Woke Chicago church is 'fasting from WHITENESS' for Lent by banning all hymns by Caucasian musicians: Pastor says 'our music will be drawn from the Af

Chicago area church fasts from 'whiteness' during Lent, abandons songs written by white people​

Chruches are not suppose to be judgemental on skin color. These are your bought off chruches where if they do not comply with Biden’s regime these sob’s will lead you to hell not heaven nor life.
Hate whitey is the new leftist training going on within the schools, and your local libraries.
They are using multiple issues to change your childrens entire beings for life, and the parents aren’t paying attention.
Many are getting wind of this now so hopefully the tides begin to change.
The schools are teaching the kids to attack whites you leftist better wake the hell up.
My kid is attending school currently and he has not been attacked by any minorities.
Wokeness in western churches is an abomination on many levels and needs to be stopped. The only things taught in our churches should only come from the pages of the Holy Bible and no place else. I feel the same with our public schools. The only things taught there should only be reading, writing, math, science, history. Anything else should be the place of the parents to teach.

Chicago area church fasts from 'whiteness' during Lent, abandons songs written by white people​

Chruches are not suppose to be judgemental on skin color. These are your bought off chruches where if they do not comply with Biden’s regime these sob’s will lead you to hell not heaven nor life.
Hate whitey is the new leftist training going on within the schools, and your local libraries.
They are using multiple issues to change your childrens entire beings for life, and the parents aren’t paying attention.
Many are getting wind of this now so hopefully the tides begin to change.
The schools are teaching the kids to attack whites you leftist better wake the hell up.
Their church. Their choice. I don't see how their decision to focus on music that has often been left out of worship services in their church says anything about their politics. Choosing certain music affirms its value and does not necessarily say anything negative about any other type of music.
The rise of the religious left, the only time mixing religion and politics that is considered to be a good thing.
The religious right has been mixing with politics for a long time. They vote their religious values more than economic or any other consideration. The moral majority has long lobbied politicians to vote against abortion rights and support only politicians who promise to protect their religious liberty.

I personally have a problem with certain religious groups feeling they can tell everyone else how to live, think, worship, vote, etc. Religion is a personal decision and everyone has a right to their beliefs. The people in Washington should not be mixing religion and politics. There is supposed to be a separation between church and state.
The religious right has been mixing with politics for a long time. They vote their religious values more than economic or any other consideration. The moral majority has long lobbied politicians to vote against abortion rights and support only politicians who promise to protect their religious liberty.

I personally have a problem with certain religious groups feeling they can tell everyone else how to live, think, worship, vote, etc. Religion is a personal decision and everyone has a right to their beliefs. The people in Washington should not be mixing religion and politics. There is supposed to be a separation between church and state.
I don’t think churches should announce that their decisions will be based on race, because, well….it’s racist. How would it be if a primarily white church said that any music composed by blacks will be excluded?
I don’t think churches should announce that their decisions will be based on race, because, well….it’s racist. How would it be if a primarily white church said that any music composed by blacks will be excluded?
The left doesn't care. Whites and anything we have created are not factors in any equation. They don't want whites to exist and so they act like we don't. I sometimes think they actually believe that pretending we do not exist will..........
The left doesn't care. Whites and anything we have created are not factors in any equation. They don't want whites to exist and so they act like we don't. I sometimes think they actually believe that pretending we do not exist will..........
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Agree. This is just another example of excluding whites as they pretend we don’t exist, or at the minimum, that racist decisions are OK as long as they go against whites.

But it’s going to come back to bite them in Nov. Our racist former mayor, a Democrat of course, wanted to have two separate pay scales based on race, with blacks being paid more course. It was that type of anti-white racism that contributed to his defeat.
Agree. This is just another example of excluding whites as they pretend we don’t exist, or at the minimum, that racist decisions are OK as long as they go against whites.

But it’s going to come back to bite them in Nov. Our racist former mayor, a Democrat of course, wanted to have two separate pay scales based on race, with blacks being paid more course. It was that type of anti-white racism that contributed to his defeat.
That's good to know. Going to happen more and more in the next few months.
  • The First United Church of Oak Park announced that for 2022 the it do a mix of 'giving something up' and 'taking something on' for Lent
  • The church said they would be 'fasting from whiteness' by not using music written or composed by white people but focus on music from other cultures
  • The church has even erected a sign to promote the 40-day religious observance despite the church's lead pastor, Rev. John Edgerton being white himself
  • Egerton was arrested in Boston in 2017 for confronting former Senator Orrin Hatch about proposals to repeal the Affordable Care Act

You can't make this stuff up

Woke Christian retards at their finest.
The English language was derived from white people. So they should stop speaking English. And speak some African tribe language.
Interesting concept for sure. But I don't see how African American music like Superfreak and Johnny B. Good are really appropriate for worship.

To each their own, I guess.
Then you have no idea about traditionally black church groups.

Say what you want but traditionally black churches know how to bring music to the church and they do a WAY better job than any other church I have ever been into.


That said, the entire premise of becoming an open racist to supposedly 'fight racism' is a deeply evil concept and I am blown away at how no one seems to understand this basic principal.

Racism is never the answer, period.
Then you have no idea about traditionally black church groups.

Say what you want but traditionally black churches know how to bring music to the church and they do a WAY better job than any other church I have ever been into.


That said, the entire premise of becoming an open racist to supposedly 'fight racism' is a deeply evil concept and I am blown away at how no one seems to understand this basic principal.

Racism is never the answer, period.

This church in Illinois is a Honky Led church, not a black church at all.

Chicago area church fasts from 'whiteness' during Lent, abandons songs written by white people​

Chruches are not suppose to be judgemental on skin color. These are your bought off chruches where if they do not comply with Biden’s regime these sob’s will lead you to hell not heaven nor life.
Hate whitey is the new leftist training going on within the schools, and your local libraries.
They are using multiple issues to change your childrens entire beings for life, and the parents aren’t paying attention.
Many are getting wind of this now so hopefully the tides begin to change.
The schools are teaching the kids to attack whites you leftist better wake the hell up.
It’s their choice, this does not impact my life whatsoever.

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