Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

This is NOT love. Love MUST, by definition be grounded in the Truth. Again, the ONLY sexual relation that G-d sanctions and blesses is that between one man-one woman within the bonds of the marriage covenant. All else is outside of G-d's will and is sin.
You've been lied to your whole life
There are no monsters, just the ones you create for yourself.
The entity you call GOD doesn't judge anyone. That's your stupid religion talking.
No, it is the Truth. G-d cannot allow sin into His presence. His Holiness and total purity won't allow it. ONLY those who are born again by the Spirit and who's names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will gain entrance. And yes, those who die without Christ WILL face G-d as Judge!
And you are one of the boneheaded people who refuse to accept the ONLY Truth that matters.
Jews got part of it right ( No human on this earth got it all right. ) God exists, but not in any religious format style. Even the Jews knew God did not have a body. God is transcendent and as far as they knew it created the Universe without any help. Yes and no on that one. Depends on your point of reference. At any rate so-called Christians are way off base. But don't worry, no one gets dammed at all. You are simply made aware of your limitations. Which we create all by our lonesomes.
I sure did not say otherwise. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God but by God's grace we were given an advocate in Jesus Christ. That is not an advocate to remain wthout putting away of that sinful nature but an advocate there to help us overcome the sinful nature of this lowly flesh where we reside.
You assume god made a mistake. It did not.
You are the only one claiming "a mistake". Don't project your crap off on me when I decline to embrace deviants.
Homosexuals are not deviants. You are coming from an evil place. Pedophiles are deviants. Those who practice beastiality are deviants , etc. etc. Heterosexuality, Homosexuality and Bisexuality are normal sexual orientations.
No, it is the Truth. G-d cannot allow sin into His presence. His Holiness and total purity won't allow it. ONLY those who are born again by the Spirit and who's names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will gain entrance. And yes, those who die without Christ WILL face G-d as Judge!
God is a whole lot more reasonable than you believe. People and their religions are the ones who are unreasonable.
Homosexuals are not deviants. You are coming from an evil place. Pedophiles are deviants. Those who practice beastiality are deviants , etc. etc. Heterosexuality, Homosexuality and Bisexuality are normal sexual orientations.
You are as the dead asleep in the dust of the earth totally unaware
So, in 1 Corinthians it seems homosexuals are as bad as the greedy, adulterers (how ironic Mr Trump), the "sexually immoral", whatever that means, thieves, drunkards, slanderers (more irony) or swindlers.

Republicans, the party of greed, telling everyone how bad gay people are.... oh my.

"Thou shall not kill"

" they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Uh oh.... contradictions.
Democrats want to tax me until I have nothing. Democrats are the party of greed.

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