Witnesses Say Brown Had His Hands Up.

Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.
Everyone knows what you mean. You mean you are playing in your feces as cave apes are prone to do.

How does pointing out that urban blacks are actually known for not cooperating with the police = being a caveman? I don't get it.

I know several white fellows that don't cooperate also...They don't get blown away...

So you know a bunch of white guys who punched a cop in the face and went for his gun? You might want to think about finding some better quality friends,those dudes are gonna get you killed.

Just so you know. When you deflect everyone can tell you feel stupid and have nothing left but a diversion
Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.

Yes I do but I dont blame you for trying to bullshit your way past it

So you know exactly what I'm talking about yet you accuse me of bullshitting my way past?


Good God you're dumbass...

Just because someone can see thru your bullshit doesnt mean its less bullshit. I know its hard for you to understand complicated things like that so I'm here to help
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Here's a guy stealing, and threatening the store owner, and you act like that isn't a crime? If this was a white guy, and the store owner black, would you be mocking it as just a scary push?

Or is stealing stuff not a crime if you are black? What exactly is your point here?

Who told you I thought stealing was not a crime? My point is that it has nothing to do with Wilson shooting him. Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

why does wilson need to be in the photo

this 911 cal was dispatched over the cops radios

Wilson doesn't have to be in the photo.

Wilson does have to know about it for it to be relevant to why he killed Brown.

The Ferguson police chief says that wilson didn't know about it when he shot Brown.

So the robbery doesn't have anything to do with wilson shooting Brown. Which means that there's no reason to interject that robbery into the killing of Brown.

Ferguson chief: Officer didn't stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Ferguson Police Chief: Darren Wilson Did Not Know Michael Brown Was Suspect In 'Strong-Armed' Robbery

Ferguson Police Chief Admits Mike Brown Altercation Had Nothing To Do With Robbery | Hip-Hop Wired

That's nifty.

Look, is this a court? Are you judge? Are all of us jury?

This is the court of public opinion, and I don't care able "well this is valid to consider, but this is not and legally...."

Don't give a crap.

Here's what matters to most of us. You have a bunch of people saying X, and bunch of others say Y, and the left, and the black people are making out Mike Brown as being this upstanding honorable US citizen, just minding his own business, dancing down the sidewalk singing "because I'm happy!".

Now why is that important? Because when you have two sides screaming at each other, and conflicting evidence from all sides, and contradictory statements by dozens of people.... the believability of each case, depends largely on the credibility of the main characters.

If Mike Brown had been a married man, with children, who worked a steady job for 10 years, had absolutely no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket, and ended up shot.... a lot of us people on the right-wing, would be standing beside you people, saying this isn't right. That police officer must have screwed something up.

But we know that isn't the case. Mike Brown was a dirt bag, a pile of human excrement, a mad dog that needed put down. Thank G-d we had Wilson there to put that dog down for the good of all society.

When you look at the claims and counter claims, the officers side is far more believable, given the background of who Mike Brown was. A lawless criminal.

You say... that still doesn't justify Wilson shooting him, because Wilson didn't know. No, what justified the shooting, was Wilson being attacked by Brown. "but you can't prove that!" No, but we know what kind of worthless dog Brown was, so it's entirely believable, and I do.
That's nifty.

Look, is this a court? Are you judge? Are all of us jury?

This is the court of public opinion, and I don't care able "well this is valid to consider, but this is not and legally...."

Don't give a crap.

Here's what matters to most of us. You have a bunch of people saying X, and bunch of others say Y, and the left, and the black people are making out Mike Brown as being this upstanding honorable US citizen, just minding his own business, dancing down the sidewalk singing "because I'm happy!".

No people are saying MB was shot and killed for no reason. But this is your way to deflecting from that point to discuss how nice he was or if he was singing a tune

Now why is that important?

Because you need a strawman

Because when you have two sides screaming at each other, and conflicting evidence from all sides, and contradictory statements by dozens of people.... the believability of each case, depends largely on the credibility of the main characters.

