Without Islam

Of what I said before, what else??

You think Isis will fade away, like RAF?
ISIS is not like RAF. Its a terror army. It will be dissolved by the Syrian and Iraqi forces and their allies.

You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.
Of what I said before, what else??

You think Isis will fade away, like RAF?
ISIS is not like RAF. Its a terror army. It will be dissolved by the Syrian and Iraqi forces and their allies.

You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Of what I said before, what else??

You think Isis will fade away, like RAF?
ISIS is not like RAF. Its a terror army. It will be dissolved by the Syrian and Iraqi forces and their allies.

You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.
Of what I said before, what else??

You think Isis will fade away, like RAF?
ISIS is not like RAF. Its a terror army. It will be dissolved by the Syrian and Iraqi forces and their allies.

You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Of what I said before, what else??

ISIS is not like RAF. Its a terror army. It will be dissolved by the Syrian and Iraqi forces and their allies.

You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report
You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

All you are doing is giving me your CV.
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

All you are doing is giving me your CV.
CV? What the heck is that?
So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

All you are doing is giving me your CV.
CV? What the heck is that?

Your Lebenslauf.
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

All you are doing is giving me your CV.
CV? What the heck is that?

Your Lebenslauf.
You think?

Who's going to dissolve it's infestation of Europe?
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

great citation-----the propagandaist uses the same logic and islamo technique
that islamo Nazi propagandaists had been prepared for the 9-11-01 arab/muslim atrocity. The main focus was then---and in this present chunk of shit---"lets claim that it is the USA and Israel that planned it because such an operation
would not be possible for simple loving arabs to ACCOMPLISH!!!! I am SO
IMPRESSED--------well....at least islamo Nazi propagandaists are as consistent
as was their mentor------Josef Goebbels.
This infestation is home-baked and not limited to any cases like the refugee crisis. So, if it is home-baked and the citizens simply don´t care, nobody is going to dissolve it.

So how do you explain hundreds going over to Syria for training? And then returning, some of them on the Trojan Horse of genuine refugees?
Let me answer with this:

“When terrorism is active in Syria against Syrians, they call it moderate opposition or jihadists and so on, and they don’t call them terrorists, but when they return to the states from which they came, they become terrorists,” Sana news agency quoted Jaafari as saying.

I'm sure that's helpful to the person, or child, who's getting a limb blown off.

I don't care what Syria calls them. Terrorist works for me.
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

great citation-----the propagandaist uses the same logic and islamo technique
that islamo Nazi propagandaists had been prepared for the 9-11-01 arab/muslim atrocity. The main focus was then---and in this present chunk of shit---"lets claim that it is the USA and Israel that planned it because such an operation
would not be possible for simple loving arabs to ACCOMPLISH!!!! I am SO
IMPRESSED--------well....at least islamo Nazi propagandaists are as consistent
as was their mentor------Josef Goebbels.


Actually the quote is great as it shows Muslim inability to accept responsibility for their hate. Their is a video around of a Muslim woman tearing up a Jewish flag at the Belgian memorial. It is very instructive. Until we recognize these attacks for what they are and call them Muslim attacks, we will not stop this.


Actually the quote is great as it shows Muslim inability to accept responsibility for their hate. Their is a video around of a Muslim woman tearing up a Jewish flag at the Belgian memorial. It is very instructive. Until we recognize these attacks for what they are and call them Muslim attacks, we will not stop this.


Islam was crafted quite intentionally as a way for a murderous warlord to bind his troops to him. He was a rapist, a thief a murderer and had sex with children. Muslims consider him the most perfect man ever.

As we have seen in this thread, there is no end of the lying pieces of human filth living in the west who devote themselves to finding ways to defend the political ideology he created and the actions taken by those who follow his example.

How can we ever hope to combat them with so many traitorous individuals who have devoted themselves to preventing such? It's almost as if when Bush said "Your'e either with us or against us", the unintelligent portion of the left just balled up their little fists and said "O.K., well I'm against us, then".
I'm not reading 10 + pages of what I'm sure is nitwits arguing , but the fact of the mater is this.

Religion can be a convenient excuse for those who wish to cause harm. It's true, the Crusades were Europeans using Christianity as an excuse to destroy.

Where liberals diverge from reality in regards to Islam is when they pretend like what Christians did 300+ years ago has ANY bearing on what we should tolerate from Muslims today, of course it doesn't, humans are MUCH more enlightened today than they were then. Also , of course, they refuse to acknowledge that it is beyond obvious that there is SOMETHING that is causing so many Muslims to be violent, and for so many other Muslims to encourage or at the very least refuse to condemn such behavior.
3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook

Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games:
Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook.
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

According to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, three people have been arrested after the alleged attack was broadcast in a closed Facebook group last night.

Dutch website De Dagelijkse Standaard (of which I'm editor-in-chief) adds that the three suspects have been identified. It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. In this screenshot of the gang rape, you can see two of the three suspects in action:


The first suspect's name is Emillem ‘Lemon’ Khodagholi. Khodagholi was on probation for a variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."

