Without Justification or Remorse, Pro Black Attorney Denigrates Ultimately-Successful GOP Candidate


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Hello. In this snippet, Lt. Colonel Allen West speaks about attorney and radio show host Dawn Elliot suggesting Daniel Cameron, a black Republican running for Kentucky Attorney General, has been eating the C00N flakes of the White House. :sad:

Here, a local news station interviews Mr. Cameron and Ms. Elliot.

'Coon flakes' comment puts Louisville attorney in national spotlight

Meet Daniel Cameron, Kentucky's new Attorney General:

LOL...Thank you Kentuckians for giving the job to a well-polished, competent attorney named Mr. Daniel Cameron.....and the LAST LAUGH as well :)

Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Mental Health.png

My personal view about this cruel, unwarranted act of INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE.

No doubt Ms. Elliot is an ardent supporter of America's large emotionally troubled, NO SNITCH, SEGREGATION-minded, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and HATE practicing PRO BLACK community.

The same PRO BLACK, Woke and Conscious Black communities populated by women who Pres. and Mrs. Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends HATEFULLY characterize as less than human BBTCHES & HOES undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

The same PRO BLACK, Woke and Conscious Black communities populated by women responsible raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into emotionally troubled, depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes SUIC!DAL, HOMICIDAL teen and adult citizens largely lacking empathy and respect for anyone. Why? Because they believe their lives suck so why shouldn't everyone else have a crappy life too.

Sadly, beginning the early 1980s I met many hurting fellow Americans of all ages during the near twelve years I was a uniform cop, robbery and homicide investigator serving Child Abuse victims Christopher Wallace's and Shawn Carter's traumatized Brooklyn communities.

The same PRO BLACK, Woke and Conscious Black communities populated by women this RESPONSIBLE fellow citizen addresses after conducting RESEARCH into Child Abuse affecting American kids of African descent...

NSFW ⚠️ Strong Language ⚠️ Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Child Abusing PROBLACK Women Are Destroying The Black Community:

Lastly, lets not forget that of all the social issues affecting the life of admitted emotionally troubled Child Abuse victim and American truth teller Tupac Shakur, he chose to permanently scar his once NEGLECTED hungry, "hurting" belly with his much ignored, often misinterpreted THUGLIFE Child Abuse AWARENESS-PREVENTION PSA.

_tupac dr nadine burke harris_05.jpg

My proposal, Congress authorize free MENTAL HEALTH CARE for victims of US.GOV and American society sponsored/funded Child Abuse, Poverty and Community Violence, while at the same time crafting Child Protection and Safety laws designed to DISCOURAGE unskilled, immature, SELFISH, emotionally troubled women and young girls from adopting Uncle Sam as their children's primary provider.

If you listen to our Nation's Health Care Providers, you'll agree IRRESPONSIBLE child rearing needs to end...

California Surgeon General Dr. Burke Harris - How early childhood experiences affect children’s future:

California Surgeon General: How Toxic Stress (CHILD ABUSE) Affects Children's Health:

Oprah Winfrey Fixing The Hole In Your Soul:

Oprah Winfrey "Fixing The Hole In Your Soul"

Dr. Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood:

Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood



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