Within a few short years, homosexuals have gone from persecuted to persecutors...

???? I am a white hetero man, raised in a Christian family- I have suffered absolutely none of the discrimination that blacks, Jews, Mexicans, gays, Chinese, Japanese, etc have experienced in their lives.

Either you got a near perfect score on the SAT, or you're just plain too stupid to bother applying to an ivy league school, else you would have been discriminated against by having your college application rejected because you're white. You are discriminated against every day, such as the daily assumption you face of being an oppressor because you're white, or that there's racism benefiting you. Your skull is too full of shit for you to recognize reality.

LOL- oh you poor little snowflake.

Blaming your own failures on 'discrimination against being white'
Libtards have absolutely equated sexuality with race. They won't talk about homosexuality without equating it with a race. This is where they get their self-righteous authority to impose their morality on others.

It's a blatantly racist argument that they persist in making—suggesting that being a morally- and psychiatrically-defective sexual pervert is equivalent to being of an ethnic minority.

The interesting thing is that pretty much most people who are racist against blacks- are also flaming homophobic bigots also.

I find it funny how desperately you want to be equated with black discrimination, yet have zero in common with it

???? I am a white hetero man, raised in a Christian family- I have suffered absolutely none of the discrimination that blacks, Jews, Mexicans, gays, Chinese, Japanese, etc have experienced in their lives.

I just was observing- based upon posts here at USMB- when you find the people who are openly racist towards blacks here- they are pretty much always openly bigoted towards gays also.

The other way around is not necessarily true- those who are openly homophobic- are not always racist towards blacks.

Sure you are, that’s why we often see you in these threads acting gay!

LOL- yes I am often acting happy here at USMB- what can I say- I am naturally a happy person.
Keep in mind, it was also biblical influence that encouraged slavery....and the American Baptist Church split over it with the Southern Baptists being created in support of slavery.

Keep in mind that you're a lying faggot who loves to misrepresent reality with a straight face. Biblical influence didn't encourage African slavery. Rather, shitheads distorted the Bible to claim it approved of African slavery, just like you now twist the Bible to argue that it encourages African slavery.

Keep in mind that you're a lying bigoted asshole who loves to misrepresent reality with a straight face. Yes- the Baptist church supported slavery prior to the Civil War. Of course shitheads often abuse the teachings of the bible to excuse their persecutions and oppression- shitheads like you.
I agree with those members who have pointed out that:

1. Male gay people have been terribly treated throughout American history.
2. Most gay people have NO interest in wanting to persecute the straight majority.

3. Ignore points 1 and 2 because most faggots are liars. Fags have mostly been ignored throughout American history, except when they engaged in public sex or preyed on children. Are you going to complain that child molesters have been persecuted, given your concerns over sexual perverts not being affirmed by society? Most fags want to see a Christian baker put out of business, if not jailed, because he doesn't want to make same-sex affirming art, that is, they want to persecute straight people, at least those who refuse to affirm and support same-sex deviancy.

* Even today, some police departments still send handsome plainclothes officers into restrooms in order to entice gay men and then arrest them. (Remember the United States Senator from Idaho who was entrapped some years back in an airport restroom?)

Yes, to stop faggots who use public restrooms for anonymous sex hookups, harassing adults, but also to boys. Or, do you believe faggots really do have shit for brains and think strangers in public bathrooms just want to be their friends. You're full of nothing but shit. There aren't heterosexual men hanging out in women's rooms looking for anonymous sex, and if there were, they should be arrested.
I decided to support the LGBTFAG cause, so I bought a lamp with a lesbian electric plug. I tried plugging into the wall outlet. I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I couldn't get the lamp to work.

View attachment 167358

All female ends.


I knew that would turn you on.

That they require male inserts or they are useless?

Well well, kinda like biology.
It's a blatantly racist argument that they persist in making—suggesting that being a morally- and psychiatrically-defective sexual pervert is equivalent to being of an ethnic minority.

The interesting thing is that pretty much most people who are racist against blacks- are also flaming homophobic bigots also.

I find it funny how desperately you want to be equated with black discrimination, yet have zero in common with it

???? I am a white hetero man, raised in a Christian family- I have suffered absolutely none of the discrimination that blacks, Jews, Mexicans, gays, Chinese, Japanese, etc have experienced in their lives.

I just was observing- based upon posts here at USMB- when you find the people who are openly racist towards blacks here- they are pretty much always openly bigoted towards gays also.

