Without Islam

I find it forever fascinating that leftist that support the brutal treatment of Germans after WW1 and WW2 (a people that didn't attack us) never stop in their blind support of a people that will saw their heads off, mount them on pikes and pose for selfies with them.

w/o islam, Bush would have been an one and done

I see it in psychological terms, myself.

There are large numbers of disgruntled, useless people in this country. They produce nothing of value. They do not contribute to building anything positive in any way. They do not have any sort of positive vision, but merely know what they hate, and do so with great arrogance. Deep down, however, they lack any sort of true sense of worth since they recognize their own worthlessness and so run around with an enormous chip on their shoulder.

Is it any wonder they champion Islam? They are just like it! Islam produces nothing of value, Muslims see themselves as supreme yet when they look around, they see other cultures outperforming them in every conceivable way. They know what they hate and what they hate is anything that isn't Islam. Their chip on the shoulder results in mass murder unlike their leftist supporters, but the similarities abound.

This type of leftist doesn't actually stand FOR anything at all, much less actual liberalism, as they merely channel all their disgruntlement and self-loathing into a hatred of their own culture. It is easier to indulge in projection than it is working to better themselves, so they find common cause with others who hate their culture just as much as they do.

They are the antis. They go through life as if affected by one ginormous oppositional defiant disorder manifested through authoritarian politics. They all walk the same walk and talk the same talk as if this utterly vapid group think was some sort of enlightened world view, but all they really represent are a bunch of nihilistic children acting out against their own in any way they can so to avid taking stock of themselves as human beings and actually dealing with their utter worthlessness. .

Holy Moli Batman; no punches held here. I am gonna save this master piece and hang it on the wall, for all to see and read!

Just don't forget my royalty payments.

I control the entrance to my castle. Royalty will be limited. But you posted a fine work there, very concise and to the point. I appreciate the effort. Thank you
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

You think Muslims raping non Muslims is funny, and you accuse ME of hatred?

oh, that's rich.
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

You think Muslims raping non Muslims is funny, and you accuse ME of hatred?

oh, that's rich.

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

Yes. It is.

But you aren't.

Never heard a peep from you about the horrific rapes and sodomizations in the Congo. So horrific, that if they survive, extensive surgery is often needed. Rape used as a weapon to intimidate a target population in a civil war that has been ongoing in one form or another since the 1960's but has yet to register much on the American conscience. Or yours.

So I think you are funny :)

How much do I owe you for the headspace?

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

Yes. It is.

But you aren't.

Never heard a peep from you about the horrific rapes and sodomizations in the Congo. So horrific, that if they survive, extensive surgery is often needed. Rape used as a weapon to intimidate a target population in a civil war that has been ongoing in one form or another since the 1960's but has yet to register much on the American conscience. Or yours.

So I think you are funny :)

How much do I owe you for the headspace?

Yes, I have never defended rape.

....which is another great difference between us.

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

Yes. It is.

But you aren't.

Never heard a peep from you about the horrific rapes and sodomizations in the Congo. So horrific, that if they survive, extensive surgery is often needed. Rape used as a weapon to intimidate a target population in a civil war that has been ongoing in one form or another since the 1960's but has yet to register much on the American conscience. Or yours.

So I think you are funny :)

How much do I owe you for the headspace?

Yes, I have never defended rape.

....which is another great difference between us.


Another great difference...you're a liar. Because neither one of us have ever defended rape.

You see why I think you're funny? :)

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

Yes. It is.

But you aren't.

Never heard a peep from you about the horrific rapes and sodomizations in the Congo. So horrific, that if they survive, extensive surgery is often needed. Rape used as a weapon to intimidate a target population in a civil war that has been ongoing in one form or another since the 1960's but has yet to register much on the American conscience. Or yours.

So I think you are funny :)

How much do I owe you for the headspace?

Yes, I have never defended rape.

....which is another great difference between us.


Another great difference...you're a liar. Because neither one of us have ever defended rape.

You see why I think you're funny? :)

You have been defending it in this very thread, excrement. You attack those who do not support it. You try to deflect away from it. You lie about it being sanctioned. You attack Christianity. You think it funny when Muslims do it and you do everything in your power to propagandize for those Muslims engaging in it.

That goes beyond mere defense, really, as you have taken a very strong role in promoting it. The problem here is that you are mentally ill (I'm thinking schizo-affective disorder considering your utter zealousness and ability to devote 10 hours a day to it), and so do not recognize the obviousness of your doublethink.

I think YOU are funny. Big difference. You take yourself soooooo seriously :)

Rape is a serious matter, you ugly piece of filth.

