With so Many Blacks now Working will they still vote Democrat?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
They’ll vote democrats. They’re convinced all republicans are racist
They are probably being told the ones that arent working, arent working because of trump and his white nationalist regime that hates them. He specifically doesnt like them because they arent the right shade of black.
I know that sounds wayyy out there but i wouldnt doubt it.
Bucking several decades of indoctrination, isn't likely to happen just yet. Maybe down the road, but not now. They'll continue to vote Democrat.
They’ll vote democrats. They’re convinced all republicans are racist
That's what we hear sometimes, yet the fact remains that a far greater percent voted for Trump in 2016 than for Obama's opponent in 2012.
Let the Democrats win the mid-terms and the Democrats keep their promises to raise taxes... as for the majority of these workers....

When these workers lose their bonuses...
When these workers lose their raises...
When these workers lose their jobs...
When these workers go back on welfare...
When these workers go back on food stamps...
When these workers go back on unemployment...

...they won't vote 'Democrat' ever again...
Well, lets wait and see.....I think we have the policies...we just have to break through the propaganda...
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
It's likely that the half of blacks with IQs over 85 will swing to Trump.
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
The black unemployment rate went from 17% to 7.8% during Obama`s years. This all the doing of orange Jesus? Look at the chart genius.
Analysis | The grim cynicism of Trump's tweet about black unemployment
The economy is doing well, we have record low unemployment numbers, gas prices have remained relatively low, taxes are lower, employees are getting bonuses, peace might be near with North Korea, ISIS has been quiet (if they even still exist), the border is more secure and our President puts Americans first. Democrats don't have anything tangible to run on so I'm sure they'll play the race and bigot card.
And from your own post: It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

You do understand that trends occur over a long period of time -- or in this case the black as well as everyone else's unemployment rate has been trending down since 2011.

If you go deeper into the numbers you will see that from January to December 2017, the unemployment rate among black Americans fell 1 percentage point under Trump. Good for everyone that it dropped 1%, and its understandable for Trump to take credit.

But during the same period in 2016, it fell the same amount. In 2015, it fell 1.9 points. The previous year, it fell 1.5 points. The year before that, it fell 1.8 points. -- I don't recall any Republicans crediting Obama but they were still shaming blacks for voting Democrat.

And I have seen this tactic used a lot by certain so called conservatives -- mocking black voters for voting democrat, calling them slaves on the democrat plantation.

but guess what other demographic votes overwhelmingly Democrat? Jewish-Americans --- but you will NEEEVVVEEERRRR hear conservatives attacking jews by saying they are in the Democrat concentration camp for their support of Democrats. Wonder why?
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
The black unemployment rate went from 17% to 7.8% during Obama`s years. This all the doing of orange Jesus? Look at the chart genius.
Analysis | The grim cynicism of Trump's tweet about black unemployment
Economies do go up and down.....he ran the economy into the ground during his first term......but

What specific policies helped them?
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts
You're speaking for those Blacks whose common sense exceeds their obsessive hatred of anything even vaguely representative of White influence.
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
The black unemployment rate went from 17% to 7.8% during Obama`s years. This all the doing of orange Jesus? Look at the chart genius.
Analysis | The grim cynicism of Trump's tweet about black unemployment
Serving coffee.
My notion is that in times of economic hardship such as in 2008, people are more concerned with a public safety net. The economic issues that stick around even during good times are Social Security and health care costs. A good many regardless of skin color will vote based on their vulnerability to age and health.
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
The black unemployment rate went from 17% to 7.8% during Obama`s years. This all the doing of orange Jesus? Look at the chart genius.
Analysis | The grim cynicism of Trump's tweet about black unemployment
Economies do go up and down.....he ran the economy into the ground during his first term......but

What specific policies helped them?
He ran the economy into the ground as the DOW went from 8,000 to 19,000. Things were better when we were losing 745,000 jobs a month under Gomer`s administration? I`m not giving Obama much credit for this but that "ran the economy into the ground" is nutty.dow chart 200-2017 - Bing
Why in the world would they? I say they will vote with their wallets, not on handouts


Black unemployment rate hits a record low

The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.
It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it's also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record.

Black unemployment rate hits a record low
Is any black who just got a job because of the Trump economy going to vote against Trump? Some may be that stupid, but I'll bet most won't.
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Under Clinton 62% of Blacks were Working!

Under Trump only 58% of Blacks are working!

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