There isnt two sides of anything. There are witnesses who saw it happen and then there is the police who havent given any side. So when you want to discuss the credibility of each side you first need 2. So far you only have one side and you dont believe all of them. For no reason

If Mike Brown had been a married man, with children, who worked a steady job for 10 years, had absolutely no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket, and ended up shot.... a lot of us people on the right-wing, would be standing beside you people, saying this isn't right. That police officer must have screwed something up.

But we know that isn't the case. Mike Brown was a dirt bag, a pile of human excrement, a mad dog that needed put down. Thank G-d we had Wilson there to put that dog down for the good of all society.

Now we see your bullshit. MB graduated from High School so he couldnt have a job for 10 years. He was 19 so he couldnt (highly unlikely) to be married with a family. He didnt have a criminal record. He was going to college.

But that dont matter...He was big and black so thats enough to defend him being murdered. Oh and he mightve stole some cigs

When you look at the claims and counter claims, the officers side is far more believable, given the background of who Mike Brown was. A lawless criminal.


You say... that still doesn't justify Wilson shooting him, because Wilson didn't know. No, what justified the shooting, was Wilson being attacked by Brown. "but you can't prove that!" No, but we know what kind of worthless dog Brown was, so it's entirely believable, and I do.

People are all kinds of terrible things once you blow their heads off and they cant defend themselves anymore
Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.
Everyone knows what you mean. You mean you are playing in your feces as cave apes are prone to do.

How does pointing out that urban blacks are actually known for not cooperating with the police = being a caveman? I don't get it.

I know several white fellows that don't cooperate also...They don't get blown away...

So you know a bunch of white guys who punched a cop in the face and went for his gun? You might want to think about finding some better quality friends,those dudes are gonna get you killed.

Just so you know. When you deflect everyone can tell you feel stupid and have nothing left but a diversion

Deflection? Ah,I see the problem....simians are still a bit behind when it comes to recognizing humor/sarcasm.
Dont worry though,in a few thousand years you should catch up.
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)
Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.
Everyone knows what you mean. You mean you are playing in your feces as cave apes are prone to do.

How does pointing out that urban blacks are actually known for not cooperating with the police = being a caveman? I don't get it.
'Urban Blacks' are taught from early childhood NEVER BE A SNITCH. Then their 19 year old gang thug gets what's coming to him and his 'family' is then screaming at the cops to DO SOMETHING!!!!!!
Fucking morons.
Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.
Everyone knows what you mean. You mean you are playing in your feces as cave apes are prone to do.

How does pointing out that urban blacks are actually known for not cooperating with the police = being a caveman? I don't get it.
'Urban Blacks' are taught from early childhood NEVER BE A SNITCH. Then their 19 year old gang thug gets what's coming to him and his 'family' is then screaming at the cops to DO SOMETHING!!!!!!
Fucking morons.

That about covers it. And they wonder why the cops dont like em....
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)
That is soo unfair........Michael Brown, the gentle giant, even as a child was a victim of size-ism.

Plus, his great, great, grandparents were slaves on a plantation.

And he was a victim of the racist education system.

Also, his daddy didn't hug him enough when he was a kid.

Did I leave anything out?? ....... :cool:
You know whats bullshit too. Anderson Cooper had this new video and said this is a game changer. The only reason anyone could figure out why 10 people accounts werent good enough but add in 2 white people and suddenly its "credible" and a "game changer". Such bullshit man and you guys seem to do it and either dont care about the implications / suggestions or you just dont care about it
I think it was a game changer as well. I don't think the original batch of witnesses were necessarily not good enough, my problem is that they were all over TV right away. Once they hear one person's story, they can all repeat the same story. So unless they were all on record before the first one went on TV, a defense lawyer will pick them apart.

These two guys were reacting immediately after the shooting. I didn't think the one on the left was white the first two times I watched the video either.

