Without Islam


We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle
Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

Coyote----tell that one to ALL THE SOCIOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD-----tell them that their science is all
bull-shit I maintain a very high opinion of MALINOWSKI--------and----uhm----
Margaret Meade. -----------uhm-----nevah mind

So...wait a sec Rosie, are you saying we're Borgs?

there are BORG LIKE elements in all societies------the most accurate word is
ETHOS. Behavioral scientists call it "nurture" -----over "nature"

We're social mammals.

the "social mammals" aspect of humans is "NATURE". The legal rape aspect of Islamic law is "NURTURE"

We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?
Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago.

.....and did anybody pull the same apologist stunts as you always pull by saying "but, but but, look at the Muslims. They do it, too!" by way of trying to normalize and excuse it?

You devote 10 hours a day to your internet jihad, and call OTHERS too serious?
We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it
Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape
oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

you PRESUME quite a bit. I am VERY aware of the FACT that atrocities are being committed thruout the world. Your rhetorical FART ".....you are sweeping it under the rug...... IS LIBELOUS My point was that these atrocities do not make news in Little Town----bible belt, USA because they are not happening to people we know or with whom we have some familial links. They are VERY REMOTE. Look back---you COMPLAINED that a rape that takes place in the jungles of ZIMBABWE-----somehow does not make news in Manhattan, NY----not does a heat wave on Jupiter. Some time ago you insisted that my "story" that my mother-in-law. at age 12.. had escaped rape under the glorious DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----was an "OBVIOUS LIE"-------because you could not find a report on the incident on the internet. You were right in the fact that such events did not make news. Islamic LEGAL rape did not make news for 1400 years and MOST of it still does not make news. I have no doubt that I could find dozens of Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, theologians who would argue that RAPE is a crime--------find me a few AL AZHAR muslim scholars who consider the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW an atrocity. BTW---your citation is stupid-----recto-vaginal fistula is not all that rare--------it happens today in women who simply have had a difficult vaginal delivery. Where is your citation pointing out that muslim women are victims of LEGAL RAPE BY SOUTHERN BAPTISTS

Without Islam, Brussels, Belgium would not be mourning the deaths of 31 people and the sufferings of 271 more injured in yesterday's terror attack. Without Islam, New York's Twin Towers would still be standing and 3,000 Americans would still be alive. Without Islam the French terror attack would not have happened. Without Islam there would be no conflict in the middle east. Israel would be at peace and Europe would still be a beautiful place to visit.

Without Islam, Norway could reduce their rape crimes by 100%. Without Islam, Sweden wouldn't be the rape Capitol of Europe. Without Islam the women of Germany could walk down the street without fear of being physically assaulted or raped. Without Islam little girls could be little girls and not live in dread of the day they are married off to a grown man 6 times their age. Without Islam there would be no such thing as honor killings.

Without Islam women in the middle east would have the same rights as men do. Without Islam people could vote by the ballot instead of the bullet. Without Islam there would be no need for foot baths, separate quarters for gyms and swimming pools.

Without Islam there would be no pilgrimage to Mecca where people are sometimes trampled to death or seriously injured. Without Islam there would be no religious conquest for world domination. Without Islam there would be no such thing as Sharia law.

Without Islam there would be no burka, hijab, or Koran. Without Islam there would be no one praying in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Without Islam there would be no terror attacks on synagogues, churches and other places where people congregate together.

Without Islam a man would have one wife as God intended rather than four wives which is open adultery.

Without Islam criminals would not be called heroes and dead murderers would not be hailed as martyrs. Without Islam jihad would not exist and terrorism would end.

Without Islam 1.5 billion souls wouldn't be headed for hell right now.

Without Islam over 270 million people would still be alive, multiple wars would have been prevented and billions of dollars saved. Without Islam, Hitler would not have had an ally.

Without Islam, Europe would still have freedom of speech. Without Islam, America wouldn't be fighting to keep 1st & 2nd amendment rights.

Without Islam black slavery would really be history.

Without Islam mass murder, rape, beheading, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution and genocide would be greatly reduced.

Without Islam - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria wouldn't have become the hell-holes they are today. Without Islam life would be better for everyone.

It's hard to believe that prior to Sept. 11, 2001 most of us had never heard of Islam. Today it's all we hear about. The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word Islam is “trouble.” That is all Islam has brought us. Trouble.

I'd like to live in a world "without Islam."

Europe had hundred year wars due to Religion.
What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

you PRESUME quite a bit. I am VERY aware of the FACT that atrocities are being committed thruout the world. Your rhetorical FART ".....you are sweeping it under the rug...... IS LIBELOUS My point was that these atrocities do not make news in Little Town----bible belt, USA because they are not happening to people we know or with whom we have some familial links. They are VERY REMOTE. Look back---you COMPLAINED that a rape that takes place in the jungles of ZIMBABWE-----somehow does not make news in Manhattan, NY----not does a heat wave on Jupiter. Some time ago you insisted that my "story" that my mother-in-law. at age 12.. had escaped rape under the glorious DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----was an "OBVIOUS LIE"-------because you could not find a report on the incident on the internet. You were right in the fact that such events did not make news. Islamic LEGAL rape did not make news for 1400 years and MOST of it still does not make news. I have no doubt that I could find dozens of Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, theologians who would argue that RAPE is a crime--------find me a few AL AZHAR muslim scholars who consider the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW an atrocity. BTW---your citation is stupid-----recto-vaginal fistula is not all that rare--------it happens today in women who simply have had a difficult vaginal delivery. Where is your citation pointing out that muslim women are victims of LEGAL RAPE BY SOUTHERN BAPTISTS

Ok, I'm presuming you really don't care much about rape if Muslims aren't involved.
Ok, I'm presuming you really don't care much about rape if Muslims aren't involved.