The other way around is not necessarily true- those who are openly homophobic- are not always racist towards blacks.

Sure you are, that’s why we often see you in these threads acting gay!

LOL- yes I am often acting happy here at USMB- what can I say- I am naturally a happy person.

Gay as hell I’d say.
The interesting thing is that pretty much most people who are racist against blacks- are also flaming homophobic bigots also.

I find it funny how desperately you want to be equated with black discrimination, yet have zero in common with it

???? I am a white hetero man, raised in a Christian family- I have suffered absolutely none of the discrimination that blacks, Jews, Mexicans, gays, Chinese, Japanese, etc have experienced in their lives.

I just was observing- based upon posts here at USMB- when you find the people who are openly racist towards blacks here- they are pretty much always openly bigoted towards gays also.

The other way around is not necessarily true- those who are openly homophobic- are not always racist towards blacks.

Sure you are, that’s why we often see you in these threads acting gay!

LOL- yes I am often acting happy here at USMB- what can I say- I am naturally a happy person.

Gay as hell I’d say.

Thanks I do try to be happy.
I agree with those members who have pointed out that:

1. Male gay people have been terribly treated throughout American history.
2. Most gay people have NO interest in wanting to persecute the straight majority.

3. Ignore points 1 and 2 because most faggots are liars..

I would ignore you because you are a bigoted liar.

But it is more fun to mock you.

After 200 years of Christian persecution- I mean real persecution- you know passing laws to imprison gays, passing laws to have them banned from professions- the Supreme Court finally stopped the Christian persecution of gays in America.

Now Christians whine that they are the real victims.

Because they are being told they have to follow the exact same laws that tell a Jew he must serve a Christian.
[Well its a good thing that your 'book' isn't about religion- though why you seem to have need to brag about some book

Look, USMB Jackass #103, I could care less what you think or how you want to try to spin things, I wrote a book about religion, it isn't like anything you might imagine, and I neither "bragged" about it nor do I need to. It was only mentioned because I'm betting NOT ONE OTHER PERSON IN THIS THREAD, all self-professed "experts" (though I do not count myself among them) can say anything similar. In fact, I should take a poll on just how many people in this entire board have ever actually worked in much less written a book about any of the things they claim expertise in?! You obviously neither know your facts, history, much less religion, don't care to, and at best it is nothing but an abstract topic to you, nothing more. What I've noticed is that when fools like you can't get anywhere winning on a topic, you just try to change the subject.
You certainly did say that Islam is more than 2000 years old, and I quoted the post in which you did so. I'll do so again:
the Bible condemns homosexuality as a perversion, 2000 years ago, the Muslims even longer and still to this day

Muslims are people who follow Islam. If Muslims have condemned homosexuality for longer than 2000 years, then Islam must have existed for more than 2000 years.

Look you half-baked community-college armchair idiot, do any of you people ever have Any clue what you talk about???? The Qur'an describes many prophets and messengers within Judaism and Christianity and their respective followers as Muslim: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus and his apostles are all considered to be Muslims in the Qur'an. To say that muslim faith or belief started only in the 7th century with Mohammad is to court idiocy.
You certainly did say that Islam is more than 2000 years old, and I quoted the post in which you did so. I'll do so again:
the Bible condemns homosexuality as a perversion, 2000 years ago, the Muslims even longer and still to this day

Muslims are people who follow Islam. If Muslims have condemned homosexuality for longer than 2000 years, then Islam must have existed for more than 2000 years.

Look you half-baked community-college armchair idiot, do any of you people ever have Any clue what you talk about???? The Qur'an describes many prophets and messengers within Judaism and Christianity and their respective followers as Muslim: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus and his apostles are all considered to be Muslims in the Qur'an. To say that muslim faith or belief started only in the 7th century with Mohammad is to court idiocy.

Next you'll be telling us that Christianity started before Christ. :lol:
[Well its a good thing that your 'book' isn't about religion- though why you seem to have need to brag about some book

Look, USMB Jackass #103, I could care less what you think or how you want to try to spin things, I wrote a book about religion, it isn't like anything you might imagine, and I neither "bragged" about it nor do I need to. It was only mentioned because I'm betting NOT ONE OTHER PERSON IN THIS THREAD, all self-professed "experts" (though I do not count myself among them) can say anything similar.

Heck any of us can say we wrote a book about religion.

It was only mentioned because....well you were trying to set yourself up as an 'expert' by claiming that you wrote a book on religion.....and told us how Islam has been against homosexuality for more than 2,000 years.....

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