Woman Charged With Murder For What Planned Parenthood Does Every Day!

Fuck off troll. Either say something about the woman charged with murder, get off the thread or I'll report you. I'm sick of your childish 5th grade juvenile bullshit trolling. All because you are too juvenile to just admit you didn't READ WHAT WAS IN MY LINKED ARTICLE.
Still testy I see. I did make a comment that I thought the arrest should have been for negligent homicide. The $5 million bail would be more for premeditated murder.
She was not arrested for murder.

you are a liar.

“A South Valley woman has been taken into custody early Wednesday on a murder charge after her newborn baby was found to have died with methamphetamine in his system.”
Read more here: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/crime/article237069594.html#storylink=cpy

Now you are calling me a liar too. Look at the OP link. That link did not say "murder" anywhere in it. But there was a further link at that link that I didn't look at. The link within the link did say murder and a $5 million bail.
I told Tubefreak that he should have quoted the second link not the first. Tubefreak is freaking out because I didn't look at the link within the link. This whole thing is blown out of proportion and actually quite funny.
No you didn’t. You said “She was not arrested for murder.” Which was a blatant lie. And I ’m quoting you directly with cut and paste.
I was ignorant because of a poor link. There is a difference between ignorance and lying. Lying is when you know the truth and choose to say the opposite. I was mislead because of a poor link. God, you guys really want to drag this out. Look, I'm sorry I did not look at the link within the link. OK?
Fuck off troll. Either say something about the woman charged with murder, get off the thread or I'll report you. I'm sick of your childish 5th grade juvenile bullshit trolling. All because you are too juvenile to just admit you didn't READ WHAT WAS IN MY LINKED ARTICLE.
Still testy I see. I did make a comment that I thought the arrest should have been for negligent homicide. The $5 million bail would be more for premeditated murder.
She was not arrested for murder.

you are a liar.

“A South Valley woman has been taken into custody early Wednesday on a murder charge after her newborn baby was found to have died with methamphetamine in his system.”
Read more here: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/crime/article237069594.html#storylink=cpy

Now you are calling me a liar too. Look at the OP link. That link did not say "murder" anywhere in it. But there was a further link at that link that I didn't look at. The link within the link did say murder and a $5 million bail.
I told Tubefreak that he should have quoted the second link not the first. Tubefreak is freaking out because I didn't look at the link within the link. This whole thing is blown out of proportion and actually quite funny.

The only thing funny here is the lengths with which you will go twisting words around trying to defer responsibility on everyone but yourself.
No you didn’t. You said “She was not arrested for murder.” Which was a blatant lie. And I ’m quoting you directly with cut and paste.
I was ignorant because of a poor link. There is a difference between ignorance and lying. Lying is when you know the truth and choose to say the opposite. I was mislead because of a poor link. God, you guys really want to drag this out. Look, I'm sorry I did not look at the link within the link. OK?

I deleted the post. Not often you see a mea culpa. Respect gamed.
The only thing funny here is the lengths with which you will go twisting words around trying to defer responsibility on everyone but yourself.
What did I purposely twist around? What did I defer other than chastising you for a post that didn't make your point? You are still funny.
No you didn’t. You said “She was not arrested for murder.” Which was a blatant lie. And I ’m quoting you directly with cut and paste.
I was ignorant because of a poor link. There is a difference between ignorance and lying. Lying is when you know the truth and choose to say the opposite. I was mislead because of a poor link. God, you guys really want to drag this out. Look, I'm sorry I did not look at the link within the link. OK?

Fox made it clear it was reporting a story it had gotten from another source. It included a link to that source. There were other articles which mentioned murder charges right in the title, but they had too much pop up shit, so I used the Fox article because it didn't have any pop ups and I never expected anyone to be stupid enough here to make a federal case and accusations about the content of the article where a woman was arrested without even bothering to investigate all the content contained within the article first WHICH INCLUDED THE LINKS!

I see I was wrong to think people understood that when you are arrested and a 5 million dollar bail posted, you must have been CHARGED with a crime too. They don't just arrest people for no reason.
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A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!

So how can you be charged with murder when the fetus is not a human being?

And if the fetus is a human being, why isn't abortion murder?

I thought it was the woman's body to do with as she pleased.

California mom of 3 arrested after giving birth to stillborn with 'toxic levels of meth' in system
What a Mind numbingly idiotic thread.
Fox made it clear it was reporting a story it had gotten from another source. It included a link to that source. There were other articles which mentioned murder charges right in the title, but they had too much pop up shit, so I used the Fox article because it didn't have any pop ups and I never expected anyone to be stupid enough here to make a federal case and accusations about the content of the article without even bothering to investigate all the content contained within the article first WHICH INCLUDED THE LINKS!