Ahahaha and you know what funny. Never not once is anyone asking for the officers side despite the fact that the officer can do the same thing bolded above. These witnesss came out immediately
You really are an idiot. The 'cops'/FBI/GJ are going to gather all the evidence and decide what to do. Not you fool.
The fuck-witt ****** witnesses "came out" so fast they as usual made themselves look more like monkeys than humans. It's common knowledge no one can ever believe a ****** when it comes to telling the truth.
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)
That is soo unfair........Michael Brown, the gentle giant, even as a child was a victim of size-ism.

Plus, his great, great, grandparents were slaves on a plantation.

And he was a victim of the racist education system.

Also, his daddy didn't hug him enough when he was a kid.

Did I leave anything out?? ....... :cool:
Yeah, you missed the part where he went about 4 months with no serious felony charges or convictions since turning 18.
You know whats bullshit too. Anderson Cooper had this new video and said this is a game changer. The only reason anyone could figure out why 10 people accounts werent good enough but add in 2 white people and suddenly its "credible" and a "game changer". Such bullshit man and you guys seem to do it and either dont care about the implications / suggestions or you just dont care about it
I think it was a game changer as well. I don't think the original batch of witnesses were necessarily not good enough, my problem is that they were all over TV right away. Once they hear one person's story, they can all repeat the same story. So unless they were all on record before the first one went on TV, a defense lawyer will pick them apart.

These two guys were reacting immediately after the shooting. I didn't think the one on the left was white the first two times I watched the video either.

Ahahaha and you know what funny. Never not once is anyone asking for the officers side despite the fact that the officer can do the same thing bolded above. These witnesss came out immediately

I think a lot of people have asked for the officer's side. Unfortunately we still haven't heard it. I think he's eventually going to have to speak in court if he doesn't want to spend some serious time in prison.
Sorry pal. Wilson has already testified before the GJ. Guess what pal? You aren't going to get to see/read sweet fuck all about the evidence.
Once again Sharptons' party is over before it started.
As more evidence was released I was willing to believe the officer's story. Now it's not looking good for him.

Why can't more people just wait for evidence to be released before picking sides?

That's right. Politics. :doubt:

I never believed the the first reports because the FPD wouldn't release a report, backtracked on their statements and there is no record, even an off-the-record report of Wilson going to the hospital with injuries. None. At least chicken-shit George Zimmerman owned up to what he did, waited for the police to arrive and allowed photos of his face and head injuries to be taken.

Chicken shit coward POS Darren Wilson is STILL in hiding. But the FBI by now has everything they need and I hope the DOJ intervenes and hangs the bastard.

There is some peace in knowing that regardless, Darren Wilson will never have another peaceful day in his sorry ass life.

One of 10,000 every year. The only reason the left goes crazy is they can use it to attack whites. They couldn't give two shits about blacks as over 5,000 per year are killed within our inner-cities. that wouldn't help these scum suckers win elections.

Eat shit leftist!
You know whats bullshit too. Anderson Cooper had this new video and said this is a game changer. The only reason anyone could figure out why 10 people accounts werent good enough but add in 2 white people and suddenly its "credible" and a "game changer". Such bullshit man and you guys seem to do it and either dont care about the implications / suggestions or you just dont care about it
I think it was a game changer as well. I don't think the original batch of witnesses were necessarily not good enough, my problem is that they were all over TV right away. Once they hear one person's story, they can all repeat the same story. So unless they were all on record before the first one went on TV, a defense lawyer will pick them apart.

These two guys were reacting immediately after the shooting. I didn't think the one on the left was white the first two times I watched the video either.

Ahahaha and you know what funny. Never not once is anyone asking for the officers side despite the fact that the officer can do the same thing bolded above. These witnesss came out immediately

I think a lot of people have asked for the officer's side. Unfortunately we still haven't heard it. I think he's eventually going to have to speak in court if he doesn't want to spend some serious time in prison.
Sorry pal. Wilson has already testified before the GJ. Guess what pal? You aren't going to get to see/read sweet fuck all about the evidence.
Once again Sharptons' party is over before it started.

I thought the proceedings of a grand jury were not public info. How do you know Wilson testified?

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