Witnesses Say Brown Had His Hands Up.

One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.
King Kong had his hands up, too.

Why would anyone believe these so called witnesses?
These are the same people who"didnt see nothen" every time the police show up to crime scene.

The same people? You mean blacks in general or all these witness' saw other crimes and are on record as not seeing anything?

You know exactly what I mean.
Everyone knows what you mean. You mean you are playing in your feces as cave apes are prone to do.

How does pointing out that urban blacks are actually known for not cooperating with the police = being a caveman? I don't get it.
'Urban Blacks' are taught from early childhood NEVER BE A SNITCH. Then their 19 year old gang thug gets what's coming to him and his 'family' is then screaming at the cops to DO SOMETHING!!!!!!
Fucking morons.

You know whats bullshit too. Anderson Cooper had this new video and said this is a game changer. The only reason anyone could figure out why 10 people accounts werent good enough but add in 2 white people and suddenly its "credible" and a "game changer". Such bullshit man and you guys seem to do it and either dont care about the implications / suggestions or you just dont care about it
I think it was a game changer as well. I don't think the original batch of witnesses were necessarily not good enough, my problem is that they were all over TV right away. Once they hear one person's story, they can all repeat the same story. So unless they were all on record before the first one went on TV, a defense lawyer will pick them apart.

These two guys were reacting immediately after the shooting. I didn't think the one on the left was white the first two times I watched the video either.

Ahahaha and you know what funny. Never not once is anyone asking for the officers side despite the fact that the officer can do the same thing bolded above. These witnesss came out immediately
You really are an idiot. The 'cops'/FBI/GJ are going to gather all the evidence and decide what to do. Not you fool.
The fuck-witt ****** witnesses "came out" so fast they as usual made themselves look more like monkeys than humans. It's common knowledge no one can ever believe a ****** when it comes to telling the truth.

I said you arent asking for the officers side yet you believe it without knowing what it is. I said the Officer has the chance to sit back and repeat a story he heard floating around. And your response to that is "Theres evidence you just dont know it".

Is there an echo in here or did you think we said something new?
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)
That is soo unfair........Michael Brown, the gentle giant, even as a child was a victim of size-ism.

Plus, his great, great, grandparents were slaves on a plantation.

And he was a victim of the racist education system.

Also, his daddy didn't hug him enough when he was a kid.

Did I leave anything out?? ....... :cool:

Yes, the fact that none of the above matters. What matters is what that police officer decided to do within seconds, less than 2 minutes after encountering Brown and Dorian Johnson on the street.

So step back from your computer and count to 90 and maybe you can get some gravity on the situation.
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
You know whats bullshit too. Anderson Cooper had this new video and said this is a game changer. The only reason anyone could figure out why 10 people accounts werent good enough but add in 2 white people and suddenly its "credible" and a "game changer". Such bullshit man and you guys seem to do it and either dont care about the implications / suggestions or you just dont care about it
I think it was a game changer as well. I don't think the original batch of witnesses were necessarily not good enough, my problem is that they were all over TV right away. Once they hear one person's story, they can all repeat the same story. So unless they were all on record before the first one went on TV, a defense lawyer will pick them apart.

These two guys were reacting immediately after the shooting. I didn't think the one on the left was white the first two times I watched the video either.

Ahahaha and you know what funny. Never not once is anyone asking for the officers side despite the fact that the officer can do the same thing bolded above. These witnesss came out immediately

I think a lot of people have asked for the officer's side. Unfortunately we still haven't heard it. I think he's eventually going to have to speak in court if he doesn't want to spend some serious time in prison.
Sorry pal. Wilson has already testified before the GJ. Guess what pal? You aren't going to get to see/read sweet fuck all about the evidence.
Once again Sharptons' party is over before it started.

I thought the proceedings of a grand jury were not public info. How do you know Wilson testified?

Has my question above been answered yet?
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.

What they don't realize is that this kind of mentality will backfire. They will become just as vulnerable as Michael Brown.

If anyone here was exposed to racial riots in the 1960s, as I was because we lived in the Deep South then, you will know what I am talking about.

You take a group of people and give them nothing to lose and they will come after you and yours with a fury of unfathomable destruction,
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.

You wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped you across your unibrowed face.

These are the modern day brownshirts, and guess what, they don't give a fuck if they take you out, too. These are cops in STAND DOWN at the....get ready....Republican National Convention in 2012. And there wasn't a single fucking person in front of them causing a problem.

NOw please STFU.


I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.

Yeah they are powerful and their power is to get shot dead in the street and the perp walks scott free. Yes, just like the brown shirts
I don't care..... Hands up. Hands down. On his knees and begging. He's a criminal and deserved to DIE (regardless of the color of his skin, his gender, etc....)

So you're for a police state, correct? We can dispose of the court system and just let the brownshirts, um, I mean police....decide on the street who should live and die, right?

You're probably also one of the first who screeches about Nazis and Hitler whenever you think a white person has been denied their civil rights.
Seems to me you're the one who brought up the Nazis. The kid was a thug, there is no question about it.

So you don't understand, (maybe you didn't even graduate from high school) that the brownshirts were allowed to be judge and jury on the streets of Germany in the 1930s, right? And you think that is what needs to happen in America, too if they suspect someone of being a "thug"? You want the cops to determine who is a thug and who isn't?
Seems to me the black-American community are the brown shirts of today. True with Zimmerman and this case too.

Fascism has to be stopped whatever color it is.

You wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped you across your unibrowed face.

These are the modern day brownshirts, and guess what, they don't give a fuck if they take you out, too. These are cops in STAND DOWN at the....get ready....Republican National Convention in 2012. And there wasn't a single fucking person in front of them causing a problem.

NOw please STFU.

They were also the dregs of society. Those that support thugs who purport to want justice as long as they decide what it is and can dictate guilt based on political persuasion and, in this case, race. There isn't a pubic hair's difference between those seeking Officer Wilson's lynching and the Nazi brownshirts of yore.

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