Woman charged with raping boy, 14

I'll comment on the lack of standardized variables*, and possible methodological errors of your "studies" if Gunny approves my reply.

*Not their technical name, if I remember correctly.
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Women were also the first to be outraged about the crime of rape directed at women, and about spousal abuse. Should we have kept silent and allowed the victims to suffer alone?

Red herring. Try and stay on topic. That being said, if you're so eager to deviate, we can address your failure to respond to my presentation of the likely validity of evolutionary theories of rape.

Sniggering at our gender and our role in life, particularly when you have no experience as a parent isn't a very good tactic towards developing a solid argument.

False. :rolleyes:

This is why I tell you not to make assumptions about other posters here, but you're evidently too dense to understand that.

I will not dismiss the experiences of young people. But those of you who are young and have never been parents should not dismiss our views simply because we're over 30 and not to be trusted.

Primitive cliche and stereotype of youth that itself functions as a form of bias.

You lack the same experiences, as well as the longevity of life that allows you to see how actions play out over time. Furthermore, young people also often lack humility because they haven't fully experienced the weight of adult responsibility. The fact of the matter is that I've been a teenager and worked with teenager for 20 years. My feelings on child sexual abuse evolved from THOSE experiences, but were only complemented by my experiences as a mother. You've never been a mother, so you simply don't know what the experience is like, and how it might change your perceptions of what matters.

There is no functional difference between your ad hominem attack and my own. Your ad hominem attack consists of the claim that youth (specifically myself), are unable to comprehend the consequences and effects of extending civil rights and liberties to youth because they lack experience. You thereby are able to bypass the burden of offering rational criticism of advocacy of youth liberation. Mine is a simply observation that women view sexual interactions in a far more emotional and romantic context than men, and that your thinking therefore may be clouded by this matter. There is no functional difference between the two except for the fact that mine permits a possibility for you to be correct.

I've posted multiple sources that state that male rape victims experience SIMILAR emotional trauma to female victims, without the support from the community, peers and others to help them cope with these complex feelings. The fact that you are still hung up in gender bias says more about you than it does about the trauma and damaged caused by adult/child sexual relations.

Previous "studies" and "sources" posted by you have been of a spectacularly shoddy quality, and I expect the same of future posts. Regardless, you ignore several critical elements of this phenomenon. namely that concern for the emotional well-being of youth must take into account the evolutionary fact that males are more prone to view sexual activity in a recreational context, and females are more prone to view sexual activity in a romantic context, as a result of early males being able to "spread their seed" as far as possible in order to ensure the survival of their offspring, and early females needing to be picky about their mates so that they could select one trustworthy enough to guard them throughout their pregnancy and nursing period. As a result, there is a higher likelihood that females will experience a greater deal of emotional fallout from a negative relationship than males will, a fact that cries out to be taken into account.

Similarly, you ignore the fundamentally obvious fact that adolescent males typically possess a greater amount of physical strength than adult females, so while an adolescent female's physically weaker condition than an adult male may exacerbate the hierarchical parameters of their relationship, an adolescent male's physically stronger condition than an adult female alleviates it. And of course, that operates on the assumption that adolescents in general are not capable of making rational and informed decisions in the same manner as legal adults, which itself is worthy of challenge on the basis of evidence to the contrary.
Because rape of innocence is exactly that RAPE.

I hate to tell you this but boys are different from girls. i know it's not PC to say that but really a 14 year old boy having sex with an older woman is NOT the same as a 14 year old girl with an older man.

I have to agree, but I still have issues with it, the biggest one being that a boy experiencing sex at such a young age is likely to want it more and likely to seek it out among younger girls who may not want to participate. All in all, not a good thing. At 16 or 17 though, I would agree that it shouldn't be considered a crime, or at least not rape.

High school boys and hot teachers; most boys would love a chance with their hottie teacher. So at this point, I don't think it would be rape.
This is always funny ... though not because of the rape but because so few people know much about rape or what it really is. It's taking advantage of something vulnerable, sexual rape isn't the only form of rape nor are most rapes about the sex to the rapist. It's about control, domination, or for child rape defilement. Rape of boy or girl, by the opposite or same gender. is still rape because it is defiling them, taking away their innocence. Whenever an adult takes advantage of the hormone imbalance of a growing child it is wrong, and they should be punished just as murderers for they are ruining the childs life.
Yep, but if you believe a sentence should reflect the impact of the crime then I would argue that a man having consensual sex with an under-age female is worse and should attract a heavier penalty than a woman having sex with an under-age male.

I'm not referring to rape as it is known at common law, this "statutory rape" phrase is misleading and shouldn't be used.
Yep, but if you believe a sentence should reflect the impact of the crime then I would argue that a man having consensual sex with an under-age female is worse and should attract a heavier penalty than a woman having sex with an under-age male.

I'm not referring to rape as it is known at common law, this "statutory rape" phrase is misleading and shouldn't be used.

