Witnesses Say Brown Had His Hands Up.

Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Did the shop owner ever come forward to say what the altercation in the store was all about?
I dont know if he did, but Sharpton and his accomplice both verified it.

Verified what?
That he strong arm robbed/shoplifted the cigars

No one has said that at all

You're so full of shit. His buddy fucken admitted it!
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.

What they don't realize is that this kind of mentality will backfire. They will become just as vulnerable as Michael Brown.

If anyone here was exposed to racial riots in the 1960s, as I was because we lived in the Deep South then, you will know what I am talking about.

You take a group of people and give them nothing to lose and they will come after you and yours with a fury of unfathomable destruction,

You nailed it. We're sick of being victims of the black thugs,we're sick of the PC bullshit that lets them get away with it,we're sick of working our asses off only to give more and more of OUR money to support bullshit social programs.
Yep...we've been pushed about as far as we're going to be pushed....keep it up.
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Did the shop owner ever come forward to say what the altercation in the store was all about?
I dont know if he did, but Sharpton and his accomplice both verified it.

Verified what?
That he strong arm robbed/shoplifted the cigars

No one has said that at all

You're so full of shit. His buddy fucken admitted it!

You have to remember what a pile of human trash you are talking to. This guy willfully denies anything that doesn't jive with his predetermined prejudice against everyone not black. His buddy could have admitted to a multi-state killing spree, and this trash would simply 'will' that it never happened, and no one admitted to anything, and Brown was actually just helping little old ladies and nuns cross the street, just after he was volunteering at his local community store, putting stock away on the shelves, for the good of society.

He's trash. Just remember, don't expect much in the way of rational responses from him.
Witnesses also say that Brown was charging Wilson after having beaten him and broken his eye socket.

Witnesses with an agenda will also show up. Not because they are witnesses but because they have an agenda.

Dont even bother. The truth doesnt matter they just need some excuse for being indifferent to killing a human being who happens to be black. Its the same they do to any group they dislike...Lie about it and use the lie as the excuse to say thats why its not a problem.

Wrong. I dont give a rats ass what color they are. If they get their dumbass shot because they're a thug,to fucken bad.
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.

What they don't realize is that this kind of mentality will backfire. They will become just as vulnerable as Michael Brown.

If anyone here was exposed to racial riots in the 1960s, as I was because we lived in the Deep South then, you will know what I am talking about.

You take a group of people and give them nothing to lose and they will come after you and yours with a fury of unfathomable destruction,

You nailed it. We're sick of being victims of the black thugs,we're sick of the PC bullshit that lets them get away with it,we're sick of working our asses off only to give more and more of OUR money to support bullshit social programs.
Yep...we've been pushed about as far as we're going to be pushed....keep it up.

I agree completely. I talk to mad angry Americans all the time, and the hatred of social leaches, and the anger at criminals given a free pass... it's getting bad. I talk to people every day mad about this, and they are right to be mad, and right to be angry, and I don't know when, and I don't know how, but this is going to blow up at some point. Americans are tired of being brutalized, and then blamed for the fact we're brutalized by arrogant trash like ClosedCraption.

We're tried of this, and if you people don't watch it, there is going to be some major backlash. I promise you there will be.
If officer Wilson has to go to trial and be judged by a 12 person jury picked from the citizens of Ferguson, Mo.

These people be in the jury pool......... :eek-52:

Jury pool? They aren't even in the human gene pool. The monkey on the right apparently is not capable of keeping his fucking pants up.
'YOU LOOT WE SHOOT' coming to your inner city shit hole soon.

Been there done that.
Still have my sign.
Any time...
One more thug off the street!
Yup. the irony is Officer Wilson did the black community a bigger favor than the country in general.

The problem with the black community is the reality that thugs are their childrens role models. This shit is just going to happen more and more as the left love their thugs and crime.

Yeah and even when someone graduates from HS and is going to college white faggots like you still call them thugs to make up for your own racist bullshit and excuse why getting his head blown off was ok.

What they don't realize is that this kind of mentality will backfire. They will become just as vulnerable as Michael Brown.

If anyone here was exposed to racial riots in the 1960s, as I was because we lived in the Deep South then, you will know what I am talking about.

