Wolfavelli: Psychological Warfare Called "Socialism"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
In this world we have the teachings of Jesus Christ which have been the most beneficial to the human race, and we also have the the psychological-political creation of "Socialism" ,by Karl Marx , which i think is safe to assume is the blueprint of Antichrist society. The fact that this form of government is responsible for untold millions of deaths is evidence to that.

Most people who follow Socialism will not take responsibility for the murderous dictators created by it, and in many cases will deny they are "Socialist","Marxist", Communist" ...as the name makes little difference.
I can't help but notice the parallels from the old mythology that says a demon will always try to hide his true name.

Socialism is a self-serving dictatorship that is to the beneficial of one person or a selected group of people which has no tolerance for opposing views.
If Socialism is detrimental to the human race, how can it be advanced?

1) Covering who they are.
Socialism is a creation of the rich.
Knowing the psychology of the human race, the general public is suspicious of the rich because they are always calculating how to increase profits with little care of how many lives are ruined in the process.
The psychology of Socialism starts a false war against "the rich" , a generalisation where seldom a person is actually named.
The Socialist politician either takes advantage of their humble background or paints themselves as "rich but one of the good guys".
The Socialist knows that a form of government has little chance to be advanced without support from the rich.
The propaganda always states they are "fighting against the rich", but what does that actually mean?

2) Cover History
Socialism, in its current form, has been around for almost 150 years and can name almost no good points.
Its been a trail of death and destruction.
The Socialist must rely on false promises of the future and teach an edited version of history where possible.
There is hardly any track record that can advance the cause.
Socialism benefits from lack of information and misinformation.

3)Pay the rich.
Does Socialism really hinder the rich?
The rich have been recruited because Socialism, ..after the propaganda is over, removes restrictions on businesses allowing people to increase their capital.
Socialist programs take money from the lower class and distribute it to the lower class, programs like Social Security have limits to how much businesses have to participate, leaving the rich out of the main expense.
of course, the whole thing ends in Communist dictatorship where neither businessmen or the poor benefit.
The rich can be counted on to make the pro-money choice of the day to advance Socialism.

4) Relentless attacks on the Bible.
Socialism grasps the unfounded Evolution theory in an effort to create a non-Biblical origin.
Darwin's theories were adopted by Marx.
The Socialist stays with the plan and will not waiver no matter how much of the theory is in question.
Once again we have a psychological aspect where people who don't want to accept the moral responsibility of God now have an alternative -choice-.
Once the universities are in Socialist control it becomes obvious that few people will advance if they do not stay with the chosen curriculum.

5) Charity and social responsibility
Humans have an amazing ability to pool their money together to accomplish great things.
How can the Socialists get their hands on this charity and advance their own cause?
Socialist programs ,..charity for the old, the poor, the disabled, ect.
Once the Socialist gains a certain amount power, they enforce the charity as a tax.
The taxes are collected in massive amounts and the accountability is removed, the distribution is unknown, the leaders claim an inability to protect the funds.
The funds are diverted from the church organizations that have been helping people for a couple thousand years

6) Attack on morals.
The job of the voter is to try to make a better future for themselves and future generation.
How does the Socialist change this to benefit their cause?
Socialist programs are now a bribery system.
The Socialist politicians take large amounts of money out of the mandatory taxes from the top and have a very small bribery system on the bottom. (Social Security , Welfare, ect ect)
Once again, Socialism is a psychological issue where the Socialist knows a large number of people are going to work toward a small amount of free money rather then vote in a moral direction.
The voter gives the Socialist more political power to increase or defend their bribe money.

7) Unions
Instead of working for the general welfare of the whole population, the Socialists created the union system where they talk a small potion of the work force, and single them out for benefits in exchange for loyalty and votes.
The union member is forced to contribute wages, and is expected to support the Socialist system rather then vote in a moral manner.
Unfortunately what we have seen in America, union members contribute wages to politicians who support Socialist agenda, which ended with jobs leaving the country and going to Communist nations.

8) Converting pollution to power.
Another psychological issue.
Humans don't like to see their planet polluted by greedy companies, so the Socialist creates a environmental group or agency to advance their causes.
Environmental excuses are used to close rival business, transfer jobs to Socialist nations, and/or tax the public to generate more revenue.
Socialist environmentalism doesn't actually stop pollution, but transfers it to a more business friendly region.

9) Divide and Conquer.
Marx described Socialism and the transition from Capitalism to Communism.
One of that best ways to accomplish this is to divide a nation against itself.
Race vs. race, women vs. men, religion vs. religion.
People can spend their whole life working for some cause and do nothing but help advance Socialism.

10) Teaching negativity in schools , in the target nation.
What chance does the future generation have to make sound political decisions when the only history they know is centered around the negative aspects?
Socialism is taught as the "new" answer to old problems, when Socialism itself is already a proved failure.

A) As America becomes more Socialist, having a job is becoming more of a privilege.
B) As the medical industry has become more centralized, psychiatrists and doctors are acting on a personal level less and simply prescribing drugs in a business sense more often.
Socialist Bribes) Socialist Programs can not sustain themselves, that means at some point in time when Communism takes over, people who expected money and promises from Social Security, Welfare, Health care and other programs, will eventually have to be cut down to a worthless level of service.

End Result)
We've already been down this road before, we have two great examples of Socialist government, China and Russia.
Worker's rights turned to 8 million in labor camps in China
Worker's rights turned to people working until they drop in Russia.
Where did Socialist education lead? teach the philosophy of the dictator.
The atrocities can't be counted.
If Americans don't reject the Socialist bribes of today, its very optimistic to believe America won't turn out like the previous two.
Government control of mind and body, and no value for life.

