with-out oil shale, how many jobs would Obama created?

The Eagle Ford shale play currently employs 120,000 people. There are several plays that are booming and production will continue to increase. I'm not sure about the two million but if you were to extrapolate the numbers to the plays it's not an unreasonable number.

From the OPl link:

The boom in non-conventional petroleum in 2012 added nearly 500,000 direct jobs, according to a study by research firm IHS. The total impact from the sector was 2.1 million jobs added including workers in oil-related lodging, food, transportation and construction.

Our little commie douchenozzles got the attention-span of a fruitfly...those who bothered with the link never get past the first couple sentences and then start screeching.
Shale boom remakes US energy, economy - FRANCE 24

close to 2 million last year

thats jobs BHO takes credit for that all he had done is harmed these events
If there is such a "boom" in shale oil, why are gas prices so high? Wasn't Gingrich's slogan "Drill here, drill now, pay less?"

AFter the initial 200% spike In gas prices after obamas policies went into effect
gas has been stable sense
You libs need to do some serious DD, your running this country into the ground because you believe everything your told

The average price for regular gasoline at U.S. pumps fell 7.61 cents in the past two weeks to $3.5985 a gallon, according to Lundberg Survey Inc.

Conducted on Aug. 9, the survey is based on information obtained at about 2,500 filling stations across the U.S. by the Camarillo, California-based company. The average, which reached a year-to-date peak of $3.795 in the period ended Feb. 22, is 9.22 cents below the year-earlier price of $3.6907 a gallon.
U.S. Average Gasoline Prices Fell 7.61 Cents in Last Two Weeks - Bloomberg
Let me add that gas has built in taxes that equate to 26-70Cents a gallon
Fuel taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the big boys make about 8% profit, which is about 24 cents
Barry takes credit for the surge in shale production after ordering his EPA to kill it. But they couldn't because it's on private property. Understand, Barry and his gang want coal and oil abandoned....they're up to their ass in favor-debt to the "green" crowd and are terrified of losing them while they cuddle up to hispanics...who could give a shit about the environment. Here in Phoenix they'll saw branches off trees in our parks to cook their beans and rice. Look at Solyndra....perfect example of Barry's lack of street smarts....only it's our money that got swiped not his. He probably made a nice piece of change on the down-low from all these solar schemes of his. And the moonbats bite time after time on the same ol rusty hook. OIL is an unexpected bonus from fracking....that makes Barry furious because he's okay with NG as long as it kills coal. Getting oil as a by-product is why he set this EPA dogs on the Dakota fields....so far they can't lay a glove on it but they're trying.
Barry takes credit for the surge in shale production after ordering his EPA to kill it. But they couldn't because it's on private property. Understand, Barry and his gang want coal and oil abandoned....they're up to their ass in favor-debt to the "green" crowd and are terrified of losing them while they cuddle up to hispanics...who could give a shit about the environment. Here in Phoenix they'll saw branches off trees in our parks to cook their beans and rice. Look at Solyndra....perfect example of Barry's lack of street smarts....only it's our money that got swiped not his. He probably made a nice piece of change on the down-low from all these solar schemes of his. And the moonbats bite time after time on the same ol rusty hook. OIL is an unexpected bonus from fracking....that makes Barry furious because he's okay with NG as long as it kills coal. Getting oil as a by-product is why he set this EPA dogs on the Dakota fields....so far they can't lay a glove on it but they're trying.

were would we be if they would allow this work on all federal lands
allow the use of clean coal
and build the pipe-ine from Canada to Sabine pass Texas?
So after all the scare mongering by the Right about how electing Obama would be soooooo detrimental to domestic energy production,

it turns out he's presiding over one of the most productive domestic energy booms in our nation's history?

How ironic. Another rightwing lie bites the dust.
The bigger question is without Republicans blocking everything, how many jobs would Obama have created?

name 1 piece of legeslation that effects the job market in a positive way that the GOP hs blocked

The current bill to fund the government.
An equally good question would be 'How many jobs bills has the House passed and sent to the Senate?'
Recall that in 2010 the republicans were screaming "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!" In the State of the Union address Obama has begged them to send him a jobs bill and he stated he would sign it. So, what has the House done? NOTHING!
Oops, me bad. They did do something. They voted to repeal the ACA 41 times despite knowing it had absolutely zero chance of passing. Oh, and they voted to defund ACORN several times. The last time they voted to defund ACORN was in June of 2013. Someone needs to tell them that ACORN shut down back in 2010. That's right, the House voted in June of 2013 to defund an organization that has been shut down since back in 2010! duh!!!!!!!!!!
name 1 piece of legeslation that effects the job market in a positive way that the GOP hs blocked