You take a group of people and give them nothing to lose and they will come after you and yours with a fury of unfathomable destruction,

You nailed it. We're sick of being victims of the black thugs,we're sick of the PC bullshit that lets them get away with it,we're sick of working our asses off only to give more and more of OUR money to support bullshit social programs.
Yep...we've been pushed about as far as we're going to be pushed....keep it up.

I agree completely. I talk to mad angry Americans all the time, and the hatred of social leaches, and the anger at criminals given a free pass... it's getting bad. I talk to people every day mad about this, and they are right to be mad, and right to be angry, and I don't know when, and I don't know how, but this is going to blow up at some point. Americans are tired of being brutalized, and then blamed for the fact we're brutalized by arrogant trash like ClosedCraption.

We're tried of this, and if you people don't watch it, there is going to be some major backlash. I promise you there will be.

Absolutely correct! They best stop biting the hand that feeds them.
Moderation Message:
Tried to clean out all no content flames and
off-topic posts. Not gonna clean every page.
But I WILL watch this thread and make certain
that it STAYS on the topic of the OP..

If you want to evoke a general race war -- start your own
thread in the appropriate forum. With all of the misinformation
about THIS case -- seems to me -- you'd want to fix that first before
you mount up...

This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.
No witness account supports what you are saying. All the witness accounts I have heard said he was shot down for no reason.

The witnesses in the story I posted said they only heard the first shot. Being as though they are the only witnesses with no connection to the community, their account seems most reliable.

Umm, no, they are not more reliable just because they are from outside the community.

Jeebus Crikey.
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.

No, those people are actually working. I don't have a problem with that.

Corporations are as much against criminals, as the rest of us. They are just as tired of being prevented from stopping shoplifters, and thieving employees, as we are of them.

Politicians haven't sold out to corporations, as much as they have sold out to criminal supporters, saying we can't have police doing any police work.
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.

No, those people are actually working. I don't have a problem with that.

Corporations are as much against criminals, as the rest of us. They are just as tired of being prevented from stopping shoplifters, and thieving employees, as we are of them.

Politicians haven't sold out to corporations, as much as they have sold out to criminal supporters, saying we can't have police doing any police work.

I wish I could agree, but the corporations are the ones benefitting off the black market labor while the rest of us languish. They also pay very little in taxes compared to what they did in the 1950s while taxes on individuals has gone UP.

Fuck these international corporations. They are not our friends, and they should be forced to choose if they are American or not, and if not then they should leave.
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Here's a guy stealing, and threatening the store owner, and you act like that isn't a crime? If this was a white guy, and the store owner black, would you be mocking it as just a scary push?

Or is stealing stuff not a crime if you are black? What exactly is your point here?

Who told you I thought stealing was not a crime? My point is that it has nothing to do with Wilson shooting him. Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

why does wilson need to be in the photo

this 911 cal was dispatched over the cops radios

Wilson doesn't have to be in the photo.

Wilson does have to know about it for it to be relevant to why he killed Brown.

The Ferguson police chief says that wilson didn't know about it when he shot Brown.

So the robbery doesn't have anything to do with wilson shooting Brown. Which means that there's no reason to interject that robbery into the killing of Brown.

Ferguson chief: Officer didn't stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Ferguson Police Chief: Darren Wilson Did Not Know Michael Brown Was Suspect In 'Strong-Armed' Robbery

Ferguson Police Chief Admits Mike Brown Altercation Had Nothing To Do With Robbery | Hip-Hop Wired

So the robbery doesn't have anything to do with wilson shooting Brown.

why do you make shit up

of course it is relevant
Saint Brown the gentle giant was a serene pacifist who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Where is Wilson in this photo? Is this the one with the scary push?

Here's a guy stealing, and threatening the store owner, and you act like that isn't a crime? If this was a white guy, and the store owner black, would you be mocking it as just a scary push?

Or is stealing stuff not a crime if you are black? What exactly is your point here?