In this world we have the teachings of Jesus Christ which have been the most beneficial to the human race, and we also have the the psychological-political creation of "Socialism" ,by Karl Marx , which i think is safe to assume is the blueprint of Antichrist society. The fact that this form of government is responsible for untold millions of deaths is evidence to that.

Most people who follow Socialism will not take responsibility for the murderous dictators created by it, and in many cases will deny they are "Socialist","Marxist", Communist" ...as the name makes little difference.
I can't help but notice the parallels from the old mythology that says a demon will always try to hide his true name.

Socialism is a self-serving dictatorship that is to the beneficial of one person or a selected group of people which has no tolerance for opposing views.
If Socialism is detrimental to the human race, how can it be advanced?

1) Covering who they are.
Socialism is a creation of the rich.
Knowing the psychology of the human race, the general public is suspicious of the rich because they are always calculating how to increase profits with little care of how many lives are ruined in the process.
The psychology of Socialism starts a false war against "the rich" , a generalisation where seldom a person is actually named.
The Socialist politician either takes advantage of their humble background or paints themselves as "rich but one of the good guys".
The Socialist knows that a form of government has little chance to be advanced without support from the rich.
The propaganda always states they are "fighting against the rich", but what does that actually mean?

2) Cover History
Socialism, in its current form, has been around for almost 150 years and can name almost no good points.
Its been a trail of death and destruction.
The Socialist must rely on false promises of the future and teach an edited version of history where possible.
There is hardly any track record that can advance the cause.
Socialism benefits from lack of information and misinformation.

3)Pay the rich.
Does Socialism really hinder the rich?
The rich have been recruited because Socialism, ..after the propaganda is over, removes restrictions on businesses allowing people to increase their capital.
Socialist programs take money from the lower class and distribute it to the lower class, programs like Social Security have limits to how much businesses have to participate, leaving the rich out of the main expense.
of course, the whole thing ends in Communist dictatorship where neither businessmen or the poor benefit.
The rich can be counted on to make the pro-money choice of the day to advance Socialism.

4) Relentless attacks on the Bible.
Socialism grasps the unfounded Evolution theory in an effort to create a non-Biblical origin.
Darwin's theories were adopted by Marx.
The Socialist stays with the plan and will not waiver no matter how much of the theory is in question.
Once again we have a psychological aspect where people who don't want to accept the moral responsibility of God now have an alternative -choice-.
Once the universities are in Socialist control it becomes obvious that few people will advance if they do not stay with the chosen curriculum.

5) Charity and social responsibility
Humans have an amazing ability to pool their money together to accomplish great things.
How can the Socialists get their hands on this charity and advance their own cause?
Socialist programs ,..charity for the old, the poor, the disabled, ect.
Once the Socialist gains a certain amount power, they enforce the charity as a tax.
The taxes are collected in massive amounts and the accountability is removed, the distribution is unknown, the leaders claim an inability to protect the funds.
The funds are diverted from the church organizations that have been helping people for a couple thousand years

6) Attack on morals.
The job of the voter is to try to make a better future for themselves and future generation.
How does the Socialist change this to benefit their cause?
Socialist programs are now a bribery system.
The Socialist politicians take large amounts of money out of the mandatory taxes from the top and have a very small bribery system on the bottom. (Social Security , Welfare, ect ect)
Once again, Socialism is a psychological issue where the Socialist knows a large number of people are going to work toward a small amount of free money rather then vote in a moral direction.
The voter gives the Socialist more political power to increase or defend their bribe money.

7) Unions
Instead of working for the general welfare of the whole population, the Socialists created the union system where they talk a small potion of the work force, and single them out for benefits in exchange for loyalty and votes.
The union member is forced to contribute wages, and is expected to support the Socialist system rather then vote in a moral manner.
Unfortunately what we have seen in America, union members contribute wages to politicians who support Socialist agenda, which ended with jobs leaving the country and going to Communist nations.

8) Converting pollution to power.
Another psychological issue.
Humans don't like to see their planet polluted by greedy companies, so the Socialist creates a environmental group or agency to advance their causes.
Environmental excuses are used to close rival business, transfer jobs to Socialist nations, and/or tax the public to generate more revenue.
Socialist environmentalism doesn't actually stop pollution, but transfers it to a more business friendly region.

9) Divide and Conquer.
Marx described Socialism and the transition from Capitalism to Communism.
One of that best ways to accomplish this is to divide a nation against itself.
Race vs. race, women vs. men, religion vs. religion.
People can spend their whole life working for some cause and do nothing but help advance Socialism.

10) Teaching negativity in schools , in the target nation.
What chance does the future generation have to make sound political decisions when the only history they know is centered around the negative aspects?
Socialism is taught as the "new" answer to old problems, when Socialism itself is already a proved failure.

A) As America becomes more Socialist, having a job is becoming more of a privilege.
B) As the medical industry has become more centralized, psychiatrists and doctors are acting on a personal level less and simply prescribing drugs in a business sense more often.
Socialist Bribes) Socialist Programs can not sustain themselves, that means at some point in time when Communism takes over, people who expected money and promises from Social Security, Welfare, Health care and other programs, will eventually have to be cut down to a worthless level of service.

End Result)
We've already been down this road before, we have two great examples of Socialist government, China and Russia.
Worker's rights turned to 8 million in labor camps in China
Worker's rights turned to people working until they drop in Russia.
Where did Socialist education lead? teach the philosophy of the dictator.
The atrocities can't be counted.
If Americans don't reject the Socialist bribes of today, its very optimistic to believe America won't turn out like the previous two.
Government control of mind and body, and no value for life.


Blowviate much? You willfully ignorant bag of gas? You make up history out of thin air as proof to a drunks rant. Your definitions and examples are so full of holes you should patent them as a new line of kitchen food draining equipment.

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