Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

But because of man's disobedience, sin and death entered into creation.
You see that's where the whole story line gets really weak. God is all knowing, all-seeing, and it didn't figure out it's creations would think if it gave them minds.
I guess we're all sinners then. I know of no ordinary human who could or did live up to those expectations. A real god would be more reasonable. It would be totally impossible for the tetraploid humans of Signus to obey. And next to impossible for humans here on earth.
I sure did not say otherwise. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God but by God's grace we were given an advocate in Jesus Christ. That is not an advocate to remain wthout putting away of that sinful nature but an advocate there to help us overcome the sinful nature of this lowly flesh where we reside.
I sure did not say otherwise. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God but by God's grace we were given an advocate in Jesus Christ. That is not an advocate to remain wthout putting away of that sinful nature but an advocate there to help us overcome the sinful nature of this lowly flesh where we reside.
Here we go again. The heterosexual orientation is a good thing but the homosexual orientation is a bad thing. Your god chose for us to sin ? I don't think so, GOD loves us all unconditionally. And since he made the conditions that is perfectly logical and understanding. Now, how did your church get so far out of touch with reality.
Here we go again. The heterosexual orientation is a good thing but the homosexual orientation is a bad thing. Your god chose for us to sin ? I don't think so, GOD loves us all unconditionally. And since he made the conditions that is perfectly logical and understanding. Now, how did your church get so far out of touch with reality.
You are a typical presumptuous little prick attempting to justify that which is in error. God hates certain things and it is documented as such in the Words written for all can find, learn and try to overcome. That is not what you are after though and you make that damn obvious.
I was reading something from the WEF where they were talking about the bible should be rewritten by AI.

Zey haz already peneetrated zee cabeenets, zo vy nawt zee Church?
I was reading something from the WEF where they were talking about the bible should be rewritten by AI.

Zey haz already peneetrated zee cabeenets, zo vy nawt zee Church?
Tis why one has to have that spirit of truth and discernment in them as its just one more thing outside of the spiritual realm tricking things up with all the other mucky much trash in this world.
You are a typical presumptuous little prick attempting to justify that which is in error. God hates certain things and it is documented as such in the Words written for all can find, learn and try to overcome. That is not what you are after though and you make that damn obvious.
The disparaging and hateful words you use tells me all I need to know about you. Try to have a good day if that's even possible.
Woke churches often have Pride Flags prominently displayed but the Cross is hard to find. That's the problem encapsulated. They worship sexuality, but in particular, sexual practices the Bible calls sinful.

Imagine a church where the congregants not just accept that adultery, theft, slander, swindling, and drunkenness will happen, but welcome, celebrate, and endorse it.

"You cheat on your spouse? Well here's a flag for you, All Are Welcome Here. You cheat and steal? Same."

That's what woke churches have become. Celebrations of sin.
Again, this is the very definition of the Thyatiran Church that Yeshua strongly rebuked: Commending them on their good deeds, but embracing the teachings and spirit of Jezebel and engaging in sexual immorality. Having said that, these "pastors" are going to be held into extreme account when they face G-d. Yeshua said it is better that a millstone be hung around their necks and they be thrown into the sea than to harm these little children.
Woke churches often have Pride Flags prominently displayed but the Cross is hard to find. That's the problem encapsulated. They worship sexuality, but in particular, sexual practices the Bible calls sinful.

Imagine a church where the congregants not just accept that adultery, theft, slander, swindling, and drunkenness will happen, but welcome, celebrate, and endorse it.

"You cheat on your spouse? Well here's a flag for you, All Are Welcome Here. You cheat and steal? Same."

That's what woke churches have become. Celebrations of sin.
They celebrate love not sex. You have a sinfully evil mind.
Again, this is the very definition of the Thyatiran Church that Yeshua strongly rebuked: Commending them on their good deeds, but embracing the teachings and spirit of Jezebel and engaging in sexual immorality. Having said that, these "pastors" are going to be held into extreme account when they face G-d. Yeshua said it is better that a millstone be hung around their necks and they be thrown into the sea than to harm these little children.
By all means, Follow the evil, Sweetsue92 is the epitomy of it.

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