Who told you I thought stealing was not a crime? My point is that it has nothing to do with Wilson shooting him. Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

Maybe you see Wilson in the photo?

why does wilson need to be in the photo

this 911 cal was dispatched over the cops radios

He needs to be in the video or else tying this instance to the shooting is dumb. Wilson had no knowledge of the incident as the police chief admitted.

Wilson had no knowledge of the incident as the police chief admitted


officer wilson received the same 911 dispatch as the other officers

According to Jackson, the officer who killed Brown was at a sick call at 11:48 a.m. An ambulance was at the location of the sick call. At 11:51 a.m. Jackson says dispatchers received a 911 call about a robbery. One minute later police dispatch gave a description of the suspect.

a second cop was on the way to the scene as well

Chief identifies officer who killed Mike Brown
Your post is BS and your link doesnt support your claim.

Ferguson chief Officer didn t know about robbery

The police officer that stopped and eventually shot and killed an 18-year-old last weekend had no idea the teen was a suspect in a convenience store robbery just minutes prior, the Ferguson police chief said Friday.

that was the headline

however that is not what the chief said

-Jackson said the officer was aware cigars had been taken in the robbery of a store nearby, but did not know when he encountered Brown and Dorian Johnson that they might be suspects. He stopped them because they were walking in the street, Jackson said.

But Jackson told the Post-Dispatch that the officer, Darren Wilson, saw cigars in Brown’s hand and realized he might be the robber.

Jackson also addressed concerns about his release of information about the robbery at the same time he released the name of the officer at a press conference Friday morning.-

The Rev. Jesse Jackson shows up at protest site as Brown family calls for calm News
Last edited:
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.

No, those people are actually working. I don't have a problem with that.

Corporations are as much against criminals, as the rest of us. They are just as tired of being prevented from stopping shoplifters, and thieving employees, as we are of them.

Politicians haven't sold out to corporations, as much as they have sold out to criminal supporters, saying we can't have police doing any police work.

I wish I could agree, but the corporations are the ones benefitting off the black market labor while the rest of us languish. They also pay very little in taxes compared to what they did in the 1950s while taxes on individuals has gone UP.

Fuck these international corporations. They are not our friends, and they should be forced to choose if they are American or not, and if not then they should leave.

You are not benefiting? Hm. I'm looking around the room I'm in right now.

I'm sitting at a desk made by Steelcase. Sitting on a chair made by Global Furniture. Looking at a LCD monitor made by Dell (Samsung). Listening to music through my Stereo made by AIWA. Just got a text about lunch tomorrow on my HTC phone, running Googles Android. I'm downloading some Podcasts to listen to at work, on my Ipod by Apple, coming through my Motorola cable modem, being connect through the WIFI of my Linksys router, . Which thankfully I have plenty of space on my 2 Terabyte hard drive by Western Digital. It's a bit cold here, but I have my ceramic heater from Honeywell, which keeps the room warm, by the light of my florescent GE light. I just got done sweeping the carpet with my Bissel sweeper, washing my clothes in my Speed Queen washer and drier, made by Alliance Laundry Systems, using Tide detergent, made by Procter & Gamble. I'm currently cooking up some Uncle Ben's Rice made by Mars Incorporated, served with chicken by Tyson, cooked on my Frigidaire oven range, cooked in chili sauce by House of Tsang, made by Hormel Foods, served on my WNA Comet Incorporated plate, with tea brewed in my Mr Coffee brewer, made by Jarden Corporation.

After eating, I plan to drive in my Ford Grand Marquis, rolling on my Goodyear tires, burning Marathon gas, to get to a park. And while I walk around the wooded track, in my Reebok shoes by Adidas, Fruit of the Loom socks owned by Berkshire Hathaway, Wrangler Jeans run by the VF Corporation, and Puritan shirt by Walmart, listening to my Ipod through Sony headphones.....

.... I will consider just how much I have been left to languish, and how I don't benefit from corporations.
Last edited:
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.

Wow hitler did that. So did the khmer rouge. So did stalin. So does the idiot in North Korea. So did the communists in Vietnam when they took over the nation. isis is now doing that.

Here in America we don't just line people up and murder them.

We are civilized. We have a justice system that we must follow.

I'm not surprised you want to do such things to people.
This is not about race. It's not a race war.

