Wolff wasn't with Trump on election night,this is what REALLY happened

View attachment 170419 The people in the WH feel the same about the serial sex offender as does one of our greatest actors.

^^^^ Who cares what Robert De Niro thinks he is an Oil Driller a self hating White man Far Left maniac. The only one who is more nutty than Robert De Niro is Alec Baldwin but at least Alec Baldwin isn't an Oil Driller that's the only difference between him and De Niro.
On cue you know your duty to criticize anyone who tells the truth about your lunatic in Chief.
You obey your masters obediently.

No and no.
View attachment 170419 The people in the WH feel the same about the serial sex offender as does one of our greatest actors.

^^^^ Who cares what Robert De Niro thinks he is an Oil Driller a self hating White man Far Left maniac. The only one who is more nutty than Robert De Niro is Alec Baldwin but at least Alec Baldwin isn't an Oil Driller that's the only difference between him and De Niro.
On cue you know your duty to criticize anyone who tells the truth about your lunatic in Chief.
You obey your masters obediently.

So you're saying a lunatic beat the DNC,the left wing media,lobbyist and the sundry of left wing kooks that were aligned against him?
That doesnt shine a pretty light on your side...just sayin.
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.
Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

That article doesn't do anything to dispel anything.
Only in your tiny brain it doesn't. Wolff claims stuff happened that didn't because he is a LIAR
So ALL of the hundreds of people that called Trump an idiot and worse are ALL liars or are you trying to say Wolff made it all up?

^^^^ They just form the Trump Derangement Syndrome Echo Chamber, most exhibit classic symptoms of mental illness, well Leftism is a mental illness in itself.

WTF at least we on the Right know what gender we are and know what bathroom to use. Biology 101.
Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

That article doesn't do anything to dispel anything.
Only in your tiny brain it doesn't. Wolff claims stuff happened that didn't because he is a LIAR
So ALL of the hundreds of people that called Trump an idiot and worse are ALL liars or are you trying to say Wolff made it all up?
He made it all up....just like ALL of his books he makes shit up to sell to SUCKERS like you!
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.

View attachment 170419 The people in the WH feel the same about the serial sex offender as does one of our greatest actors.

^^^^ Who cares what Robert De Niro thinks he is an Oil Driller a self hating White man Far Left maniac. The only one who is more nutty than Robert De Niro is Alec Baldwin but at least Alec Baldwin isn't an Oil Driller that's the only difference between him and De Niro.
On cue you know your duty to criticize anyone who tells the truth about your lunatic in Chief.
You obey your masters obediently.

So you're saying a lunatic beat the DNC,the left wing media,lobbyist and the sundry of left wing kooks that were aligned against him?
That doesnt shine a pretty light on your side...just sayin.
You got suckered by a con man as well as others. Fortunately more people didn’t get suckered in than did which is why I still have hope for this country..
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
A birther who believes the pictures circulated on social media by Russian trolls were real.
Damn. You truly are a moron.
So Obama's publicist was a liar?

.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.

Don’t be a coward and answer the question pussy.
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
A birther who believes the pictures circulated on social media by Russian trolls were real.
Damn. You truly are a moron.
So Obama's publicist was a liar?

Lmao that proves NOTHING.
You do know people can doctor anything don’t you?
Even Trump renounced his birther leanings.
What’s taking you so long?
View attachment 170419 The people in the WH feel the same about the serial sex offender as does one of our greatest actors.

^^^^ Who cares what Robert De Niro thinks he is an Oil Driller a self hating White man Far Left maniac. The only one who is more nutty than Robert De Niro is Alec Baldwin but at least Alec Baldwin isn't an Oil Driller that's the only difference between him and De Niro.
On cue you know your duty to criticize anyone who tells the truth about your lunatic in Chief.
You obey your masters obediently.

So you're saying a lunatic beat the DNC,the left wing media,lobbyist and the sundry of left wing kooks that were aligned against him?
That doesnt shine a pretty light on your side...just sayin.
You got suckered by a con man as well as others. Fortunately more people didn’t get suckered in than did which is why I still have hope for this country..

To be honest?
I dont give a fuk if he's a carnival barker because he's made me a shit load of money!!!
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.

Don’t be a coward and answer the question pussy.

I bet you have Rev Wright sermons on tape.
Michael Wolff wasn’t with Trump on election night. Those who were prove his book wrong

Oh damn...another HUGE hole poked in that lying fraud's book....I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel? :D

That article doesn't do anything to dispel anything.
Only in your tiny brain it doesn't. Wolff claims stuff happened that didn't because he is a LIAR
So ALL of the hundreds of people that called Trump an idiot and worse are ALL liars or are you trying to say Wolff made it all up?
He made it all up....just like ALL of his books he makes shit up to sell to SUCKERS like you!
You , just like Trump, HATES America loves Obama and wish he was back again.
Buffoon: lowest rated prez in history.
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
A birther who believes the pictures circulated on social media by Russian trolls were real.
Damn. You truly are a moron.
So Obama's publicist was a liar?

Lmao that proves NOTHING.
You do know people can doctor anything don’t you?
Even Trump renounced his birther leanings.
What’s taking you so long?

Are you actually saying he didnt claim to be from Kenya?
Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.

Don’t be a coward and answer the question pussy.

I bet you have Rev Wright sermons on tape.
Pussy is still stalling on answering my question on the grounds you know you’d incriminate yourself.
That’s good enough for me.
No one EVER expects a deplorable to be honest.
Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
A birther who believes the pictures circulated on social media by Russian trolls were real.
Damn. You truly are a moron.
So Obama's publicist was a liar?

Lmao that proves NOTHING.
You do know people can doctor anything don’t you?
Even Trump renounced his birther leanings.
What’s taking you so long?

Are you actually saying he didnt claim to be from Kenya?
Never did, asshole. Even produced a BC that clearly said his birthplace is Hawaii.
Birthers are the lowest life form on earth.
.I am truly curious how many leftists are pleasuring themselves reading this drivel?

Why not ask Trump's lawyers WHY they threatened to sue over this trashy book's publication?

Why not ask the orange clown why he threatens law suits BUT never follows up?

Liberals are broken and I mean mentally broken thanks to Trump(just look at this board). Hey I don't blame the author of the book....I would screw the crybabies over too if I could.

It's funny that you say this, because for 8 years it was "Obama's a Muslim" "He was born in Kenya" "His wife is a man" and all that crap. Eight years of it. Now it's over, you claim such stuff is the stuff of broken people....

But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
A birther who believes the pictures circulated on social media by Russian trolls were real.
Damn. You truly are a moron.
So Obama's publicist was a liar?

Lmao that proves NOTHING.
You do know people can doctor anything don’t you?
Even Trump renounced his birther leanings.
What’s taking you so long?
Ohhhh that's your excuse....gotcha....I got some ocean front property in Montana for sale....interested?
But all that is true. Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and Michelle had a "bulge". That Hawaii stuff was a fairytale...the bulge could have been something else I will concede that.
How can Obama be a Muslim if he “ attended Rev Wright’s CHRISTIAN CHURCH for years?”
You idiots just can’t get your lies straight.

Don’t be a coward and answer the question pussy.

I bet you have Rev Wright sermons on tape.
Pussy is still stalling on answering my question on the grounds you know you’d incriminate yourself.
That’s good enough for me.
No one EVER expects a deplorable to be honest.

He attended a church that was anti America,and thats the only reason he attended.
Had he went to a mosque he knew it would destroy any chance of a career in politics.

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