Man, are you ever projecting, here.

The fact that you don't care about rape as long as it IS a Muslim doing so does not mean others do not care about it if it ISN'T.

It's just that you are one very sick individual who thinks others are just as sick.
oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

The focus of rape crimes by Muslims appears to be in proportion to the percentage of rape crimes throughout Europe and the world committed by those followers of Islam. Clearly the overwhelming majority of rapes reported in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and throughout Europe and the world are committed by Muslims, Coyote. No one is trying to unfairly target anyone but when a religion such as Islam sanctions rape, we see the results. Which is another reason why the world would be better off without Islam.
What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

The focus of rape crimes by Muslims appears to be in proportion to the percentage of rape crimes throughout Europe and the world committed by those followers of Islam. Clearly the overwhelming majority of rapes reported in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and throughout Europe and the world are committed by Muslims, Coyote. No one is trying to unfairly target anyone but when a religion such as Islam sanctions rape, we see the results. Which is another reason why the world would be better off without Islam.
What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?

I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

The focus of rape crimes by Muslims appears to be in proportion to the percentage of rape crimes throughout Europe and the world committed by those followers of Islam. Clearly the overwhelming majority of rapes reported in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and throughout Europe and the world are committed by Muslims, Coyote. No one is trying to unfairly target anyone but when a religion such as Islam sanctions rape, we see the results. Which is another reason why the world would be better off without Islam.
I would love to see the stats on that.
I never met a person who IGNORES rape unless it is done by a muslim----you have a strange set of aquaintances. Rape is a crime in all CIVILIZED SOCIETES FOR THE PAST SEVERAL CENTURIES. It is legal or---just
trivial for muslims upon non muslims------in fact, in the opinion of some muslim
clerics it is DESIREBLE behavior -----even heroic. Face facts. ------Rape of
a NON MUSLIM is a crime (trivial at that) only if it harms the interest of a MUSLIM in Islamic law-------did you forget that my very own mother-in-law was saved from
the ISLAMIC DHIMMI LAW -----illegally in the country of her birth by ILLEGAL ESCAPE?---------and that tens of thousands of Christian kids of SUDAN are still sex slaves----LEGALLY according to Islamic law-------and then there are the Yazidis at whom you giggle

Really? I started a thread on what was going on in the Congo a couple years ago. Do you want to guess how much response it got compared to a thread on Muslim rape?

So, why is that? Are the Congolese not worthy of attention? How about the women raped so horribly by guns that they need corrective surgery?

I see no reason to motivate me to guess. Regarding your putative thread on
the life and times of DA CONGO---------I have to admit, I have never met
anyone from the DA CONGO or any rape victim thereof or even know of
any particular case. Not knowing anything at all about RAPE IN THE CONGO-----or RAPE IN DENVER COLORADO, I would not comment. I do know or HAVE known lots of people who are muslims and know of several people raped
by muslims. I also do not comment on football other than the fact that lots of
people suffer repeated head trauma----who play it

Then your knowledge is very limited, if you have no idea what has been going on in the Congo. Or your interest is confined to just Islamic atrocities, as seems the case with many here. These women weren't snatched and brutalized by Boko Haran, they're not the victims of ISIS' brutality. They're not in the news despite the fact this has been going on for decades. Seems to me their voices deserve to be heard.

For your edification:
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
Ms. Magazine | "Not Women Anymore": The Congo's rape survivors face pain, shame and AIDS
Congo women fight back, speak out about rape

The focus of rape crimes by Muslims appears to be in proportion to the percentage of rape crimes throughout Europe and the world committed by those followers of Islam. Clearly the overwhelming majority of rapes reported in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and throughout Europe and the world are committed by Muslims, Coyote. No one is trying to unfairly target anyone but when a religion such as Islam sanctions rape, we see the results. Which is another reason why the world would be better off without Islam.
I would love to see the stats on that.
It's not funny. It's real.
I would love to see the stats on that.

In Rotherham, England, ALONE, there were 1400 underage girls raped by those you have been trained to defend.

......as you already know but keep up the defense, anyway.
Perhaps you could quote stats to support the nutty assertions of Mrs M ?

....or you can be honest instead of dishonest.

It's your choice.

1400 children in Rotherham, alone.

There are about 100000 sexual assaults in the UK every year.

Now why dont you shut up or put up you chopsy little fucker ?
Without radical jihadism, a perversion of Islam, as German fascism was a perversion of Christianity.

There's the correction. Let's move on.

It was the values of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization that enables the West to understand the horrors of National Socialist Germany, and to defeat it.

There is no such countervailing force within Islam against the Jihadists.
There are about 100000 sexual assaults in the UK every year.

Now why dont you shut up or put up you chopsy little fucker ?

You know, Tommy, the way you are always right there to support Islamic rape gangs, I'd almost wish it would happen to you instead of these children.

The only thing preventing me from entertaining these ideas is the fact you would enjoy it.

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