It is even more serious when it is being used systematically as a weapon to intimidate a target population. You think it is funny because you are part of the agenda involved. I do not because I support the liberal cultures being targeted.

Yes. It is.

But you aren't.

Never heard a peep from you about the horrific rapes and sodomizations in the Congo. So horrific, that if they survive, extensive surgery is often needed. Rape used as a weapon to intimidate a target population in a civil war that has been ongoing in one form or another since the 1960's but has yet to register much on the American conscience. Or yours.

So I think you are funny :)

How much do I owe you for the headspace?

Yes, I have never defended rape.

....which is another great difference between us.


Another great difference...you're a liar. Because neither one of us have ever defended rape.

You see why I think you're funny? :)

You have been defending it in this very thread, excrement. You attack those who do not support it. You try to deflect away from it. You lie about it being sanctioned. You attack Christianity. You think it funny when Muslims do it and you do everything in your power to propagandize for those Muslims engaging in it.

That goes beyond mere defense, really, as you have taken a very strong role in promoting it. The problem here is that you are mentally ill (I'm thinking schizo-affective disorder considering your utter zealousness and ability to devote 10 hours a day to it), and so do not recognize the obviousness of your doublethink.

And you skip right over the horrors perpetrated in the Congo (so bad that the Congolese constitute our 4th largest group of refugees).

I think that pretty much says all that needs to be said here :)


We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

This is not a thread about the Congo.

At most boards I have posted, the mods try to keep people ON topic rather demanding they troll along with them by trying to derail threads onto other issues.

As far as this supposed notion of "head space", I am not the one following you around saying everything you say is funny. For starters, it isn't, but I certainly wouldn't do it as you do it in order to express the opinion that rape is funny.

Start up a thread about rape in the Congo, and I doubt there is a person like you in this entire forum who thinks it is funny.
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

Coyote----tell that one to ALL THE SOCIOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD-----tell them that their science is all
bull-shit I maintain a very high opinion of MALINOWSKI--------and----uhm----
Margaret Meade. -----------uhm-----nevah mind
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

Coyote----tell that one to ALL THE SOCIOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD-----tell them that their science is all
bull-shit I maintain a very high opinion of MALINOWSKI--------and----uhm----
Margaret Meade. -----------uhm-----nevah mind

So...wait a sec Rosie, are you saying we're Borgs?

We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

Coyote----tell that one to ALL THE SOCIOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD-----tell them that their science is all
bull-shit I maintain a very high opinion of MALINOWSKI--------and----uhm----
Margaret Meade. -----------uhm-----nevah mind

So...wait a sec Rosie, are you saying we're Borgs?

there are BORG LIKE elements in all societies------the most accurate word is
ETHOS. Behavioral scientists call it "nurture" -----over "nature"

We already knew you are quite delusional, excrement, but your thinking I would be interested in renting property that is already owned in full by the Muslim Brotherhood is quite arch, even by your usual low standards.

Yet you give me so much headspace free of charge...:cuckoo:

Nothing to say about the horrors of the Congo either. No surprise from one who pretends to care about rape.

oh gee-------another "exception to the rule" advocate of Islamic LAW ------"there were examples in the past 2000 years of Christians doing the same kind of filth we call HOLY, and DIVINELY LEGAL, too"

What's happening in the Congo is pretty damn ugly Rosie. Are you just trying to sweep it under the carpet? Is rape only rape when certain demographics engage in it? Come on...why do people who claim to care about rape ignore it when it occurs outside of Muslim countries or doesn't involve Muslim rapists?
This thread PROVES what mosst of us already know about them. A mental illness.

Just look what Islam has done to Coyote, here, who thinks Muslims raping non-Muslims is funny.

My way of looking at the world is that we are all born with the potential to either become more human or throw our humanity away. Coyote has quite obviously taken the latter route and I can't imagine that happening without the contribution of Islam.

I should charge you headspace rent you old fraud :lol:

My way of looking at the world is simple. We are all individuals. And we should be judged as individuals. We all have the ability within ourselves to find salvation, to be better people. For any of us - there but for fortune...

Your labels do little more than inspire others towards ignorance and hatred. We have enough of that in this world don't you think?

Coyote----tell that one to ALL THE SOCIOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE ANTHROPOLOGISTS OF THE WORLD-----tell them that their science is all
bull-shit I maintain a very high opinion of MALINOWSKI--------and----uhm----
Margaret Meade. -----------uhm-----nevah mind

So...wait a sec Rosie, are you saying we're Borgs?

there are BORG LIKE elements in all societies------the most accurate word is
ETHOS. Behavioral scientists call it "nurture" -----over "nature"

We're social mammals.

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