Not long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. The poor girl was barely conscious, but her rapist couldn't control himself. "You got raped. There, we have the answers. You’ve been raped," he shouted gleefully at her. He then laughed like a psychopath and continued to make fun of her.

Like his friend Khodagholi, the second suspect is an immigrant and an acquaintance of the Swedish authorities. His name is Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released.

3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook

Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games:
Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook.
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

According to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, three people have been arrested after the alleged attack was broadcast in a closed Facebook group last night.

Dutch website De Dagelijkse Standaard (of which I'm editor-in-chief) adds that the three suspects have been identified. It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. In this screenshot of the gang rape, you can see two of the three suspects in action:


The first suspect's name is Emillem ‘Lemon’ Khodagholi. Khodagholi was on probation for a variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."

Not long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. The poor girl was barely conscious, but her rapist couldn't control himself. "You got raped. There, we have the answers. You’ve been raped," he shouted gleefully at her. He then laughed like a psychopath and continued to make fun of her.

Like his friend Khodagholi, the second suspect is an immigrant and an acquaintance of the Swedish authorities. His name is Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released.


You do realize, don't you, that even "without Islam" gang rapes will continue to occur, just as they did before and human trash will continue to think it's something to be proud of and be stupid enough to broadcast it?

Just wondering.
3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook

Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games:
Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook.
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

According to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, three people have been arrested after the alleged attack was broadcast in a closed Facebook group last night.

Dutch website De Dagelijkse Standaard (of which I'm editor-in-chief) adds that the three suspects have been identified. It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. In this screenshot of the gang rape, you can see two of the three suspects in action:


The first suspect's name is Emillem ‘Lemon’ Khodagholi. Khodagholi was on probation for a variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."

Not long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. The poor girl was barely conscious, but her rapist couldn't control himself. "You got raped. There, we have the answers. You’ve been raped," he shouted gleefully at her. He then laughed like a psychopath and continued to make fun of her.

Like his friend Khodagholi, the second suspect is an immigrant and an acquaintance of the Swedish authorities. His name is Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released.


You do realize, don't you, that even "without Islam" gang rapes will continue to occur, just as they did before and human trash will continue to think it's something to be proud of and be stupid enough to broadcast it?

Just wondering.
Cologne, Germany: Culture of Islam
3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook

Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games:
Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook.
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

According to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, three people have been arrested after the alleged attack was broadcast in a closed Facebook group last night.

Dutch website De Dagelijkse Standaard (of which I'm editor-in-chief) adds that the three suspects have been identified. It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. In this screenshot of the gang rape, you can see two of the three suspects in action:


The first suspect's name is Emillem ‘Lemon’ Khodagholi. Khodagholi was on probation for a variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."

Not long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. The poor girl was barely conscious, but her rapist couldn't control himself. "You got raped. There, we have the answers. You’ve been raped," he shouted gleefully at her. He then laughed like a psychopath and continued to make fun of her.

Like his friend Khodagholi, the second suspect is an immigrant and an acquaintance of the Swedish authorities. His name is Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released.


You do realize, don't you, that even "without Islam" gang rapes will continue to occur, just as they did before and human trash will continue to think it's something to be proud of and be stupid enough to broadcast it?

Just wondering.
Cologne, Germany: Culture of Islam

As I said, gang rape wasn't invented by Islam, nor is it uniquely practiced by Islam.
3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook

Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games:
Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook.
An online witness said the victim had her clothes pulled off by armed men and was sexually assaulted before cops arrived and turned off the camera.

According to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, three people have been arrested after the alleged attack was broadcast in a closed Facebook group last night.

Dutch website De Dagelijkse Standaard (of which I'm editor-in-chief) adds that the three suspects have been identified. It must come as a shock to all those who worship at the altar of political correctness and multiculturalism, but the rapists are, wait for it, all immigrants. In this screenshot of the gang rape, you can see two of the three suspects in action:


The first suspect's name is Emillem ‘Lemon’ Khodagholi. Khodagholi was on probation for a variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."

Not long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. The poor girl was barely conscious, but her rapist couldn't control himself. "You got raped. There, we have the answers. You’ve been raped," he shouted gleefully at her. He then laughed like a psychopath and continued to make fun of her.

Like his friend Khodagholi, the second suspect is an immigrant and an acquaintance of the Swedish authorities. His name is Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released.


You do realize, don't you, that even "without Islam" gang rapes will continue to occur, just as they did before and human trash will continue to think it's something to be proud of and be stupid enough to broadcast it?

Just wondering.
Cologne, Germany: Culture of Islam

As I said, gang rape wasn't invented by Islam, nor is it uniquely practiced by Islam.

In shariah law (ie the law which is DIVINE---and for a believing muslim, the ONLY VALID LAW) ---the rape of a non muslim woman is legal UNLESS she is
under the direct protection of or is owned by another muslim-------then it is a petty
crime which can be subject to a fine-------maybe----if the muslim owning the woman

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