With regards to Obama claiming that Putin is not a geopolitical threat...lie or stupid?

Let's see. While Obama has been President, Russia has only annexed Crimea at their request and from all reports are happy with Moscow over Kiev that threatened their autonomy and language rights.

So if we are going to try to figure out Russia's threat level we must compare it to the actions of the west in all these years. Egypt we backed the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood. Killed Gaddafi in Libya and left it in the hands of a myriad of terror cells.

Then there is Syria. Tried to overthrow Assad and install another MB terror regime. We're letting Saudi Arabia bomb the ever loving crap out of Yemen.

Let ISIS march into Iraq and didn't do a damn thing till Obama forced the President to step down but by then ISIS had secured large swathes of territory in both Syria and Iraq.

And blamed ISIS on the lack of jobs for Sunnis and their feelings of disenfranchisement.


Gee there's been some swell moments Obama has given us. Oh and backed the violent coup in the Ukraine.

All in all I believe Putin should have gotten that Nobel Peace Prize. Not Obama.

All in all I believe Putin should have gotten that Nobel Peace Prize. Not Obama.

Do they give that prize for murdering critics and reporters?
Or should he get it for invading his neighbors?

Putin did not invade Crimea. They asked for protection from Kiev. Moscow annexed them. And there is no proof to link Putin to murders. By the way I believe Putin has a smaller body count around him than the Clintons.


On the other hand and I am not just blaming Obama, you can throw in PM Harper, PM Cameron, President Hollande Chancellor Merkel, the EU, the IMF and NATO for managing to do what I thought impossible.

Completely fuck up the Middle East. More so than ever before. It's FUBAR'D.

Putin did not invade Crimea. They asked for protection from Kiev.

That's funny.

And there is no proof to link Putin to murders.

And no link to him blowing up apartment buildings.
Commies are a trip!

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