Witnesses Say Brown Had His Hands Up.

Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Did the shop owner ever come forward to say what the altercation in the store was all about?
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.

You wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped you across your unibrowed face.

These are the modern day brownshirts, and guess what, they don't give a fuck if they take you out, too. These are cops in STAND DOWN at the....get ready....Republican National Convention in 2012. And there wasn't a single fucking person in front of them causing a problem.

NOw please STFU.

They were also the dregs of society. Those that support thugs who purport to want justice as long as they decide what it is and can dictate guilt based on political persuasion and, in this case, race. There isn't a pubic hair's difference between those seeking Officer Wilson's lynching and the Nazi brownshirts of yore.

That's Nazis weren't "lynching" cops.
How many autopsies have been done? There are witnesses who said he had his hands up and witnesses who said he was attacking the cop. Obviously, some witnesses are lying. This is something that can be put to rest with forensics. I'm going to go with the consensus of provable facts because the witnesses are not in agreement at all.

Where are the links to the witnesses that say he was attacking the officer? I have yet to see one.

If there are witnesses saying that it's perfectly understandable why they're not so eager to run around and tell heir story.


I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.

You wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped you across your unibrowed face.

These are the modern day brownshirts, and guess what, they don't give a fuck if they take you out, too. These are cops in STAND DOWN at the....get ready....Republican National Convention in 2012. And there wasn't a single fucking person in front of them causing a problem.

NOw please STFU.

They were also the dregs of society. Those that support thugs who purport to want justice as long as they decide what it is and can dictate guilt based on political persuasion and, in this case, race. There isn't a pubic hair's difference between those seeking Officer Wilson's lynching and the Nazi brownshirts of yore.

Paying for a crime committed is "lynching"?
The piece says video after the incident.

There is audio that indicates otherwise. We just have to wait and see

I lean towards believing that Brown had attacked the officer, and was shot for it. The witnesses' account support that. But if Brown had the time to put his arms in the air and say "Okay" three times, the officer had the time to reassess the situation, and stop shooting.
No witness account supports what you are saying. All the witness accounts I have heard said he was shot down for no reason.

Most of the eyewitness accounts acknowledge some sort of altercation in the beginning.
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Did the shop owner ever come forward to say what the altercation in the store was all about?
I dont know if he did, but Sharpton and his accomplice both verified it.

Verified what?
That he strong arm robbed/shoplifted the cigars
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Did the shop owner ever come forward to say what the altercation in the store was all about?
I dont know if he did, but Sharpton and his accomplice both verified it.

Verified what?
That he strong arm robbed/shoplifted the cigars

No one has said that at all
The piece says video after the incident.

There is audio that indicates otherwise. We just have to wait and see

I lean towards believing that Brown had attacked the officer, and was shot for it. The witnesses' account support that. But if Brown had the time to put his arms in the air and say "Okay" three times, the officer had the time to reassess the situation, and stop shooting.
No witness account supports what you are saying. All the witness accounts I have heard said he was shot down for no reason.

Just wondering if anyone has come up with something in Wilson's profile showing a history of abuses or complaints against minorities or black people. Ive looked and what ive found is pretty vague. Its less likely that a person without that kind of past would suddenly decide to gun someone down for no reason other than being black. Still possible, but less likely. Anyway look at the color of the guy in this link who was gunned down by cops. He was an unarmed white guy obviously not a choir boy, but the thing is had he been black, people could have also said he was shot because he was a black man.

Cops gun down headphones-wearing Utah man because he wouldn 8217 t comply with orders

Even myself when i was younger was pushed up against a fence by a cop and frisked late at night in the Reno area while I was on a work break. I was just walking down the street to the 7-11 after i was able to explain why i was there, he just left without any kind of apology whatsoever, I was kind of taken back
by the rudeness of it all. I'm white, now had i been a black guy, i suppose I could feel that he had profiled me because Im black. My point is rambbling now
but what im trying to say is I believe its not always color, though that may be the perception. And by the way, the cop said there had been a warehouse break in.

