Woke-Mob California Dems Steal Land And Gives It To Blacks?? WTF!

I am only familiar with the name as being land in Palestine or something, Forgive me for not studying specific middle eastern geography...

By the idea of "land taken over in battle" I mean this. In ancient times, when the Romans conquered everything, were separate countries seen as separate and independent? No, it was all considered a part of Rome. The same way for Greece. If an army takes over a land, and claims it as their own, and has people moving in there and living, it is now the conquerors land. The original inhabitants have two choices; fight back and take back the land, or accept the loss. They cannot call it their own and have no control over it.
I was not blaming you for not knowing. It seems to me that MOST people in the USA
do not know that the houses in question in Sheikh Jarrah are on land purchased by
jews in the 1800s from Ottoman land owners. It was in 1948 that the Jewish house
owners (on land owned by the "JNF" or some other entity) were forcibly thrown out
by JORDAN in a starvation siege (of some local fame). In 1967 Israel won the next battle.
but the land and houses were already handed over, lock stock and barrel, to Jordanians.
Thus the question of ownership. For some reason the reports on the situation seem to
imply that the place was arab owned for MILLENNIA ------sorta like the forever ownership
of the MUGHAL EMPIRE ----by muslims------and Spain (Brooklyn is next)
In a nation however, it is different. A nations government cannot take over private property without good reason, and in this case, the government did not do anything with the property. So the government did not keep its promise, so they gave it back as they should have.
yes----my question is----that "GOOD REASON" since eminent DOMAIN has been effectuated
LOTS-------the owners do get some money
No, once the park wasn't built, it became an illegal taking. Look up Eminent Domain. It REQUIRES that the land is taken for a public good.
Then it REQUIRES that the land be returned if not developed?

Those laws have been twisted to saying that they can take land from poor people, to give to rich people who promise to develop the land to increase property tax revenues.

It's wrong, but they do it all of the time, and even the Supreme Court ruled that it was OK which is one of the worst decisions they ever made.
Then it REQUIRES that the land be returned if not developed?



If the laws governing Eminent Domain are not followed then it is nothing more than theft. So what do you think?
If the laws governing Eminent Domain are not followed then it is nothing more than theft. So what do you think?

Half of what the government does is legalized theft. They need something, you have it, they rationalize why you need to give it to them and that they need it more than you, then they write a law giving them the power to rip you off saying it's OK to do so.

Still, if we start looking back 100 years to find government actions we don't agree with, especially ones where the victims were already paid a handsome price, we're going to have an awful lot of reparations needed.

My only question is, will only Black people be the recipients of all this justice? And will we rationalize that by telling ourselves these were the only people wronged in the last century? If no, them I can better get behind this sudden beneficent act of goodness! But if the answer is yes as I fear it might be, then all this really is I'm afraid is just a continuation of the same crap we saw start last year.
Half of what the government does is legalized theft. They need something, you have it, they rationalize why you need to give it to them and that they need it more than you, then they write a law giving them the power to rip you off saying it's OK to do so.

Still, if we start looking back 100 years to find government actions we don't agree with, especially ones where the victims were already paid a handsome price, we're going to have an awful lot of reparations needed.

My only question is, will only Black people be the recipients of all this justice? And will we rationalize that by telling ourselves these were the only people wronged in the last century? If no, them I can better get behind this sudden beneficent act of goodness! But if the answer is yes as I fear it might be, then all this really is I'm afraid is just a continuation of the same crap we saw start last year.

Hopefully not, but in this case it is the right thing to do.
For the love of Pete, it was taken from the family in 1924, they're actually giving it back. The land was stolen from them, it is rightflly being given back to them. Get a grip dude, CRT is out there in full force. This isn't it.
dems give blacks stuff because the feel blacks are to weak minded to make it on their own
That is a good story. That family was screwed back in 1924 and the movers and shakers used eminent domain to do it, under the guise constructing a community project, that never took place and the land was not returned. Eminent domain has been used time and time again to screw people out of their property for political purpose or to benefit some other private entity's greed, malice or ambitions. It is high time they gave that land back.
was africa stolen
was africa stolen
You could probably make a case for Africa having been stolen, as you could for every country that has been conquered or had their internal political/economic structure altered by foreign powers or investors. Does not apply to foreign rule. I do the Major Frank Burns school of international law. If you steal something, never give it back, as it will only cause problems.
For the love of Pete, it was taken from the family in 1924, they're actually giving it back. The land was stolen from them, it is rightflly being given back to them. Get a grip dude, CRT is out there in full force. This isn't it.
Does this mean that everyone including whites can get their land that the government "stole" over the years through immenient domain?
Does this mean that everyone including whites can get their land that the government "stole" over the years through immenient domain?

Maybe not, can, but should, regardless of race. I don't like or trust the government in pretty much every situation, but if it gives something back to someone that they took it from, I'm willing to give a quick nod of approval.

"It's been a challenge for years to reobtain the beachfront property seized from Charles and Willa Bruce — a couple who purchased land in Manhattan Beach, California and created a "sanctuary" for Black residents to enjoy the beach amid racial discrimination in the early 1900s. Bruce's Beach Lodge faced intimidation from white residents and the Ku Klux Klan, but the couple didn't back down, Shepard said. The property was eventually taken from the family in 1924 by the city council, which used eminent domain under the guise of building a park. It remained untouched for years.

The land today has been estimated by historians and city officials to be worth approximately $75 million, a substantial fortune that subsequent generations of the Bruce family have missed out on. Officials released a report earlier this month detailing steps to return the property, including evaluating the land's value and certifying the property's legal heirs. The county board of supervisors on July 13 voted in favor of moving forward with the plan."

How are these people able to get away with this?? Why is the state returning land that it rightfully took from some people who really didn't matter anyway? This is a result of all of that cancel-culture-woke-mob-critical race theory crap...they are basically going to go from place to place; taking land from whites and giving it to a bunch of blacks who have no rightful stake or claim to that land. It's time to fight back, it's time to bring back red-lining, whatever tool we can use to return things back to its rightful place.

democrats gotta dem
Did you even read the story? It was county owned from 1924-1995, and then city of LA owned since. Nobody lived there.....
You 2 are adorable...


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