I see I was wrong.
Look. I really don't care. Give it a rest! Please read Fort Fun's in-depth analysis.
A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!

So how can you be charged with murder when the fetus is not a human being?

And if the fetus is a human being, why isn't abortion murder?

I thought it was the woman's body to do with as she pleased.

California mom of 3 arrested after giving birth to stillborn with 'toxic levels of meth' in system
What a Mind numbingly idiotic thread.

It only became that with trolls like you trolling it.
A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!

So how can you be charged with murder when the fetus is not a human being?

And if the fetus is a human being, why isn't abortion murder?

I thought it was the woman's body to do with as she pleased.

California mom of 3 arrested after giving birth to stillborn with 'toxic levels of meth' in system
What a Mind numbingly idiotic thread.

It only became that with trolls like you trolling it.
C'mon. Your posts were chock full of bitter vitriol.
Fox made it clear it was reporting a story it had gotten from another source. It included a link to that source. There were other articles which mentioned murder charges right in the title, but they had too much pop up shit, so I used the Fox article because it didn't have any pop ups and I never expected anyone to be stupid enough here to make a federal case and accusations about the content of the article without even bothering to investigate all the content contained within the article first WHICH INCLUDED THE LINKS!

I see I was wrong.
Look. I really don't care. Give it a rest! Please read Fort Fun's in-depth analysis.

Give it a rest from a guy who lies awake at night trying to avoid admitting he stuck his own foot in his mouth! :cuckoo:

You one crazy boy.
Give it a rest from a guy who lies awake at night trying to avoid admitting he stuck his own foot in his mouth! :cuckoo:

You one crazy boy.
Still sore eh? Trolling your own thread I see.

Can you admit you were wrong? Are you man enough to do so? Not with attached "buts" just flat out say, "I was wrong, I admit it". No excuses, no reasons, no attachments. Just say those 6 words.

You man enough? I don't think you are.
A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!

So how can you be charged with murder when the fetus is not a human being?

And if the fetus is a human being, why isn't abortion murder?

I thought it was the woman's body to do with as she pleased.

California mom of 3 arrested after giving birth to stillborn with 'toxic levels of meth' in system

you thought wrong
No you didn’t. You said “She was not arrested for murder.” Which was a blatant lie. And I ’m quoting you directly with cut and paste.
I was ignorant because of a poor link. There is a difference between ignorance and lying. Lying is when you know the truth and choose to say the opposite. I was mislead because of a poor link. God, you guys really want to drag this out. Look, I'm sorry I did not look at the link within the link. OK?
I suspect that what you did in you mind when you were contemplating the matter was commit a very common logical fallacy known as an argument from ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam).

Fact#1: The OP was correct when he asserted that the woman was arrested murder.

Fact#2: You were incorrect when you claimed that she was not arrested for murder.

It is in no way the fault of the OP that he was correct and you were incorrect.

Just because you were ignorant of the fact that she was charged with murder and were unaware of any evidence that she was charged with murder, logically that does not necessarily mean she was not charged with murder. Yet you falsely claimed that she was not charged with murder anyways.

You fallaciously came to a positive conclusion from negative premises.

Your underdeveloped logical reasoning and critical thinking skills are the cause of your logic fail. Not the OP. Until you acknowledge that you will always be stuck on stupid. You will never be able to develop those aforementioned skills.

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This is a big mistake on California's part. I'm hoping there's more to the story, but if not they are setting a major precedent that will lead in the wrong direction.
California law is California law. California Penal Code 187 states:

(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.

(b) This section shall not apply to any person who commits an act that results in the death of a fetus if any of the following apply:

(1) The act complied with the Therapeutic Abortion Act, Article 2 (commencing with Section 123400) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code .

(2) The act was committed by a holder of a physician's and surgeon's certificate, as defined in the Business and Professions Code, in a case where, to a medical certainty, the result of childbirth would be death of the mother of the fetus or where her death from childbirth, although not medically certain, would be substantially certain or more likely than not.

(3) The act was solicited, aided, abetted, or consented to by the mother of the fetus.

(c) Subdivision (b) shall not be construed to prohibit the prosecution of any person under any other provision of law.
A woman giving birth to a stillborn child is charged with murder because she took meth, yet I thought Planned Parenthood and the Left excused and rationalized hundreds of casual abortions everyday as a "right" because it is just a fetus and not a human being and so has no rights?!

So how can you be charged with murder when the fetus is not a human being?

And if the fetus is a human being, why isn't abortion murder?

I thought it was the woman's body to do with as she pleased.

California mom of 3 arrested after giving birth to stillborn with 'toxic levels of meth' in system

you thought wrong

Idiot doesn't know a sarcasm when he sees one.

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