It will have the exact same impact whether male or female, to say otherwise is to say that men are less important than women ... though I like that notion it isn't accurate nor fair.
This is always funny ... though not because of the rape but because so few people know much about rape or what it really is. It's taking advantage of something vulnerable, sexual rape isn't the only form of rape nor are most rapes about the sex to the rapist. It's about control, domination, or for child rape defilement. Rape of boy or girl, by the opposite or same gender. is still rape because it is defiling them, taking away their innocence. Whenever an adult takes advantage of the hormone imbalance of a growing child it is wrong, and they should be punished just as murderers for they are ruining the childs life.

To be honest, the phrase "taking away their innocence" has always seemed unduly vague to me, as though it doesn't reflect a legitimate concern. I've requested that empirical evidence on the matter be supplied, and I'm waiting for it now.
Yep, but if you believe a sentence should reflect the impact of the crime then I would argue that a man having consensual sex with an under-age female is worse and should attract a heavier penalty than a woman having sex with an under-age male.

I'm not referring to rape as it is known at common law, this "statutory rape" phrase is misleading and shouldn't be used.

It will have the exact same impact whether male or female, to say otherwise is to say that men are less important than women ... though I like that notion it isn't accurate nor fair.

Nah, it's an acknowledgement that the sexual transaction is different in both the examples I gave. I have to admit that I've used stereotypical examples, that's because I can't delineate the millions of different situations that can occur in a consensual sexual transaction where one party is below the legal age of consent.
It is illegal to take advantage of a mentally disabled person regardless of age, so I don't see why age needs to be a relevant factor. One can suppose that the average 12-year-old may have insufficient understanding of sex to give informed consent to it, but that does not necessarily say anything about every 12-year-old. I would suppose the opposite of a 21-year-old, but what if it were a retarded or unconsciously drunk 21-year-old? In any case, an alleged victim needs to be evaluated for competency to give consent in the context where the alleged abuse occurred. Age is not the relevant factor to determine if wrong has been done, it is informed consent. Capacity to give informed consent is not age-dependent because people mature at different rates.
Oh, incidentally...

Finally, male victims may fail to report sexual molestation with adults because the boys in some cases do not perceive the sexual activity as abusive. This perception may be due to denial or minimization in order to avoid overwhelming and unacceptable feelings of helplessness. Whatever the reason, researchers have found that some male victims report neutral or positive effects of sexual activity with adults (Brown, Condy, Tempter & Veaco, 1987; Fritz, et al, 1981; Johnson & Shrier, 1985; Sandfort, 1984).Test

Theo Sandfort, dear? :eusa_drool: :lol:

Pro-pedophile activism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1970s, most organized pedophile activity was centered in the Netherlands, and to a lesser degree in The United Kingdom.[24] A small number of Dutch researchers, among them Bernard, social psychologist Theo Sandfort, lawyer and politician Edward Brongersma and psychiatrist Frans Gieles, wrote papers on the topic, both from theoretical and practical standpoints.



Why, oh why, is catz indoctrinating us with her pro-pedophilia propaganda?! What kind of SICKNESS is catz suffering from, to promote the SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN?! Why doesn't she just post Rind et al. and be done with it?! Oh, the humanity! :eek:
In most cases the boys tell as to ''brag'', but in other cases when they go to their parents and tell. These boys that tell the authorities must be doing so b/c they know it is wrong. I do recognize the differences between the genders and the underaged sex issue.

I myself couldn't see sleeping with a teen boy, but I also realize that even though the boy is a teen he is still most likely stronger than me(an adult woman) and the majority of adult small women. If I were to approach a teen for sex, he could physically prevent it, where as a female can't and may be afraid to say ''no'' . Also most males don't need coercing where as it's quite common for females. I know of many women who lost their virginity b/c of the ""C'mon, just this once"?-plea. That is not to say the females don't like sex, but most of them do it for the wrong reasons, or b/c they feel like that's what they are supposed to do. Talking with other women my own age, and younger, most women really don't enjoy sex to the *fullest* until we peak, and that is anywhere from 28-35 for most women. Our hormones are wild at this point LOL!

Anyway, this is one of the reasons why the double standards exist, BUT it doesn't make it right, and both male and females should be punished equally!
There's a reason that most of the "outraged" here are female, and mothers of sons to boot.
Old mothers still see therechildren as children. Some of us are fortunate to see our childrens children also.

The outrage of adults perverts treating children as sex objects is from seeing the emotional damage done to these children that we have watched through the years try to overcome from what they suffered early on.

Like it or not that is the way it is.

I was going to say it's because our brains haven't been rotted by years of testosterone poisoning to the point that we project our adult sensibilities onto children.

I am hard-pressed to think of any reputable child psychologist who would tell you it's okay to sexualize males earlier than females, because they are somehow less in need of protection for their childhoods or their innocence. If anyone finds one, please tell me.
Because rape of innocence is exactly that RAPE.

I hate to tell you this but boys are different from girls. i know it's not PC to say that but really a 14 year old boy having sex with an older woman is NOT the same as a 14 year old girl with an older man.

