Within a few short years, homosexuals have gone from persecuted to persecutors...

You certainly did say that Islam is more than 2000 years old, and I quoted the post in which you did so. I'll do so again:
the Bible condemns homosexuality as a perversion, 2000 years ago, the Muslims even longer and still to this day

Muslims are people who follow Islam. If Muslims have condemned homosexuality for longer than 2000 years, then Islam must have existed for more than 2000 years.

Look you half-baked community-college armchair idiot, do any of you people ever have Any clue what you talk about???? The Qur'an describes many prophets and messengers within Judaism and Christianity and their respective followers as Muslim: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus and his apostles are all considered to be Muslims in the Qur'an. To say that muslim faith or belief started only in the 7th century with Mohammad is to court idiocy.

Was there a single Muslim before there was Mohammad?

If there was- please tell us who he was.

If not.....well then Islam didn't exist before Mohammad and the Quran.
[ What I've noticed is that when fools like you can't get anywhere winning on a topic, you just try to change the subject.

What I've noticed is that when fools like you can't get anywhere winning on a topic you:
a) Claim you are an expert and therefore are right and
b) Change the subject from the topic to something else.
Fags weren't persecuted a few short years ago. A few short years ago, there were no laws forcing fags to do anything against against their beliefs. There was no persecution in the government not intruding in faggot bedrooms and relationships. Besides, they're fags, and there's nothing good about that.

Fags aren't victims of persecution, but only of their own toxic lifestyle. Calling themselves "gay" (antonym of miserable) is just an attempt to change the perception of their miserable reality.
What the fuck do you care? How does what some one does in the bedroom effect you? I do not give a shit either way! Just keep it in privacy. Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit. You bake a cake for a gay person to eat you are not hurting your faith one bit. imagine all the cakes eaten through history that were ate by gay people and no one knew. Those people are not going to hell for making the cake.
The interesting thing is that pretty much most people who are racist against blacks- are also flaming homophobic bigots also.

I find it funny how desperately you want to be equated with black discrimination, yet have zero in common with it

???? I am a white hetero man, raised in a Christian family- I have suffered absolutely none of the discrimination that blacks, Jews, Mexicans, gays, Chinese, Japanese, etc have experienced in their lives.

I just was observing- based upon posts here at USMB- when you find the people who are openly racist towards blacks here- they are pretty much always openly bigoted towards gays also.

The other way around is not necessarily true- those who are openly homophobic- are not always racist towards blacks.

Sure you are, that’s why we often see you in these threads acting gay!

LOL- yes I am often acting happy here at USMB- what can I say- I am naturally a happy person.

Gay as hell I’d say.
Here is something interesting that you might want to try to muster an intelligent (LOL) comment on

10 Right-Wing Predictions About Obama That Never Came True | Right Wing Watch

At least one of these pertain to the current topic:

) 8 ) Obama Will Ban The Bible

Following the passage of the Shepard-Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which Obama signed in 2009, Republicans warned that the freedom of religion and speech for Christians would soon disappear due to government oppression. Subsequent advances in LGBT equality, especially the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision striking down state-level same-sex marriage bans, only made the persecution rhetoric more panicked.

Anti-LGBT activists predicted after the passage of the hate crimes act that the government would begin prosecuting and imprisoning Christians who criticized homosexuality. The Traditional Values Coalition claimed that “the new Hate Crimes Act that President Obama signed into law makes the Bible illegal ‘Hate Literature.’”
Several Republican politicians even claimed that the law granted legal protections to pedophiles.

In 2013, Rick Scarborough, a conservative pastor who once threatened to file a lawsuit against homosexuality, claimed that the Obama administration was “hell-bent on silencing the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” warning that Christians may be “thrown into concentration camps” at some point in the future. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins warned just last year that Obama was using gay rights to “eliminate” Christianity and “punish speech—and belief.”

Proof that you hysterical rhetoric is exactly that, hysterical
Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
You just flipped me to the other side. Go smoke a meat cigar faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next you'll be telling us that Christianity started before Christ.

Ha! Ha! Ha! You're a funny man!

The Muslim philosopher Ibn Arabi said: A Muslim is a person who has dedicated his worship exclusively to God...Islam means making one's religion and faith God's alone.

Laugh it up with Wikipedia; take the matter up with them:

Muslim, paragraph two.
Lexicology>Meaning>Used To Describe . . . .

Muslim - Wikipedia
Heck any of us can say we wrote a book about religion.

You can say anything you like; but we all know you'd be lying. Can you say you've written a book about ANYTHING? I've written three among many other things. How many have you written? I'm waiting. Lessee . . . . Member here three years two months, 43,000 posts. That is about 1130 posts a month for 38 months, or about 38 posts a day, or over two posts an hour, every waking hour of every day, seven days a week for the past 3.2 YEARS, on a message board where maybe 1% of the people ever say anything factual, insightful and meaningful and you never seem to be one of them! We all know what you've been doing with your life!
Heck any of us can say we wrote a book about religion.

You can say anything you like; but we all know you'd be lying. Can you say you've written a book about ANYTHING? I've written three among many other things. How many have you written? I'm waiting. Lessee .!

I could be like you- and say I have written 3 books. Because any idiot can claim anything from the anonymity of the internet. But why would i claim any such thing? There are tons of books written by idiots for idiots.

I find it amusing that you felt that telling us about your book- now its spinning out to 3 books- is something that should impress any of us about anything.