The current bill to fund the government.
An equally good question would be 'How many jobs bills has the House passed and sent to the Senate?'
Recall that in 2010 the republicans were screaming "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!" In the State of the Union address Obama has begged them to send him a jobs bill and he stated he would sign it. So, what has the House done? NOTHING!
Oops, me bad. They did do something. They voted to repeal the ACA 41 times despite knowing it had absolutely zero chance of passing. Oh, and they voted to defund ACORN several times. The last time they voted to defund ACORN was in June of 2013. Someone needs to tell them that ACORN shut down back in 2010. That's right, the House voted in June of 2013 to defund an organization that has been shut down since back in 2010! duh!!!!!!!!!!

again I asked to name 1 bill BHO introduced for job creation that the GOP stopped?
Tax cuts is a jobs bill
tthe repeal of ACA is a jobs bill, forbes predicts this bill alone will cost us 1 million jobs
GOP Energy Bill Passes House, Calls For More Domestic Oil Production, Slashing EPA Regulations
Shale oil has created more jobs than BHO has
this bill would have done more
Keystone pipelne

another 20,000 jobs lost
Pipe Dreams: How Many Jobs Will Be Created By Keystone XL? - Forbes

and god knows how many permanet jobs this would add at the end where most of this oil will be refined
I worked @ Motiva who is ready to double there capacity
It is the size of a major city
Bechtel Corporation: Port Arthur Expansion
expanding the Port Arthur Refinery, a project that will increase its capacity from 275,000 to more than 600,000 barrels a day. Underscoring the size of the project is the amount material and equipment it will require: 260,000 cubic yards of concrete, 2.4 million feet of pipe, 5.6 million feet of cable, 54,000 tons of structural steel, and nearly 300 modules, each weighing more than 1,200 tons.

The construction phase of the expansion began in the fall of 2007. Completion is scheduled for 2010. At peak construction, the project will employ between 5,000 and 6,000 workers.
these can be accounted for the shale oil explosion and awaiting the pipe line
this is only one of many expnasions in that area
[again I asked to name 1 bill BHO introduced for job creation that the GOP stopped?

Already posted 3. That you choose to ignore them is just more evidence you're nothing more than a troll.
So after all the scare mongering by the Right about how electing Obama would be soooooo detrimental to domestic energy production,

it turns out he's presiding over one of the most productive domestic energy booms in our nation's history?

How ironic. Another rightwing lie bites the dust.

Hey moonbeam.....read ^^^^^^^^^^^^ It's happening DESPITE his efforts to shut it down...."presiding over" the destruction of the American economy is what he's doing. He won't okay the Keystone XL because his "greens" will ream his ass for it....why the labor unions continue putting up with his attacks on their jobs and hours remains a mystery and an opening for the GOP to grab their (secret) support in next year's elections. Union leaders have always known the democraps USE them like they use the blacks, jews, queers, and now their new love....the hispanics for their own white-ass profit and promotions. The democrap is the dumbest animal in the history of Earth.
So after all the scare mongering by the Right about how electing Obama would be soooooo detrimental to domestic energy production,

it turns out he's presiding over one of the most productive domestic energy booms in our nation's history?

How ironic. Another rightwing lie bites the dust.

More public lands to be closed to shale oil drilling « Hot Air

The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration…

Interior’s Bureau of Land Management cited environmental concerns for the proposed changes. Among other things, it excised lands with “wilderness characteristics” and areas that conflicted with sage grouse habitats
you want to try that again?

and I could not find the three bills the dems had introduced for job creation youu spoke of that the GOP had killed
you want to try that again
Barry takes credit for the surge in shale production after ordering his EPA to kill it. But they couldn't because it's on private property. Understand, Barry and his gang want coal and oil abandoned....they're up to their ass in favor-debt to the "green" crowd and are terrified of losing them while they cuddle up to hispanics...who could give a shit about the environment. Here in Phoenix they'll saw branches off trees in our parks to cook their beans and rice. Look at Solyndra....perfect example of Barry's lack of street smarts....only it's our money that got swiped not his. He probably made a nice piece of change on the down-low from all these solar schemes of his. And the moonbats bite time after time on the same ol rusty hook. OIL is an unexpected bonus from fracking....that makes Barry furious because he's okay with NG as long as it kills coal. Getting oil as a by-product is why he set this EPA dogs on the Dakota fields....so far they can't lay a glove on it but they're trying.

were would we be if they would allow this work on all federal lands
allow the use of clean coal
and build the pipe-ine from Canada to Sabine pass Texas?

