Woke Trumpers


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

Yea, your type just riots and loots and burns down small businesses of regular hard working Americans. And blame the downfall of America on Trump when this has started a long time ago.

What it really comes down to is what most Americans do not realize is that the evils of the entire governmental system have to reveal themselves in actual experiencing for a period of time… for enough time to catch them in the act of attempting to carry out – in an obvious way to the public – the evil intent behind their governing. This is the most gracious way to expose the reality of their evil to humanity… to a humanity that has been blindly deceived by outer appearances rather than by inner truth.
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
The Democrat reprisal and revenge stuff is 100% crazy cult behavior
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
All this setting up of anti Trump, anti conservative networks is simply because they want to hide their wrongdoings, they ran away with the piggy bank and they do not want to be catch.
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
I know someone who likes Obamacare. It is because him and his wife has severe health issues. And Obamacare let them live life to the fullest. That they still can go on cruises, eat at restaurants and buy whatever they want. But before they were using all of their money on paying bills and medications.
And so most of the Left has severe health issues and or students who wants to live life to the fullest.
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
They are inciting violence against all Trump supporters. And if Trump supporters return fire, then the press will key in on only the violence they inflict.

That is the game now.
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
So you don't think he's being impeached? Is that what you're being told?
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
I know someone who likes Obamacare. It is because him and his wife has severe health issues. And Obamacare let them live life to the fullest. That they still can go on cruises, eat at restaurants and buy whatever they want. But before they were using all of their money on paying bills and medications.
And so most of the Left has severe health issues and or students who wants to live life to the fullest.

"...most of the Left has severe health issues and or students who wants to live life to the fullest"

Wow, do you seriously believe this? You actually think that the majority of the "left" (i.e., Democrat voters) are people with "severe health issues" and/or students? If so, that is truly one of the nuttiest fallacious statements I've ever read on here.
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

Yea, your type just riots and loots and burns down small businesses of regular hard working Americans. And blame the downfall of America on Trump when this has started a long time ago.

What it really comes down to is what most Americans do not realize is that the evils of the entire governmental system have to reveal themselves in actual experiencing for a period of time… for enough time to catch them in the act of attempting to carry out – in an obvious way to the public – the evil intent behind their governing. This is the most gracious way to expose the reality of their evil to humanity… to a humanity that has been blindly deceived by outer appearances rather than by inner truth.

What it comes down to is you have a vivid imagination, and when you start making shit up, you just can't top.
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

Yea, your type just riots and loots and burns down small businesses of regular hard working Americans. And blame the downfall of America on Trump when this has started a long time ago.

What it really comes down to is what most Americans do not realize is that the evils of the entire governmental system have to reveal themselves in actual experiencing for a period of time… for enough time to catch them in the act of attempting to carry out – in an obvious way to the public – the evil intent behind their governing. This is the most gracious way to expose the reality of their evil to humanity… to a humanity that has been blindly deceived by outer appearances rather than by inner truth.

What it comes down to is you have a vivid imagination, and when you start making shit up, you just can't top.

I see you have taken it right out of your favorite playbook:

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”
Trump propaganda has his followers swallowing everything he says hook - line & hydroxychloroquine.

The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

Yea, your type just riots and loots and burns down small businesses of regular hard working Americans. And blame the downfall of America on Trump when this has started a long time ago.

What it really comes down to is what most Americans do not realize is that the evils of the entire governmental system have to reveal themselves in actual experiencing for a period of time… for enough time to catch them in the act of attempting to carry out – in an obvious way to the public – the evil intent behind their governing. This is the most gracious way to expose the reality of their evil to humanity… to a humanity that has been blindly deceived by outer appearances rather than by inner truth.

What it comes down to is you have a vivid imagination, and when you start making shit up, you just can't top.

I see you have taken it right out of your favorite playbook:

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”

What ever you say sweet lips. You are still nuts.
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

Yea, your type just riots and loots and burns down small businesses of regular hard working Americans. And blame the downfall of America on Trump when this has started a long time ago.

What it really comes down to is what most Americans do not realize is that the evils of the entire governmental system have to reveal themselves in actual experiencing for a period of time… for enough time to catch them in the act of attempting to carry out – in an obvious way to the public – the evil intent behind their governing. This is the most gracious way to expose the reality of their evil to humanity… to a humanity that has been blindly deceived by outer appearances rather than by inner truth.

What it comes down to is you have a vivid imagination, and when you start making shit up, you just can't top.

I see you have taken it right out of your favorite playbook:

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”

What ever you say sweet lips. You are still nuts.

The funny thing is that you are so ignorant you probably don't even know you support Marxism and Commies. Pretty sad indeed.
Being 'woke' Trump style is waking up to the leftist-Marxist drivel that passes for 'journalism' in the MSM these days. This current MSM crap about impeaching Trump and going after anyone associated with him is really sick. Open your eyes.....You will be next.
I know someone who likes Obamacare. It is because him and his wife has severe health issues. And Obamacare let them live life to the fullest. That they still can go on cruises, eat at restaurants and buy whatever they want. But before they were using all of their money on paying bills and medications.
And so most of the Left has severe health issues and or students who wants to live life to the fullest.

That is called socialism when we have to pay for other people's problems. But eventually you run out of other people's money.
I didn't attack the halls of congress looking for the VP so I could hang him. I don't think I will be next.

No, but the extremists on your side are talking about punishing anyone whoever had anything to do with Trump from “Truth and Reconciliation commissions to keeping Trump supporters from getting a job.

Within months you people went from burning and looting small businesses, destroying statues, throwing bricks at police officers to getting a conscience about the Capitol.

I'm really not sure what your point is Beale but, propaganda works. We know that from Goebbles in WWII now we see it again in the Democrat controlled media and now in Internet social media. It's pretty sick shit if you ask me.
My point is in my siggie.

I have been informing the whole forum about this problem since before Trump ever became POTUS. He is just a symptom, he is not the problem.

All of these memes were made by the left when the DNC joined with the GOP to pass the Patriot ACT and the NDAA. Nothing has changed, the establishment continues to pit us against each other and manipulate society so they can strip us of our freedom.

We all knew that hundreds of thousands of protesters were going to D.C. on the sixth, and so did the folks in charge. They purposely made the security lax at the capitol, this is something they wanted, we even have a letter from the mayor of D.C. on record that she did not want additional help.

None of this was or is an accident, it is all planned.

. . . and stop with this Goebbles crap, this is why you folks are so easily conned.

Goebbles read Bernays book, and Bernays was Freud's nephew.

If you don't know history, and do not understand the connections and where from all this comes from, you have no hope to understand how we really got here. Goebbels learned every thing they knew from us. It was OUR industrialists, and OUR banks, and the Anglo-American alliance that built the Nazis as a counter balance to the Russians in the first place. . . just as the DNC and Rothschilds built up Trump.


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