It's a criminal thugs, verses law abiding citizens, war. I don't give a crap if they are white as sheets, black as midnight, or green with blue stripes and purple hair!

I am tired of law abiding citizens being brutalized by criminals, and having the criminals, and the scum sucking criminal supporters, blaming us... the law abiding citizens, for them brutalizing us. THIS MUST STOP.

"but you know Matthew.... it's actually your fault that I had to punch you in the face. If you were just a better person back in the 1700s or something, then I wouldn't have to punch you repeatedly, and take your stuff" -Criminals and their supporters.

I'm tried of criminals stealing, assaulting, vandalizing, fighting with police... and then throwing their hands up

"you can't touch me! My hands are up, you can't do jack to me! Doesn't matter what I've done, or what laws I've broken, or how long my criminal history is... or even if I physically assault a police officer... nope nope, my hands are up. I'm off limits"

We pay for their education. We pay for their phone. We pay for their food. We pay for their transportation. We pay for their homes. We pay and pay and pay and pay. These worthless bits of human trash should KISSING OUR FEET. And instead, they attack us, rob us, harm us, brutalize us.... and the moment that we stop one of them..........

"hey my hands are up! You can't touch this!".

I'm done with this. Totally done. We need to shoot them... and shoot them all. White, yellow, orange, purple, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Asian, African, French... I don't give a CRAP. You act this way in our society... you need a holy headache, and six feet of dirt. I'm tried of this! I am to the point, that I will vote for anyone, ANYONE who promises to kill these criminals and put them down.

I paid for all their stuff when they were free, and they brutalized us. I don't want to pay for all their stuff in prison too. I want them DEAD. Brown, is Dead. This is good for the entire society.


It is past time to clear some walls and lining people up against them for some quick and efficient justice.

All these god damned criminal sneaking into our country to be hired by cheating criminal corporate businesses for black market labor have created an underground human trafficking network of safe houses, underground railroads, and so forth, a network that ISIS or any other enemy of our country can also use to sneak in unseen and do us harm. How did this happen? Because we tolerate corrupt politicians who have sold themselves for corporate buck to get re-elected.

Our country is so infested with these lying, stealing corporate crony scum that only drastic action will cure this nation of its moral rot and malicious parasites.

I am ready for it NOW.

Wow hitler did that. So did the khmer rouge. So did stalin. So does the idiot in North Korea. So did the communists in Vietnam when they took over the nation. isis is now doing that.

Here in America we don't just line people up and murder them.

We are civilized. We have a justice system that we must follow.

I'm not surprised you want to do such things to people.

But we're not civilized. Have you not seen what's going on? Look around dude.


That's civilized?


That's civilized?


That's civilized?

You want know why people act civilized? They act civilized, when not doing so results in death.


Why 2 Businesses Survived Ferguson Looting A Lesson for All
At Riverfront Tattoo, owners Mike Gutierrez ( below left) and Adam Weinstein (third from left) brought AR-15s, body armor and lots of high-capacity magazines (the type Obama wants banned) to guard their store against mayhem

And rioters passed them right by.

And over at Mally’s Supermarket, had men with concealed 9mm handguns and revolvers, lined up and ready to defend , right on West Florissant


When you kill these animals dead.... then everyone else starts to act civilized again.

That's what need to happen. We... the good honest lawful citizens of this country, need to stand up to criminals, and put the mad dogs down under 6-feet of dirt.

Then... we will be a civilized country again.

When you kill these animals dead.... then everyone else starts to act civilized again.

That's what need to happen. We... the good honest lawful citizens of this country, need to stand up to criminals, and put the mad dogs down under 6-feet of dirt.

Then... we will be a civilized country again.
True. The problem is if you do that you will be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned. And therein lies the tale.

When you kill these animals dead.... then everyone else starts to act civilized again.

That's what need to happen. We... the good honest lawful citizens of this country, need to stand up to criminals, and put the mad dogs down under 6-feet of dirt.

Then... we will be a civilized country again.
True. The problem is if you do that you will be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned. And therein lies the tale.

Yes, I understand that. That's what I want changed. A criminal killed should never result in someone being sent to prison.... ever.

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