Woman charged with raping boy, 14

Here you go, since you seem to have missed it...

As a 52-year-old counselor, do you consider these normal teenaged behaviors? Initiating sexual contact with strangers....that's normal for 16 year olds in your world? In combination with promiscuity? And, drug use?

If you saw a kid, today, manifesting those behaviors, what would you think?

Yes I did. Go back and read the post. Ask me another question based on my response.

From another thread:

It's true that a young child that demonstrates sexual acting out raises red flags for sexual abuse.

If she was in the practice of attending adult parties looking for dates it would raise red flags for me.


You've justified your support for Agna here and elsewhere by referencing your sexual experiences with a minor, and then pointing out that SHE pursued it. My point is that a 16-year-old girl who pursues a sexual relationship with a stranger is often a victim of abuse ALREADY. So, you cannot use this as an instance that supports the normalcy of these contacts when in fact it demonstrates that these kinds of contacts are in fact NOT normal.

On this thread, you've implied that minors are not harmed by these kinds of contacts. You're full of shit.
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From another thread:


You've justified your support for Agna here and elsewhere by referencing your sexual experiences with a minor, and then pointing out that SHE pursued it. My point is that a 16-year-old girl who pursues a sexual relationship with a stranger is often a victim of abuse ALREADY. So, you cannot use this as an instance that supports the normalcy of these contacts when in fact it demonstrates that these kinds of contacts are in fact NOT normal.

On this thread, you've implied that minors are not harmed by these kinds of contacts. You're full of shit.

That's a lie. I said no such thing. Link to post please.

You have no way of knowing what is normal for someone you've never met or interviewed. You have no way of knowing whether this young woman had been sexually abused.
I think you are generalizing your experiences onto all of your peers.

Perhaps. But like I said it was a small town, I knew my peers pretty well. It's not like there was a lot to do. If there was a party, it was THE party. It's pretty easy to know who's hooking up with who in a small town.

But whatever. Doesn't make any difference to me whether my experience was typical or not, I'm just sharing it FWIW.
Perhaps. But like I said it was a small town, I knew my peers pretty well. It's not like there was a lot to do. If there was a party, it was THE party. It's pretty easy to know who's hooking up with who in a small town.

But whatever. Doesn't make any difference to me whether my experience was typical or not, I'm just sharing it FWIW.

Good for you.
From another thread:


You've justified your support for Agna here and elsewhere by referencing your sexual experiences with a minor, and then pointing out that SHE pursued it. My point is that a 16-year-old girl who pursues a sexual relationship with a stranger is often a victim of abuse ALREADY. So, you cannot use this as an instance that supports the normalcy of these contacts when in fact it demonstrates that these kinds of contacts are in fact NOT normal.

On this thread, you've implied that minors are not harmed by these kinds of contacts. You're full of shit.

or maybe she's just a 16 year old slut!? they do exist you know and it's not the result of abuse.... they just have no shame in their desire to fuck any man they can find.

Pregnancy Boom at Gloucester High - TIME

Sometimes teenagers do stupid shit catz...

my nephew's ex gf has a younger sister who is only a year or two older than my own daughter (who is now 14) and they used to be friends (when my daughter was 11) and hang out until my daughter came to me and alerting me that this girl was talking online with a man who was 10 years older than she was and they were planning on meeting to have sex. This girl PURSUED HIM without shame and was quite frank about her intentions.

She wasn't abused, in fact she was given everything she wanted and quite spoiled. She is now 16 and her parents allowed her 21 year old boyfriend to move in with them.....
The problem is the societal norms and expectations state that boys shouldn't feel like a victim. That doesn't mean that boys DON'T feel like victims.

Would you feel the same way if the perpetrator in this instance had been an adult male with a teenaged male?
Of course not. And that's not at all what I am talking about from my first post in this tread.
or maybe she's just a 16 year old slut!? they do exist you know and it's not the result of abuse.... they just have no shame in their desire to fuck any man they can find.

Pregnancy Boom at Gloucester High - TIME

Sometimes teenagers do stupid shit catz...

my nephew's ex gf has a younger sister who is only a year or two older than my own daughter (who is now 14) and they used to be friends (when my daughter was 11) and hang out until my daughter came to me and alerting me that this girl was talking online with a man who was 10 years older than she was and they were planning on meeting to have sex. This girl PURSUED HIM without shame and was quite frank about her intentions.

She wasn't abused, in fact she was given everything she wanted and quite spoiled. She is now 16 and her parents allowed her 21 year old boyfriend to move in with them.....

i think her parents letting the 21 year old move in with them to have sex with their 16 year old daughter is a tad strange and could be considered as abusive, and certainly breaking the law.

I would venture to bet there was more going on behind the doors of that 16 year old child's home than a NORMAL life with normal parents...i know I'm speculating, but it is not in the norm, for a 16 year old to pursue herself a man 10 years her senior...no matter her hormone level imho Silence.

I knew a girl growing up who had been in a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship with a guy that was 3-4 years older than her since she was 11 years old...when she was 15/16 her parents let her boyfriend stay the night there with her and basically move in with them, they were having sex and her parents put her on birth control....he was the son of the police chief of the next town over...

Her Family, her whole family including other older sisters were ALL messed up in a number of ways imho, but i still loved her...she was a good soul in so many ways, just lost her childhood way too young!

She later went on to marry her boyfriend and had 3 kids before 21, we all knew she would, they really did love each other,..after about 10 years married, her husband was in a car wreck, paralyzed from the waste down...which is such a sad thing, her life has been very rough since, she's grateful her and john had their kids when young....you mentioning thid friend of your daughters reminded me of the story i just told....

I actually agree with this statement.

Here in FL we've had several teachers arrested for sex with underage boys, the most infamous being Debra LaFave.


is anyone really going to claim that some 14 or 15 year old boy was tramutized by having sex with her? I don't think so.

I wish I had been traumatized by her.
and you foolishly think these guys are all just dick machines with no feelings whatsoever ? If you treat a male like a dick machine then don't be pissed when they act like one.

A common sense statement.

Thanks dilloduck!

Children regardless if female or male deserve to be treated as more than sexes in all cases.
There's a reason that most of the "outraged" here are female, and mothers of sons to boot.
Old mothers still see therechildren as children. Some of us are fortunate to see our childrens children also.

The outrage of adults perverts treating children as sex objects is from seeing the emotional damage done to these children that we have watched through the years try to overcome from what they suffered early on.

Like it or not that is the way it is.
There's a reason that most of the "outraged" here are female, and mothers of sons to boot.

Women were also the first to be outraged about the crime of rape directed at women, and about spousal abuse. Should we have kept silent and allowed the victims to suffer alone?

Sniggering at our gender and our role in life, particularly when you have no experience as a parent, isn't a very good tactic towards developing a solid argument. I will not dismiss the experiences of young people. But those of you who are young and have never been parents should not dismiss our views simply because we're over 30 and not to be trusted. You lack the same experiences, as well as the longevity of life that allows you to see how actions play out over time. Furthermore, young people also often lack humility because they haven't fully experienced the weight of adult responsibility. The fact of the matter is that I've been a teenager and worked with teenager for 20 years. My feelings on child sexual abuse evolved from THOSE experiences, but were only complemented by my experiences as a mother. You've never been a mother, so you simply don't know what the experience is like, and how it might change your perceptions of what matters.

I've posted multiple sources that state that male rape victims experience SIMILAR emotional trauma to female victims, without the support from the community, peers and others to help them cope with these complex feelings. The fact that you are still hung up in gender bias says more about you than it does about the trauma and damaged caused by adult/child sexual relations.
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