Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

In my book you have to love someone before you could have sex with them
Sex without love is lust. For most people there is a lustful period in their life when a young adult before marriage, had both of those too. The marriage lasted 18 years. We are separate now but still best friends.
What homosexuals are doing is not love

Its lust

And they are introducing it into the schools
What homosexuals are doing is not love

Its lust

And they are introducing it into the schools
LOL, oh yeah ! They're teaching it big time in schools ! Just another " recruitment " center in your book. Wake up already !
What homosexuals are doing is not love

Its lust

And they are introducing it into the schools
I tell you what lust is. Seeing someone you love fall apart. Going to their home twice a day for several hours. Making sure they take their medicine, eat a proper meal and do their exercises as the therapist instructed. We got real lust here. No sex involved for the last 20 years. Yep, that's got to be lust.
Christ gave a strong rebuke to churches like these when He addressed the Church of Thyatira in Revelation.
The one where Christ spoke through John ? Right, happens all the time. John was really honored ( mimicking Christ and using language and verse unbefitting him ). Yep, John did himself proud in that scam.
Sex acts are a choice, but sexual orientation isn't. A sensible god wouldn't give people different sexual orientations if it didn't want humans to use them.
Actually the Word and/or having a good sense of that Godly Spirit tells us that we are meant to be more than just seeking out to fulfill those animal instincts. Thus your assumptions are totally in error.
Actually the Word and/or having a good sense of that Godly Spirit tells us that we are meant to be more than just seeking out to fulfill those animal instincts. Thus your assumptions are totally in error.
Those instincts also apply to heterosexuals and procreation so I guess your god didn't want the human race to survive at all. That doesn't make any sense. The god entity surely enjoys being creative and all his creations.
Those instincts also apply to heterosexuals and procreation so I guess your god didn't want the human race to survive at all. That doesn't make any sense. The god entity surely enjoys being creative and all his creations.
Don't attribute your nastiness to God's creation. You get to make choices. Being a creature intended to be created in God's image your own decisions create your own demons. God did not make those but gave your being the ability to do that to yourself.
Don't attribute your nastiness to God's creation. You get to make choices. Being a creature intended to be created in God's image your own decisions create your own demons. God did not make those but gave your being the ability to do that to yourself.
Since sexual orientation occurs in people before the age of 2, that means no one, heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual has a conscious choice in the matter. If God created us, he created us in all thes ways.
Don't attribute your nastiness to God's creation. You get to make choices. Being a creature intended to be created in God's image your own decisions create your own demons. God did not make those but gave your being the ability to do that to yourself.
In addition, G-d created the sexual relationship to reflect the relationship between Hin and His Bride which is the church. This is why He set strict standards regarding sex, and why He will endorse one arrangement, and one arrangement only. And that is the monogamous heterosexual marriage. All else violates G-d's will and is sin.
In addition, G-d created the sexual relationship to reflect the relationship between Hin and His Bride which is the church. This is why He set strict standards regarding sex, and why He will endorse one arrangement, and one arrangement only. And that is the monogamous heterosexual marriage. All else violates G-d's will and is sin.
I guess we're all sinners then. I know of no ordinary human who could or did live up to those expectations. A real god would be more reasonable. It would be totally impossible for the tetraploid humans of Signus to obey. And next to impossible for humans here on earth.
I guess we're all sinners then. I know of no ordinary human who could or did live up to those expectations. A real god would be more reasonable. It would be totally impossible for the tetraploid humans of Signus to obey. And next to impossible for humans here on earth.
Hence the Cross. Yeshua paid the full penalty for sin and all we have to do is ask for His forgiveness.

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