive structures to secure their border and their people and advocates we do the same.

I want anyone who understands this to remember these 4 colors, and think real hard what this means in The Middle East.

White, Red, Black and Green.

The only clue I will give you is that they are the colors of The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse. The rest you will have to deduce for yourselves.

Think real hard about that and IM me if you know the answer, and then you will understand why The Left is so Anti-Semetic Anti-Christian and why Obama was a hero to them for some of the things he did during the 8 year scourge of his wicked presidency.
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Her only allegiance is to Jihad, and the people who voted for her all support Jihad.

The Left stands for Women's Rights?

Yet changes it's rules in The House to allow a Muslim Woman who is FORCED by ISLAMIC LAW to wear a Hijab to wear that Hijab despite the fact that the rules of The House for 130 years forbade head coverings regardless of your religion.

Islam is the most abusive religion in the world towards women, yet The Left allies itself with islam. They also refuse to do anything about Human Trafficking, and even presidential candidates like Harris advocate legalizing prostitution and in her state, you can be a prostitute at 13 years old because its decriminalized.


I have to ask, what kind of rights does a female baby have after it is born when THE LEFT now ADVOCATES Infanticide?

Do they care about human life at all?

They certainly don't care about women or babies, that is for certain.

Not only do they not care about women or babies, they hate Jews and Christians, and they want to give their little Hitlers the Podium.

Guarantee you that these very people will be front and center at The DNC Convention pronouncing their Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christian Message and Promoting The New Green Socialist Jihad and Globalism.
Her only allegiance is to Jihad,
Do you have a link for that?
The problem isn't that her comments are incendiary but that they're on their face impossible to defend. AIPAC may be an arm of ulttrazionists bent on genocide and redrawing of borders, but American Pols can rationally think that Israel would still accept a workable peace deal with the Palestinians, but the Palestinians won't accept one, and will only accept ending Jewish state.

And the gop did strip King of his committees for equally indefensible race baiting.
Not a chance in Hell of this happening.

dimocrap FILTH stick together. Even dimocrap Jews will hide under their desks rather than cast a vote.

Seig Heil! dimocrap scum
if this were true then AoC wouldnt need to threaten people to make them vote party lines.
Not a chance in Hell of this happening.

dimocrap FILTH stick together. Even dimocrap Jews will hide under their desks rather than cast a vote.

Seig Heil! dimocrap scum
if this were true then AoC wouldnt need to threaten people to make them vote party lines.
Just like Trump does....They are like a matched pair...
Not a chance in Hell of this happening.

dimocrap FILTH stick together. Even dimocrap Jews will hide under their desks rather than cast a vote.

Seig Heil! dimocrap scum
there were jews in hitler's army.
And once again, we are to pretend that Palestinians are not Semites. Right?

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