Instead of finishing the job of cleaning up coal with chimney scrubbers and dust-control, the Kenyan decided to make coal too expensive to use by closing down mines. Since coal is still what produces most of the Nation's electricity, the average household and business is now paying more for electricity. He's gone wind and solar instead of nuclear and wave. Every river in the country and every beach off a coastal city should have wheels in the current that spin and create electricity.....it's clean and efficient but there's no money in it for the Regime so it's never happened. If the Kenyan had any environmental awareness, he'd be reinforcing the fish barriers outside Chicago to keep the asian carp out of Lake Michigan. He's blocked every effort because it will interrupt Illinois barge traffic. He's a joke.
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So after all the scare mongering by the Right about how electing Obama would be soooooo detrimental to domestic energy production,

it turns out he's presiding over one of the most productive domestic energy booms in our nation's history?

How ironic. Another rightwing lie bites the dust.

More public lands to be closed to shale oil drilling « Hot Air

The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration…

Interior’s Bureau of Land Management cited environmental concerns for the proposed changes. Among other things, it excised lands with “wilderness characteristics” and areas that conflicted with sage grouse habitats
you want to try that again?

and I could not find the three bills the dems had introduced for job creation youu spoke of that the GOP had killed
you want to try that again

First you're claiming we're having a boom in energy production, now you're claiming we're not.

You are the complete package of a classic rightwing inmate in the USMB asylum.
Barry takes credit for the surge in shale production after ordering his EPA to kill it. But they couldn't because it's on private property. Understand, Barry and his gang want coal and oil abandoned....they're up to their ass in favor-debt to the "green" crowd and are terrified of losing them while they cuddle up to hispanics...who could give a shit about the environment. Here in Phoenix they'll saw branches off trees in our parks to cook their beans and rice. Look at Solyndra....perfect example of Barry's lack of street smarts....only it's our money that got swiped not his. He probably made a nice piece of change on the down-low from all these solar schemes of his. And the moonbats bite time after time on the same ol rusty hook. OIL is an unexpected bonus from fracking....that makes Barry furious because he's okay with NG as long as it kills coal. Getting oil as a by-product is why he set this EPA dogs on the Dakota fields....so far they can't lay a glove on it but they're trying.

were would we be if they would allow this work on all federal lands
allow the use of clean coal
and build the pipe-ine from Canada to Sabine pass Texas?

Instead of finishing the job of cleaning up coal with chimney scrubbers and dust-control, the Kenyan decided to make coal too expensive to use by closing down mines. Since coal is still what produces most of the Nation's electricity, the average household and business is now paying more for electricity. He's gone wind and solar instead of nuclear and wave. Every river in the country and every beach off a coastal city should have wheels in the current that spin and create electricity.....it's clean and efficient but there's no money in it for the Regime so it's never happened. If the Kenyan had any environmental awareness, he'd be reinforcing the fish barriers outside Chicago to keep the asian carp out of Lake Michigan. He's blocked every effort because it will interrupt Illinois barge traffic. He's a joke.

Much of what you see is real and no-one in the main stream ever comments
So after all the scare mongering by the Right about how electing Obama would be soooooo detrimental to domestic energy production,

it turns out he's presiding over one of the most productive domestic energy booms in our nation's history?

How ironic. Another rightwing lie bites the dust.

More public lands to be closed to shale oil drilling « Hot Air

The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration…

Interior’s Bureau of Land Management cited environmental concerns for the proposed changes. Among other things, it excised lands with “wilderness characteristics” and areas that conflicted with sage grouse habitats
you want to try that again?

and I could not find the three bills the dems had introduced for job creation youu spoke of that the GOP had killed
you want to try that again

First you're claiming we're having a boom in energy production, now you're claiming we're not.

You are the complete package of a classic rightwing inmate in the USMB asylum.

I have claimed but 1 thing
the private sector shale oil boom has created more jobs than Obama has
That pretty much is a fact because BHO has not even got back to 08 numbers
those are real jobs created in shale boom, not replacing jobs lost in 2009-2010

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