I think Wilson's history of complaints hinges on if the local PD is on the up and up. Frequently complaints get thrown in the trash with a crooked PD. Their actions so far tell me something is rotten in that PD.

I dont think all police shootings are racially motivated and this one may not be but it still sounds like a blatant disregard for life and its hard to think of any other reason but racial going by the witnesses.

I'm sure the cops shot the guy in your link and were wrong but I guarantee it was not racially motivated if he was white. Typically you would be a different race than the cop shooting you for that to happen. Not saying a white cop could not hate his own race but lets be real here.

When you were hemmed up by the cops in Reno where they Black and did they call you a racial slur? The reason I ask is because I have been called racial slurs by white cops when I was young and harassed every week on the way to and from school. There is a reason a lot of Black people think this is racially motivated. They have experience with racism from white cops. Pretending a whole race of people are imagining things is why there is so much racial tension and distrust now.

Nope they were White and there were no racial slurs involved. Im sorry about your experiences like you described, that really sucks. Im not denying that type of racism exists. I worked with a black guy who lived in Oakland who described to me being beatten up by cops and not arrested for anything. i think its wrong and needs to be corrected as i hope most people do. Having experienced what you did, i get your feelings on this, but it is possible the cop was attacked, and its got to come out in the trial with the witnesses on the stand so we can really see it . Just wondering where you lived, where this happened to you.
Why are you playing into his lies? This guy lives in a fantasy world. Clearly you haven't read his ridiculous posts in the past, otherwise you wouldn't have assumed he actually experienced that.

well yeah I have a hard time just to call somebody a liar. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt on that one.
Witnesses also say that Brown was charging Wilson after having beaten him and broken his eye socket.

Witnesses with an agenda will also show up. Not because they are witnesses but because they have an agenda.

Dont even bother. The truth doesnt matter they just need some excuse for being indifferent to killing a human being who happens to be black. Its the same they do to any group they dislike...Lie about it and use the lie as the excuse to say thats why its not a problem.
The piece says video after the incident.

There is audio that indicates otherwise. We just have to wait and see

I lean towards believing that Brown had attacked the officer, and was shot for it. The witnesses' account support that. But if Brown had the time to put his arms in the air and say "Okay" three times, the officer had the time to reassess the situation, and stop shooting.
No witness account supports what you are saying. All the witness accounts I have heard said he was shot down for no reason.

Just wondering if anyone has come up with something in Wilson's profile showing a history of abuses or complaints against minorities or black people. Ive looked and what ive found is pretty vague. Its less likely that a person without that kind of past would suddenly decide to gun someone down for no reason other than being black. Still possible, but less likely. Anyway look at the color of the guy in this link who was gunned down by cops. He was an unarmed white guy obviously not a choir boy, but the thing is had he been black, people could have also said he was shot because he was a black man.

Cops gun down headphones-wearing Utah man because he wouldn 8217 t comply with orders

Even myself when i was younger was pushed up against a fence by a cop and frisked late at night in the Reno area while I was on a work break. I was just walking down the street to the 7-11 after i was able to explain why i was there, he just left without any kind of apology whatsoever, I was kind of taken back
by the rudeness of it all. I'm white, now had i been a black guy, i suppose I could feel that he had profiled me because Im black. My point is rambbling now
but what im trying to say is I believe its not always color, though that may be the perception. And by the way, the cop said there had been a warehouse break in.

I think Wilson's history of complaints hinges on if the local PD is on the up and up. Frequently complaints get thrown in the trash with a crooked PD. Their actions so far tell me something is rotten in that PD.

I dont think all police shootings are racially motivated and this one may not be but it still sounds like a blatant disregard for life and its hard to think of any other reason but racial going by the witnesses.

I'm sure the cops shot the guy in your link and were wrong but I guarantee it was not racially motivated if he was white. Typically you would be a different race than the cop shooting you for that to happen. Not saying a white cop could not hate his own race but lets be real here.