Especially when you spew such crap like this on the internet

Homosexuality is denounced and frowned upon because it is deviate behavior that leads to a corrosion of society, it isn't just "a choice" such as going to either the Mets or the Orioles, and everywhere it is being "accepted" (forced upon us) now, we see a decay of the society and a weakening of moral structure. Homosexuality is a disorder, something has gone wrong, and should be treated as a condition to study, treat if possible, but not handily accept or encourage. Such people should not be persecuted

Frankly the only thing that is halfway correct in that statement is your generous offer to stop persecuting gays- as Christians in America have tried to do for 200 years.

What 'society' has it corroded Toob? How has it 'corroded' society Toob?

What medical organization considers homosexuality to be a disorder to be treated?

It is people like yourself- who have led the actual persecution and oppression of gay Americans for 200 years. Whether you call it 'sin' or 'acts of the devil'- or much more tolerantly a 'disorder'- to be shocked out of gays.

Because it is attitudes like yours that resulted in the mistreatment of gays in America.
Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
You just flipped me to the other side. Go smoke a meat cigar faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit !! Seriously?? I "flipped you " because I called you out on your moronic assumptions about gay people. If that's true you must be a pathetically weak minded dumb fuck. My guess is that you were an ignorant bigot all along.
Your only son turns out to be gay, kinda sucks for the whole name thing being carried on but life is fuill of disappointing shit
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
You just flipped me to the other side. Go smoke a meat cigar faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit !! Seriously?? I "flipped you " because I called you out on your moronic assumptions about gay people. If that's true you must be a pathetically weak minded dumb fuck. My guess is that you were an ignorant bigot all along.
No, not seriously! But I can name one gay guy I am not fond of. Please forgive me for failing to list two ways a gay guy can attain children, I guess that makes me a moron. You fucking idiot. You fucking pretentious fool. It is not some thing I spend a great deal of time thinking about. I got my kids the old fashioned way. How gays get kids was not my understanding of what the thread was about. To be honest I realy do not care how you get your kids as long as it is legal, ethical and moral. My point is and was how does what some one does in thier bedroom effect any one of us and why would we fucking care straght, gay , or bi. Run around being a pretetous prick bandying about insults and yuo wil certainly lose allies. Who the fuck needs enemies with a freind like you.
Actually gay men do have kids who will carry the family name
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
You just flipped me to the other side. Go smoke a meat cigar faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit !! Seriously?? I "flipped you " because I called you out on your moronic assumptions about gay people. If that's true you must be a pathetically weak minded dumb fuck. My guess is that you were an ignorant bigot all along.
No, not seriously! But I can name one gay guy I am not fond of. Please forgive me for failing to list two ways a gay guy can attain children, I guess that makes me a moron. You fucking idiot. You fucking pretentious fool. It is not some thing I spend a great deal of time thinking about. I got my kids the old fashioned way. How gays get kids was not my understanding of what the thread was about. To be honest I realy do not care how you get your kids as long as it is legal, ethical and moral. My point is and was how does what some one does in thier bedroom effect any one of us and why would we fucking care straght, gay , or bi. Run around being a pretetous prick bandying about insults and yuo wil certainly lose allies. Who the fuck needs enemies with a freind like you.
If you haven't given it much thought, maybe you should keep your trap shut least you put your foot in it. You should also think more about what it is that you believe.
Some do but it is less likely, and will become less likely as being gay becomes more accepted. Less reason to hide being gay means less likelyhood of having kids.. Many gay men over the years got married to hide the fact. The whole name thing is no big deal anyway. Leave me, my dog, my beer, and my fishin pole alone and you are not likely to get many complaints from me! Oh, ya and if you slow on the fucking golf course let me play through. I realy do not give a shit what gives you your jollies, just get them. Life is miserable enough. I get my jollies out of dropping out of airplanes, if something goes wrong I could land on your head. Hate me before the gay! A dude wants to smoke a meet cigar what the fuck do I care. A girl wants to munch a cookie, what the fuck do I care. How are they hurting me. Just do me a favor if ya just got some, be in a good mood. Most the fucks walking around are miserable. If you are happy you just got some you are doing me a favor.
What the fuck are you jabbering about?? That is a psychotic and senses rant if I ever heard one. Gay men have kids with their gay partner through adoption and surrogacy . Is it possible that you don't know that? Holy shit ! Really?
You just flipped me to the other side. Go smoke a meat cigar faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit !! Seriously?? I "flipped you " because I called you out on your moronic assumptions about gay people. If that's true you must be a pathetically weak minded dumb fuck. My guess is that you were an ignorant bigot all along.
No, not seriously! But I can name one gay guy I am not fond of. Please forgive me for failing to list two ways a gay guy can attain children, I guess that makes me a moron. You fucking idiot. You fucking pretentious fool. It is not some thing I spend a great deal of time thinking about. I got my kids the old fashioned way. How gays get kids was not my understanding of what the thread was about. To be honest I realy do not care how you get your kids as long as it is legal, ethical and moral. My point is and was how does what some one does in thier bedroom effect any one of us and why would we fucking care straght, gay , or bi. Run around being a pretetous prick bandying about insults and yuo wil certainly lose allies. Who the fuck needs enemies with a freind like you.
If you haven't given it much thought, maybe you should keep your trap shut least you put your foot in it. You should also think more about what it is that you believe.
Get bent
This whole right-wing, so-called "Christian" thing about being "persecuted" is so ridiculous. It's just a way to drum up attention. Being told to abide by a generally applicable law is not "persecution." These "Christians" are a bunch of sniveling whiners and complainers. Normal Christians are not doing what they are doing: grandstanding, seeking attention, playing butt-hurt, trying to turn LGBTs and some other groups into scapegoats, and demanding that the general public cave in to them and their choices. I've not heard of LGBTs raiding their churches, either.


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