With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

I hope that's tongue in cheek. If you mean it, you need to get to know some gays because that's clearly not true of them all. Though sexual abuse of children is more correlated with gay than straight. But not most gays, who just want to live their lives, other than the radical left gays who are authoritarian leftists like other Democrats
Though sexual abuse of children is more correlated with gay than straight.? Only true if you consider those regressed or fixated male pedophiles who prey on boys to be gay. The fact is that they are men who cannot or do not have age appropriate relationships, so they are not gay in that sense. I investigated child sexual abuse cases for 26 years. I know who and what the perpetrators are
One word for you. Precedent.
The Constitution was meant to be a living breathing document that changed with the times.
Unfortunately, the judges basing their rulings on their belief in a sky pixie don't reflect the views of the majority.

Again, this will be fun to watch.
Memba that red wave in November?...LOL.
Let's see if that holds. :)
I'm not for getting rid of gay marriage. But I'm against the pedophiles that hide behind transgenderism to groom our kids. We need to stop with the pretending.
And Justice Clarence Thomas concurs. This degeneracy must end. It should be outlawed. God forbids it!

I don’t see any correlation. And i seriously doubt any court will seek to outlaw same sex marriage — especially not in the basis of the Dobbs decision.
Yes families are the foundation of society. But families do not necessarily have to include children. People have many different reasons for marriage. We have been married for 30 years and chose to raise cats.

Wise decision. The cats are probably more appreciative.
Save the damned bullshit! That is beyond ignorant!! Do you have a fuctioning brain or can you do nothing more than regurgitate bigited shit that you are spoon fed in your bubble of moronic minions?
I'm only speaking the truth about homosexuals and their danger to innocent children in particular. Case in point:

Central Pa. drag queen, activist charged with 25 counts of child pornography​

One word for you. Precedent.
The Constitution was meant to be a living breathing document that changed with the times.
Unfortunately, the judges basing their rulings on their belief in a sky pixie don't reflect the views of the majority.

Again, this will be fun to watch.
Memba that red wave in November?...LOL.
Let's see if that holds. :)
The liberal mantra that the Constitution is a “living breathing document” meant to “change with the times” is facially false. In fact, it’s ridiculous.

It is — by its own terms — subject to modification. But it is done so via a complicated process. Amendments are relatively rare. Otherwise, it isn’t meant to change at all.
I hope that's tongue in cheek. If you mean it, you need to get to know some gays because that's clearly not true of them all. Though sexual abuse of children is more correlated with gay than straight. But not most gays, who just want to live their lives, other than the radical left gays who are authoritarian leftists like other Democrats
1 in 4 girls sexually abused by hetero males...MOST by hetero male family members or friends.
I'm only speaking the truth about homosexuals and their danger to innocent children in particular. Case in point:

Central Pa. drag queen, activist charged with 25 counts of child pornography​

Give me a fucking break! I can show you a dozen straight men who have engaged in child pornography or sexual abuse for every drag queen or gay man that you come up with. This is nothing more than an over generalization logical fallacy which you resort to because you do not have the skills or intelect to formulate an actual argument

Overgeneralizations are a sort of logical fallacies, which are failures of reasoning. So, that’s what overgeneralizations are, failures of reasoning. More specifically, we might define them as when authors make claims that are so broad that they cannot be proven or disproved.

Overgeneralization Definition and Examples - Gedeno

Give me a fucking break! I can show you a dozen straight men who have engaged in child pornography or sexual abuse for every drag queen or gay man that you come up with. This is nothing more than an over generalization logical fallacy which you resort to because you do not have the skills or intelect to formulate an actual argument

Overgeneralizations are a sort of logical fallacies, which are failures of reasoning. So, that’s what overgeneralizations are, failures of reasoning. More specifically, we might define them as when authors make claims that are so broad that they cannot be proven or disproved.

Overgeneralization Definition and Examples - Gedeno

There was a reason gays were in the closet once. It's time to put them back in them and nail the door shut. They are a serious danger to children. They must be outlawed from same-sex marriage and adoptions due to their pedophilia nature of grooming them for their sexual pleasures.
And Justice Clarence Thomas concurs. This degeneracy must end. It should be outlawed. God forbids it!

Clarence Thomas is a right wing fascist pig. He is no different than the mullahs in Iran. You bare the degenerate cancer on this country as you assault our rights. God says nothing about it.
What's going on? Conservatives forcing women to have kids whether or not they want or can afford a baby. We know the conservatives don't give a shit about children or they'd join in on the fight against gun violence like what happened in Uvalde, Texas awhile back.
Stop what? Transgenders abusing our children?
Actually is is mostly straight cisgender males who are abusing the children. By targeting gay and trans people as alleged abusers you are taking the focus off of the actual abusers and putting children at risk. Hope you're proud!

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