When you were hemmed up by the cops in Reno where they Black and did they call you a racial slur? The reason I ask is because I have been called racial slurs by white cops when I was young and harassed every week on the way to and from school. There is a reason a lot of Black people think this is racially motivated. They have experience with racism from white cops. Pretending a whole race of people are imagining things is why there is so much racial tension and distrust now.

Im not saying a whole race is imagining things, but I believe there is a percentage of the time black people can say racism is involved when they
really dont know. Its just being human. You have to be real about that as well. People who dont like cops would have no problem at all with filing
false claims. I actually have experience in seeing a false racism claim in one of my workplaces and when I have more time Ill post it.
What i was saying about perception i think is pretty powerful, when something is on your mind all the time, feeling that you are being judged by your color can cause a person to attribute motives to peoples actions that really may be not so. For example, I spent a couple months in Kenya and not as a
tourist. most of the time i was the only white person. I could feel peoples eyes on me all the time, and at timesI felt i was being judged or sized up so to speak, in various situations. At one point i had to sort of check myself and realize that part of what i was feeling was real but part of it was not, it was in my head. But this is a very human reaction when you are different in a crowd of people. Actually what im really trying to say, I can t really, its to hard to put the feelings into words.
Dont even bother. The truth doesnt matter they just need some excuse for being indifferent to killing a human being who happens to be black. Its the same they do to any group they dislike...Lie about it and use the lie as the excuse to say thats why its not a problem.

And this is why we don't care right here. You people on the left, don't care about rule of law. You don't care about criminals running the streets. You don't care about the victims.

Instead, it's only about a political foot ball you can use to score points for your leftists elites, and lie and lie and lie about what other side stands for.

Why should we care what trash you like thinks? You have elected yourself judge and jury over the opinions and motives of more than half the country. You are just trash. We don't give a crap what trash thinks about us.
Dont even bother. The truth doesnt matter they just need some excuse for being indifferent to killing a human being who happens to be black. Its the same they do to any group they dislike...Lie about it and use the lie as the excuse to say thats why its not a problem.

And this is why we don't care right here. You people on the left, don't care about rule of law. You don't care about criminals running the streets. You don't care about the victims.

No you dont care because you're an asshole. Then you try to put it on someone else for your behavior. You make up reasons to not care. Ex: I dont care for apple pie because apples are stupid.

When really you just are pawning off your own actions onto someone else and saying its their fault.

Instead, it's only about a political foot ball you can use to score points for your leftists elites, and lie and lie and lie about what other side stands for.

See? This is about a unarmed guy shot in the streets and you are bringing up politics (of course) as a reason to "not care" when you are the only fucktard bringing it up

Why should we care what trash you like thinks? You have elected yourself judge and jury over the opinions and motives of more than half the country. You are just trash. We don't give a crap what trash thinks about us.

XXXX -- excess flaming -- FlaCalTenn
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I hate the color red because of assholes like Androw. If it wasnt for his stupid liking for the color I'd give a shit but no Androw and his ilk makes me hate red
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)
That is soo unfair........Michael Brown, the gentle giant, even as a child was a victim of size-ism.

Plus, his great, great, grandparents were slaves on a plantation.

And he was a victim of the racist education system.

Also, his daddy didn't hug him enough when he was a kid.

Did I leave anything out?? ....... :cool:

Yes, the fact that none of the above matters. What matters is what that police officer decided to do within seconds, less than 2 minutes after encountering Brown and Dorian Johnson on the street.

So step back from your computer and count to 90 and maybe you can get some gravity on the situation.

I keep thinking about how much money Officer Wilson saved the tax payer.
What a bargain!!!! Hope we get a lot more savings in the future.
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.

Bwahahahahaha!!!! What a gullible moron you are. I want to see his admission papers. But they'll be just like obammies...nowhere to be found.
So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right? [/QUOTE]

Pretty much. Not quite to the level you suggest but until we re-institute a JUSTICE system instead of Legal system and a Society that favors LawFULness over LawLESSness thus country will continue to circle the toilet drain of history.
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