I have to agree, but I still have issues with it, the biggest one being that a boy experiencing sex at such a young age is likely to want it more and likely to seek it out among younger girls who may not want to participate. All in all, not a good thing. At 16 or 17 though, I would agree that it shouldn't be considered a crime, or at least not rape.

High school boys and hot teachers; most boys would love a chance with their hottie teacher. So at this point, I don't think it would be rape.

As I've said before, teenaged boys love the chance to do a lot of stupid, self-destructive crap. That doesn't make it any less stupid and self-destructive, nor does it make them any less children in need of adult protection from their own childishness and idiocy and from the sick, predatory adults who want to take advantage of it.
rape of an adult is considered an act of VIOLENCE.

rape of an underage, consenting teen is not an act of violence...so it is hard for people to get a grip around it, as well as they can for the Rape of an adult...a violent act using force.

Statutory Rape is a mental game that ends with the physical rape, the adult using their experience to entice a teen in to consenting, or in to thinking that this is all A-ok....with the teen lacking in full capabilities and development of reasoning until they are in their later teens to 20 years of age.

Two young teens, within the same age range, both under age, having sex is not considered statutory rape because both children are lacking in full reasoning skills developed later on....

Statutory rape with a consenting teen is not good for either male or female imo.
ACtually, if you'll read this thread, you'll see that few considers the rape of a boy by a woman in a position of power as an act of violence. Which isn't surprising, given the lack of enthusiasm for digging out the abusers who get young girls who end up in clinics knocked up.

This is what happens when you promote sex among children. You stop protecting them, and you end up with a jaded, degraded society in which anything goes and nobody cares.

Rome is a prime example.
ACtually, if you'll read this thread, you'll see that few considers the rape of a boy by a woman in a position of power as an act of violence. Which isn't surprising, given the lack of enthusiasm for digging out the abusers who get young girls who end up in clinics knocked up.

This is what happens when you promote sex among children. You stop protecting them, and you end up with a jaded, degraded society in which anything goes and nobody cares.

Rome is a prime example.

One problem, what you consider "promoting" sex (though I don't know for sure just trying to get an angle) may or may not include education. Sexual education isn't promoting it, as a matter of fact if anything it will frighten more away from it (those disease slides are not pretty) or at the least make educate them enough to make better choices. However, our media does promote sex to children, Maury Povich is one of the biggest offenders by glamourizing and rewarding those young who sleep with a lot of other people. Many other shows do. One reason I like Jerry Springer is it shows these type of people for what they really are ... baffoons, instead of rewarding them in any way they are ridiculed on stage (it's quite funny to). Also look at all the comedies that have been coming to theaters lately ... almost every single one focuses on sex, most make being a virgin or non-sexual look bad, and the highest rating they get is PG-13. Those movies make millions and many parents are taking their kids to them or rent the DVD for the whole family, while good movies like Bedtime Stories, Wall-E, etc. fail when there is no sexual content and are rated G. So, just wondering if you agree here or not.
It's amazing how many people in this thread seem to think it's okay for a woman to be a needy, manipulative freak who has to prey on young boys to get their emotional "I'm sexy" high.

It's also amazing that anyone would think it's okay for our young boys to grow up as sex addicts and gigolos. "My 14 year old had sex with his teacher and loved it! Gee, I hope he goes and bangs the whole neighborhood! It'd make me so proud to have a child whose only concept of love and desire is sex, because it's different for them. Just as long as the women they screw don't feel used, and everyone knows they probably want it too anyway."

Ah. Mah. Gawd. So this lady should go to jail but it wasn't wrong for her to have sex with this kid? Or does the saying "it's different" make it "still wrong but still kind of right?"

The fact of the matter is, this society is in no way "sexually oppressed." On the contrary, just opening a frakking magazine will let you know this society is sex obsessed. And that's ultimately the problem here.
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rape of an adult is considered an act of VIOLENCE.

rape of an underage, consenting teen is not an act of violence...so it is hard for people to get a grip around it, as well as they can for the Rape of an adult...a violent act using force.

Statutory Rape is a mental game that ends with the physical rape, the adult using their experience to entice a teen in to consenting, or in to thinking that this is all A-ok....with the teen lacking in full capabilities and development of reasoning until they are in their later teens to 20 years of age.

Two young teens, within the same age range, both under age, having sex is not considered statutory rape because both children are lacking in full reasoning skills developed later on....

Statutory rape with a consenting teen is not good for either male or female imo.

One thing to remember that probably goes unreported though is that at 18 you're considered an adult. I know of father's that have had their daughter's boyfriends convicted of statutory rape because the boyfriend was 18 and the girlfriend was seventeen. You can debate what age is a responsibile age to have sex, but being convicted of rape based on nothing but a difference in age I think is a little harsh.
Call me physco...uncaring..or whatever you want.

Rapists, Murders, Child Molesters, terrorists, and Spys should kept Gitmo. They dont need to proceed with any type of legal system. You want this country in a better state...start with clearing out the pieces of crap that infest it.
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